Feature Descriptions
VITA 57.1 FMC1 HPC Connector (Partially Populated)
[Figure1-2, callout 30]
The VC707 board implements two instances of the FMC HPC VITA 57.1 specification connector. This section discusses the FMC1 HPC J35 connector.
Note:The FMC1 HPC J35 connector is a keyed connector oriented so that a plug-on card faces
away from the VC707 board.
The VITA 57.1 FMC standard calls for two connector densities: a high pin count (HPC) and a low pin count (LPC) implementation. A 400 pin 10x40 position connector form factor is used for both versions. The HPC version is fully populated with all 400 pins present. The LPC version is partially populated with 160 pins.
The 10x40 rows of an FMC HPC connector provides pins for up to:?????
160 single-ended or 80 differential user-defined signals10 GTX transceivers2 GTX clocks4 differential clocks
159 ground and 15 power connections
The VC707 board FMC1 HPC connector J35 implements a subset of the maximum signal and clock connectivity capabilities:???????
80 differential user-defined pairs34 LA pairs (LA00-LA33)24 HA pairs (HA00-HA23)22 HB pairs (HB00-HB21)8 GTX transceivers2 GTX clocks2 differential clocks
The FMC1 HPC signals are distributed across GTX Quads 118 and 119. Each Quad has the VCCO voltage connected to VADJ.
Note:The VC707 board VADJ voltage for the FMC1 HPC (J35) connector is determined by the
FMC VADJ power sequencing logic described in FMC_VADJ Voltage Control.
VITA 57.1 FMC2 HPC Connector (Partially Populated)
[Figure1-2, callout 31]
The VC707 board implements two instances of the FMC HPC VITA 57.1 specification connector. This section discusses the FMC2 HPC J37 connector.
Note:The FMC2 HPC J37 connector is a keyed connector oriented so that a plug-on card faces
away from the VC707 board.
The FMC standard calls for two connector densities: a High Pin Count (HPC) and a Low Pin Count (LPC) implementation. A 400pin 10x40 position connector form factor is used for both versions. The HPC version is fully populated with all 400 pins present. The LPC version is partially populated with 160 pins.
VC707 Evaluation Board
UG885 (v1.8) February 20, 2019
Chapter 1:VC707 Evaluation Board Features
XADC Analog-to-Digital Converter
7series FPGAs provide an analog front end XADC block. The XADC block includes a dual 12-bit, 1MSPS analog-to-digital convertor (ADC) and on-chip sensors. See 7SeriesFPGAs XADC Dual 12-Bit 1MSPS Analog-to-Digital Converter UserGuide (UG480) [Ref11] for details on thecapabilities of the analog front end. Figure1-34 shows the XADC block diagram.
X-Ref Target - Figure 1-34VCCAUXFerrite BeadU1FPGAVCCADCTo J54.3J43XADC_VCC Header J491.8V 150 mV maxAV_5V To Header J19Ferrite BeadVCC5V0XADC_VCC100 nFClose toPackage PinsXADC_AGNDU10ADP123InOutGndJ5310 μF100 nF1 nF1 μFGNDADCXADC_AGNDXADC_AGNDFilter 5V SupplyLocate Components on BoardTo Header J19VREF (1.25V)U35REF3012OutInGnd10 μFJ54J42VREFPVREFP100 nFDual Use IO(Analog/Digital)100Ω1 nFToHeaderJ49VAUX0N100Ω100Ω1 nFVAUX8N100ΩDXNVAUX8PVNDXPVAUX0PClose toPackage Pins100ΩVP1 nF100ΩToHeaderJ19InternalReferenceXADC_AGNDXADC_VCCFerrite BeadVREFNJ10GNDXADC_AGNDStar GridConnectionJ9UG885_c1_31_030512Figure 1-34:XADC Block Diagram
The VC707 board supports both the internal FPGA sensor measurements and the external
measurement capabilities of the XADC. Internal measurements of the die temperature, VCCINT, VCCAUX, and VCCBRAM are available. The VC707 board VCCINT and VCCBRAM are provided by a common 1.0 V supply.
Jumper J42 can be used to select either an external differential voltage reference (VREF) or on-chip voltage reference for the analog-to-digital converter.
VC707 Evaluation BoardUG885 (v1.8) February 20, 2019
Feature Descriptions
For external measurements an XADC header (J19) is provided. This header can be used to provide analog inputs to the FPGA's dedicated VP/VN channel, and to the VAUXP[0]/VAUXN[0],
VAUXP[8]/VAUXN[8] auxiliary analog input channels. Simultaneous sampling of Channel 0 and Channel 8 is supported.
A user-provided analog signal multiplexer card can be used to sample additional external analog inputs using the 4 GPIO pins available on the XADC header as multiplexer address lines. Figure1-35 shows the XADC header connections.
Table1-33 describes the XADC header J19 pin functions.
Table 1-33:
XADC Header J19 Pinout
J19 PinNumber1, 23, 67, 89, 124, 5, 10111314151619, 20, 17, 18
Dedicated analog input channel for the XADC.
Auxiliary analog input channel 0. Also supports use as I/O inputs when anti-alias capacitor is not present.
Auxiliary analog input channel 8. Also supports use as I/O inputs when anti-alias capacitor is not present.Access to thermal diode.Analog ground reference.1.25V reference from the board.Filtered 5V supply from board.Analog 1.8V supply for XADC.
VCCO supply for bank which is the source of DIO pins.Digital Ground (board) Reference
Digital I/O. These pins should come from the same bank. These I/Os should not be shared with other functions because they are required to support 3-state operation.
XADC_GPIO_3, 2, 1, 0
VC707 Evaluation Board
UG885 (v1.8) February 20, 2019
Appendix A:Default Switch and Jumper Settings
VC707 Evaluation BoardUG885 (v1.8) February 20, 2019
Appendix B:VITA 57.1 FMC Connector Pinouts
VC707 Evaluation BoardUG885 (v1.8) February 20, 2019
FPGA可编程逻辑器件芯片XC95144XL-10TQG144I中文规格书 - 图文