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- 110 - Vocabulary

Appendix I

I. 1. 1) plural

3) thesis 2) debt

4) inevitably

5) historical 6) precedents 7) constructive 8) destructive 9) ethnic 10) combination 11) stagnant 12) destiny 13) discourage 14) from the perspective of 15) in the (medical) sense 2. 1) leave behind 2) show up 3) go over 4) knock off 5) Leave (them) alone 6) fading away 7) took in 8) keep up with

3. 1) Cooperation between nurse and patient is essential for infection in the hospital to be kept

effectively under control.

2) Chinese people in ancient times had a sense that their country was at the center of the world and so called it \

3) A strong network of mentors, women and men, has helped me at various stages in my career.

4) We need to have/develop a conception of ourselves in the universe not as the master species but as the servant species: as the one being given responsibility for the whole and for the good of the whole.

5) We have cut the remark out of the program lest it should offend the listeners.

4. 1) With the economy in decline, a negative, pessimistic mentality will continue to undervalue

good and profitable companies, thus paralyzing the stock market.

2) In his business style he bears many of the characteristics of an immigrant — including a strong, sometimes ruthless, desire to succeed. Maybe that is why he has achieved such unbelievable success. 3) Scholars of Confucianism are agreed that it is not so much a religion as a guide to a system of political organization, which emphasizes the values of cooperation with others and readi-ness to compromise and submerge one's own ideas in a broader and more popularly ac-ceptable solution.

Appendix I


II. Confusable Words 1. like/as 3. like 5. as/like 7. like III. Usage

2. as 4. like/as 6. as 8. as

1. Historically speaking, it was mountaineers from Britain who opened up the central part of the valley in the heyday of Victorian adventure.

2. Scientifically speaking, the experiment is of great interest. 3. Generally speaking, it will take about three weeks to build the model. 4. Strictly speaking, no language is completely translatable into another. Structure

1. 1) It is very useful knowing several foreign languages when you are traveling abroad. 2) It is quite futile trying to reason with him — he just won't listen. 3) It is funny watching Granny dancing such a lively dance. 4) It is nice working with her.

2. 1) his determination to realize his ideals 2) a desire to follow in his footsteps. 3) reached a decision to walk back

4) failure to properly educate its children Comprehensive Exercises I. Cloze


1. on the decline 3. for the first time 5. essential 7. destiny 9. ethnic (B) 1. born

2. historical 4. mentality 6. discouraged 8. immigrants 10. combination 2. about

- 112 - Appendix I

4. because 6. would 8. not 10. if 12. ones 14. here 16. both

3. against 5. Only 7. then 9. time 11. come

13. raised/born 15. so/therefore 17. to

II. Translation

Professor Huntington's paper greatly inspired me. According to him, in a plural / pluralistic society, there will inevitably be different opinions. The key is to deal with them in such a way that they can play a constructive rather than destructive role.

He argues that in a plural/pluralistic society we must stress/attach importance to interper-sonal relationships, cooperation, and looking at issues from the perspective of other people. If some groups regard themselves as superior and treat other ethnic groups or religions with disre-spect, the whole society may be paralyzed.

I am convinced that if we put into practice the ideas mentioned above, then there is the possibility of creating a new civilization.

Part III TextB

Comprehension Check 1. c 3. c 5. a Translation

(#J1 Appendix III) Language Practice 1. ethic

2. memorial 2. b 4. d 6. c

Appendix 1

3. dwell 5. Contrary 7. Presumably 9. originate 11. derive 13. shortly after 15. entity 17. live on 19. in exile

4. mysterious 6. blur 8. was dwarfed 10. applaud 12. category 14. misery 16. streak 18. lead to 20. what of

- 113

Part IV Theme-Related Language Learning Tasks

Model Paper

Learning about Other Cultures

If you want to get along with people from other nations, then learning their language alone is not enough. You also have to master their customs. Invited home by a Western friend for dinner, for example, you may well politely refuse when offered more food by your host, even though you would really like some more. If you do, you may well go hungry, for your host is quite likely not to offer again and may remove the dish from the table. Pressing a guest to take more after the guest has refused is considered bad manners in some Western countries rather than being the duty of a considerate host.

Such differences in customs take time to discover. We often are so used to our own ways of doing things that it just does not occur to us that elsewhere people have altogether different ideas about what is proper and what is not. Yet the ability to mix at ease with people from different cultural backgrounds is becoming all the more necessary in a world that is growing ever smaller.

(184 words)

- 114 - Appendix I


Part I Pre-Reading Task

Script for the recording:

Is it easy to be hard, easy to be cold towards others? The singer of the song you are about to hear thinks that too many people are cruel and have no feelings. His particular target is those who claim to care about large causes, the poor and underprivileged, at the same time as they are ready to ignore the needs of their friends. From the song, it sounds as if he has one particular friend in mind, a friend — perhaps a girl? — who seems to care more for social causes than she does for him. But whatever the reason, he complains that too many people find it all too \no.\


Easy to be Hard

Three Dog Night

How can people be so heartless How can people be so cruel Easy to be hard, easy to be cola

How can people have no feelings How can they ignore their friends Easy to be proud, easy to say no

Especially people who care about strangers Who care about evil and social injustice Do you only care about bleeding crowd How about a needing friend, I need a friend



