Optimalisert gripebakke for kveilr?rinjektorer
申请(专利)号: NO19970000778
专利号: NO970778D0 主分类号:
SERVICES INC 公开国代码: NO 优先权国家: US
摘 要:
A gripper block for use in grippingly
engaging coil tubing, pipe, rod, cable, or like objects having various outside dimensions for ultimately applying a longitudinal load thereto. The subject gripper block has an attachment point preferably at or near the center of the block body to enable attachment to at least one endless chain of an injector
apparatus. The gripper block further has a pair of gripper surfaces formed thereon, these gripper surfaces are generally
planar and tilted away from each other so as to diverge away from the tubing to be gripped at approximately 90 degrees. The gripper surfaces thus preferably provide a V-shaped engagement configuration
which is quite effective in gripping objects of differing outside dimensions with no or minimal scarring of such objects. 主权项:
申请日: 1997-02-20 公开公告日: 1997-02-20
A. 申请国代码: NO
优先权: 19960222 US
摘 要 附 图:
权 利 要 求 说 明 书
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Optimalisert gripebakke for kveilr