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上海牛津英语3B M2U1教案

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Unit 1 Who is younger

Module 2 My favourite things

Unit 1 Animals


Content 1. 教 句型:Look at the….It’s…./They are….Do you like…?Yes, I do./No, I 学 目 标 2. 3. don’t. 重复操练本课句型及对话内容 通过看,听,说等师生,生生交互活动,在模仿—操练—巩固中,让学生熟练地运用所学句型及单词进行交际性的操练,达到学以致用的目的 教学重,难点 1. Use nouns to identify different animals. 2. Asking yes/no questions to elicit a positive or negative response. 3. Using modeled sentences to express one’s likes. 教学准备 Multimedia, tape … Procedures Step Pre-task preparation Warming up 1. Revision of the animals. 2. Song Show the pictures of some farm animals and wild animals. Ask the students to listen carefully and answer your questions. Teacher’s activities Purpose (Period1) 说出,辨认,识别单词:so,strong,ride,monkey,elephant等. 页脚内容1

Unit 1 Who is younger What can you see? I can see___. What can you hear? I can hear____. 漂亮的图片紧紧抓住了学生的注意力 While-task procedure Words: tiger,lion,panda, Monkey. Take one card away and ask them to say the missing word and try to spell it. Ask and answer What can you see? I can see____. Can you see ______? Yes, I can. No, I can’t. Why can’t we see them? How many____? _____ Read and answer What can the monkeys do? They can ride a bicycle. Do you like monkeys? Yes, I do. Invite some pairs to act the dialogue out in front of the class. 3Play the recording and ask the students to repeat after you. 4And practises the dialogue with them. Look at the dogs! I like the dogs. They are clever. Look at the monkeys. They can ride bicycles. Do you like 1. Ask the students to repeat and spell the words after the teacher. 页脚内容2

Unit 1 Who is younger monkeys? Yes,I do. They are clever, too. Look at the elephant. It’s so strong. 让学生描述动物,培养其表现美,展示美的能力。 6Make a new dialogue with the key words. Post-task activity Revision 1. Review the words. 2. Review the sentences: Look at _____ Do you like ____? Ye s, I do. They are _____.They can________. Assignment: Copy the words Listen to the tape and read page 14 板书设计:Unit 1 Animals Tiger ,lion, panda, monkey Do you like________? Yes,I do./No,I don’t. 教学反思:

Module 2 My favourite things

Unit 1 Animals

Content 1. 教 学 句型:Do you like…?Yes, I do ./No, I don’t. 2. 重复操练本课句型及对话内容 页脚内容3 (Period2) 1, 说出,辨认,识别单词:tiger,lion,panda,monkey等.

上海牛津英语3B M2U1教案


