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有没有觉得阅读练习做很多,却没什么进步,下面给大家带来了雅思阅读14类题型解题技巧之直接填空,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 雅思阅读14类题型解题技巧之直接填空 直接填空




这种题型一般不难。由于没有原文可以对应,所以语法在解题过程中起到很大的作用。具体解题步骤如下: 1. 根据空格前后的词,判断空格中应填词的词性。

2. 在选项中找出满足词性要求的词。

3. 结合句意,在选出的几个词中确定正确答案。 多选多+排序

与选择题中的多选多类似,只是在题目的要求中有IN THE CORRECT ORDER 的字样,即需要将选出的选项以正确的顺序排序,顺序非常重要。例如正确答案1、4、3、5、2,如果你的答案是1、3、4、5、2,则五道题中你答对了三道题,如果你的答案是3、4、5、2、1,则五道题你都答错了。在做这种题是,应注意以下几点:

1. 一般考做一件事情的过程,注意原文中的动词。 2. 正确答案的顺序一般与原文的叙述顺序是一致的。 3. 答案在原文中往往是集中出现的。 这种题型在实际考试中不常出现。 完成句子+搭配题




这种题型一般比较单纯的完成句子题型要简单一些。 全文主旨题

题目要求你说出一篇*的主旨,即整篇*的中心意思。这种题型也不常考,在实际考试中要么不考,要么只考一题。 做这种题型要注意下几点: 1. 题目以四选一的形式出现。

全文主旨题都是以四选一的形式出现,题干中常有THE AIM OF THE WRITER(作者写*的目的)、THE TITLE(*的标题)、THE MAIN THEME(*的主旨)。

2. 最后做全文主旨题。


直接做出来。如果不能确定,则需要看一下原文的第一段及每段话的第一句。一般全文主旨题还是比较简单的。 雅思阅读无限仿真模拟题详解:Compliance or Noncompliance for Children

Compliance or Noncompliance for Children

Many Scientists believe that socialization takes a long process, while compliance is the outset of it. Accordingly, compliance for education of children is the priority. Motivationally distinct forms of child compliance, mutually positive affect, and maternal control, observed in 3 control contexts in 103 dyads of mothers and their 26-41-month-old children, were examined as correlates of internalization, assessed using observations of children while alone with prohibited temptations and maternal ratings. One form of compliance (committed compliance), when the child appeared committed wholeheartedly to the maternal agenda and eager to endorse and accept it, was emphasized. Mother-child mutually positive affect was both a predictor and a concomitant of committed compliance. Children who shared positive affect with their mothers showed a high level of committed compliance and were also more internalized. Differences and similarities between childrens compliance to requests and prohibitions (\

demand contexts) were also explored. Maternal \more challenging to toddlers than the \coherence of behavior was also found across both demand contexts. The implications of committed compliance for emerging internalized regulators of conduct are discussed.

A number of parents were not easy to be aware of the compliance, some even overlooked their childrens noncompliance. Despite good education, these children did not follow the words from their parents on several occasions, especially boys in certain ages. Fortunately, this rate was acceptable, some parents could be patient with the noncompliance. Someone held that noncompliance is probably not a wrong thing. In order to determine the effects of different parental disciplinary techniques on young childrens compliance and noncompliance, mothers were trained to observe emotional incidents involving their own toddler-aged children. Reports of disciplinary encounters were analyzed in terms of the types of discipline used (reasoning, verbal prohibition, physical coercion, love withdrawal, and combinations thereof) and childrens responses to that discipline (compliance/ noncompliance and avoidance). The relation between compliance/ noncompliance and type of misdeed (harm to persons, harm to property, and lapses of self-control) was also analyzed. Results indicated that love



