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I. Listen to the sentences. Then choose the right answer to each sentence. Each sentence will be read only once. 每个句子只读一遍。10’


( ) 1. A. He is very well. B. He is 70 years old.

C. He likes me very much. D. He is at home now.

( ) 2. A. It’s 6. B. It’s 20. C. It’s 91. D. It’s 19.

( ) 3. A. You are welcome. B. Sorry. I don’t know.

C. Thank you. D. Don’t go with me.

( ) 4. A. Itisn’t.

’s big. B. The hat is very nice. C. Yes, it is. D. No, it

( ) 5. A. They are in the sky. B. Only four.

C. They are for you. D. I know they are yours.

Ⅱ You will hear a passage. Choose the best answer to each question. The passage will be read twice. 问题。短文读两遍。5’


( )6. Where did Gina study?

A. No. 8 Middle School. B. No. 9 Middle School.

C. No. 18 Middle School. D. No. 6 Middle School.

( )7. What’s Gina’s favourite room?

A. The bedroom. B. The sitting room. C. The classroom. D. The dining ( )8. What’s next to the bed?

A. A big door. B. A small table. C. A white chair. D. A cupboard.

( )9. What is NOT in the bedroom?

( )10. What colour is the wall of the room?

A. Green. B. Orange. C. Blue. D. White.



11. My bags are here. Where are __________(she)?

12. His _________ names are Bush and Mary. (grandparent)

13. You should do your homework__________(one), Danny.

14. Li Ming, what about_________(跑步) to school?

15. The girls are dancing_________(happy) under the old tree.


16 Can you see those____(警察)over there?

17. The boys are reading the __________(interest) book, Harry Potter II.

18. My school has two _____________. (library)

19. Carry the _________(shop) basketball with you, Sandy.

20. How many________(people) are there in front of the supermarket?


( )21. Do you think Li Lei is at home? A. in B. on C. to

( )22. Thanks very much. A. a lot of B. a lot C. lots of ( )23. too. Thank you. A. good B.OK C. nice

( )24. Here is a picture of my family. A. map B. book C. photo

( )25.Cui Yan is one of my good friends.

A. one friend of my good friends B. a good friend of mine C. one good friend of mine


( )26. 书写上没有错误又合乎英语表达习惯的句子是 ___。

fine, I'm A. can you give me your address? B. story.

“Snow White” is an interesting

C. This’s Peter’s wife she is in the jeep.

D. There are some tomatoes, cakes, carrots and bread in the kitchen.

( )27. There is ___ “s” and ___ “u” in ___ word “bus”.

A. a; an; a B. an; an; a C. an; a; the D. a; a; the

( )28. “I have a brother.” “Who does he look like?” “___”

A. He is short. B. He likes my father.

C. He looks like my mother. D. He is ten.

( )29. “___ do you like? The yellow one ___ the white one?” “The yellow one.”

A. Which; or B. What; and C. What colour; but D. Whose; also

( )30. “ ” means we shouldn’t make noise here.

A. Keep quiet B. Keep off the grass C. No smoking D. No parking

( )31 Is there any ___________in the box?

A.orange juices B.orange juice C.oranges juice D.oranges juices

( )32. —Don’t forget to close the window.


A. Yes, I won’t. B. No, I will. C. Yes, I will. D. No, I won’t.

( )33. Let’s ___ clean the room with ___.

A. goes to; they B. going to; them C. go and; they D. go to; them

( )34. —What’s in the box? —There a pair of glasses.

A. am B. is C. are D. be

( )35. “Hello!458-6777.” “Hello! ___” “Yes, please hold on.A. May I speak to Jack? B. Jack isn’t in.

C. What can I do for you? D. What’s your name?


36. ---________ Meimei ______(get) up at six o’clock morning?---Yes, she does.

37. Would he like ___________ the football game with us? (watch)

38. She likes this piece of music because it ___________ great. 39. The light is red. We can’t ___________ the road now. (cross)

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