Appendix I - 125 -
Comprehensive Exercises
I. Cloze
1. switch off 3. on the go 5. cope
7. widespread 9. pouring in 11. fraction (B) l)to 3) in 5) where 7) among 9) That 11) sticking 13) once/when 15) the
17) all / what
2. obliged 4. stress 6. shortage
8. large quantity of 10. a handful of 12. futile
2) else's 4) because 6) how
8) everything / all / what 10) schedule / allot 12) where/ what 14) doesn't 16) in/under 18) effectively
II. Translation
There is no question that today we are under constant pressure to work longer hours, to produce more, to possess more, and to become a success. Workaholism, a modern addiction, has thus arisen. The cause of workaholism is the perception that by working longer hours and com-pleting more projects, we will enhance our self-worth.
Many women today feel the same stress to produce and get ahead and, at the same time, to nurture their offspring and shoulder a variety of domestic responsibilities.
Research shows that workaholism tends to distance us from our immediate families. It forces us to labor longer and longer hours, leaving a minute fraction of time to be physically and emotionally available to our loved ones. Intimacy among family members is doomed to die in the process.
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Part III TextB
Comprehension Check
1. c 3. b 5. d
2. a 4. b 6. c
(#ja Appendix III)
Language Practice
1. browse 3. forth 5. zone 7. signify 9. run the risk of 11. characterize 13. buzz 15. confess 17. waterproof 19. haste
2. endurance 4. suspended
6. no wonder
8. under (tremendous) pressure 10. opt 12. volume 14. parallel 16. on the wing 18. thrilled 20. captioned
Part IV Theme-Related Language Learning Tasks
Model Paper
Making the Most of Time
Time is peculiar. At first sight it would seem that one second must last as long as another, no more, no less. Yet, in terms of our experience nothing could be further from the truth. Often time seems to fly past; before we know it the end of the week has arrived again. Is there any way to slow it down? There is a character in Kurt Vonnegut's Catch 22 who tries to make his life seem longer by
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doing boring and repetitive things, in the belief that this will make time go slower. Unfortunately, he was quite wrong.
The way to slow time down is to do many new and interesting things. Repeat the same old pattern week after week and time flies past. Take a break from routine, go on holiday to somewhere completely new or take up a fresh task, and the days begin to pass more slowly. So, if you want to feel as if time is not passing you by, break up your routine and do something new.
(178 words)
Unit 7
Part I Pre-Reading Task
Script for the recording:
The Neil Young song you are about to hear was written to pay tribute to the passengers on the hijacked United Airlines Flight 93 that crashed in Pennsylvania on September 11. \inspired by the words of passenger Todd Beamer, who made a call from the plane and told of the passengers' plan to storm the cockpit to overpower the terrorists.
As he set the phone down, the 32-year-old account manager reportedly said, \Let's go. Moments later, Flight 93 crashed into the western Pennsylvania countryside, killing all 45 people aboard but stopping the hijackers from carrying out their plan to strike a target in Washington, D.C. — possibly the White House or Congress.
The song starts with the ringing of a phone and we hear the passenger sending a message to his loved ones, saying
I know I said I love you, I know you know it's true,
before putting down the phone as he, together with other passengers, set out to tackle the hijackers. If they were to be stopped, there was no time for indecision. The passengers knew that if the terrorists were to be prevented from killing more people it was up to them to stop them, even if this meant losing their own lives. And so they went ahead, rolling bravely into history, rolling for justice, rolling for truth.
Appendix I
Let's Roll
Neil Young
I know I said I love you, I know you know it's true, I got to put the phone down, And do what we gotta do.
One's standing in the aisle way, Two more at the door, We got to get inside there, Before they kill some more.
Time is runnin’ out, let s roll. Time is runnin' out, let's roll.
No time for indecision, We got to make a move, I hope that we're for given, For what we gotta do.
■How this all got started,
I'll never understand, I hope someone can fly this thing, Get us back to land.
Time is runnin' out, let's roll. Time is runnin' out, let s roll.
No one has the answers, But one
thing is true, You got to turn on evil, when it's comin' after you.
Appendix I
You got to race it down, And when it tries to hide, You got to go in after it, And never be denied.
Time is runnin' out, let's roll. Let's roll tor freedom, Let's roll for love, Goin' alter Satan,
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On the wings of a dove.
Let's roll for justice, Let's roll for truth, Let's not let our children, Grow up fearful in their youth. Time is runnin' out, let's roll. Time is runnin' out, let's roll. Time is runnin' out, let's roll.
Part II Text A
Text Organization
1. 1) People seem to love the Brooklyn Bridge more than ever before. 2) People grow more friendly to one another regardless of race. 3) It is a fashion now for people to wear ID tags.
4) There seemed to be a baby boom after Sept. 11, at least, in Brooklyn. 5) People seem to be having more bad dreams, Sept. 11-related.
2. The last part deals with the so-called dream boom. In this way it echoes the very beginning of the essay — the title and the subtitle.