课外阅读I have a robot 教案
1. 能正确理解语篇,初步掌握语篇中的生词:caterpillar,beep, roll, blink, giggle 2. 通过阅读,对语篇进行分析并获取有用信息。 3. 能综合已有的语言积累设想未来的机器人。
4. 让学生明白机器人虽然能做很多事情,但它们没有感情,人类才是最聪明的有感情的生物。 教学过程
一、 pre-reading activities 1. Greetings
Do you like toys? Can you tell me any words about toys? What is your favorite toy? Now Miss Pan will show you a toy. Please guess what it is. (由拼图游戏引出robot一词)
2. free talk
T: Can you tell me what it is? Ss:
T: Yes, Do you like robots? Do you have a robot? Is it a new one or an old one? What color is it? What can your robots do? 二、 While-reading activities 1. Brief introduction (绘本简介)
T: Today Miss Pan will guide you to read a picture book. It’s about a robot. Can you guess the title?
T:please read the title together. 2. Read and choose整体阅读
T: Please read it quickly, and then choose the main idea. 3.Read, find and guess解决生词:
T: Please read it again, and circle the new words. Try to understand the meaning according to the pictures and context.
① Beep: a short, high sound that acts as a signal. Listen and judge.(听音判断) ② caterpillars: they are round and long like worms, but have six legs. They may
be brightly colored. Is this a caterpillar? / Are they caterpillars?
③ giggle: laugh in a silly or nervous way In Picture ___, the boy is giggling. ④ roll:make sth turn over and over____ is rolling. ⑤ blink:close and open the eyes very quickly
please blink your left/right eyes.We can blink, but can fish blink?
4. Read and answer(分段细读)
P 2: Read these two sentences with emotion.
P 3: What can my robot say?---“beep, beep”Can your robot say that?-- Yes. / No. What can your robot say? --- Fire! Fire!What can you say?-- a lot of things. P4: Can you say“Beep, Beep”? --Yes, of course.
What can “I” say? ---I can say “beep”, too. Can “I” say more difficult words? --- Yes, I can. What’s the difficult word? ---“Caterpillar” Can you say difficult words like that? ---
P 5: Please look, what can my robot do? ---roll in a circle
Can it stop?Can “I” roll in a circle? ---Yes, I can.
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P 6: What else can I do? ---stand on hands.
Compare : Robot can _____. I can ____, too. I can even _____. (Robot can say “beep”. I can say that, too. I can even say “caterpillar”. Robot can roll in a circle. I can roll, too. I can even stand on hands.)
T: So my robot can do many things. And I can do, too. I even do more! P 7---P9: First please listen and point.
Now this time, please read from page 7 to page 9, and then finish the table using tick√or cross ×.
Check the answer.
P10—p12: Please read and match.
T:Can you tell me the differences between my robot and “I”.
P12: I can do many things, too.
I can even ______.
三、post-reading activities1. retell the story
2T: Actually we know robots can do many things. Can you guess what robot can do in the future? Please design and finish the sentence.
T: It’s time for you to show your pictures and sentences.
3T:You really did a good job! Now I want to share you a short movie. Please tell me what robot can do now.
( make noodles swim play the violin play football ) ( sing songs cook sweep the floor play chess ) 4 T: Do you want this kind of robot? Why or why not.
Robots can do many things, but they can’t feel because they are only machines. I / We can feel and we can do lots of things. So we are the best. 板书设计:
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课外阅读A frog教案
3、情感目标:培养学生自主学习的精神,并且在小组活动中学会合作。 教具准备:CAI 学生阅读材料 礼盒 玩具小青蛙 小球 两个 小组评价的卡通青蛙和小白兔
学具准备:彩笔 白纸 小卡片 教学过程:
Step 1 Warming –up 热身运动 1.Greetings.
2.Sing and act. .T: Let’s sing a song together. Sing and act. Ok? 3、Present the topic. Step 2 Revision
1. T:Now first let’s play some games. This is Toby’s group. This is Frog’s group. (分组,拿出评价的卡通图案。)Let’s see which group can get more prizes? (从口袋里出示图标。) 2.Game 1:
T: First listen and do. Follow me. Let’s look, which group is faster?
教师快速拿出文具说指令:Show me your (pen)?学生做动作并跟说(pen). 3.Game 2:Asking and answering quickly. 猜物,快速说句子。
教师出示一个盒子:What’s this? Ss:It’s a box.
T: What’s in the box? Ss guess.
T: Look! It’s a ruler. Where’s the ruler?
S1: It’in the box.(教师快速多点几个学生回答,奖励图标。) 4.Sum up: Which group is the winner?…But our match will continue. Step 3 Presentation
1.课件导入,听故事T: Look! What’s this?Ss: A frog. T: Let’s catch it.(走到屏幕跟前捉青蛙。) 课件演示青蛙由田野跳到学校,教室。 T:Oh!Where is it? Ss: In the classroom.
T: Let’s look! What’s in the classroom? S: Desks, chairs, window…
T: Yes.But now! The frog ? Where is the frog? Let’s listen carefully. 2.听故事,做判断题
T: Look! The frog is in the desk. Yes or No. 学生回答不予评价,再放录音,学生对照手上的录音材料边听边做) 2)T:Can you tell me your answer?
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(学生回答,教师直接打√和×,集体对答案。) 3.听故事连线: 1)开书再听一遍。
T: You’re so clever. Now, open your books, turn to Page 15~16, let’s listen again. 2)Look at the screen again——Look and match. Can you try? 学生看材料上的该题,进行自我测试,然后集体对答案。 3)Read after the CAI. 4.做游戏,操练句子 1)听音做指令:
教师边说边做——将书放在桌子上(Put the pencil in the desk.…),学生跟说跟做,教师板书这句话,然后以同样的方式说出其他几个介词指令,教师并板书。
3)教师拿出一个球,并示范说游戏规则——chain game. T: Put the ball under your desk,
S1: OK. 正确做出指令。并且,面向第二个学生要说Put the ball in the desk. 或者其他的,依次类推,分组练习。计时赛。
4)教师及时小结,并将评价的图案贴在黑板上,数数哪组多。 6.听第二部分录音。
1)T: Let’s come back. Where is the frog in the story? Ss answer.
T: Let’s listen. What is happening? 2) Listen to the computer.
3) 点击图片,看剩余故事: T : Let’s see . Who comes in ? S1: The teacher.
T: What does he find in his desk? S2: A frog.
T: Yeah! The teacher comes in the classroom. He finds the frog. Oh! Here you are. 教师拿起青蛙,请学生藏起来,然后教师找青蛙,找到后,说到:Here you are. 7. Show the ending.
1)T: Let’s come back.Look at the screen. The magic teacher comes in the classroom. He takes out his magic stick, pointing to the frog. Then how is the frog? Maybe he becomes…
引导学生想象回答故事结尾,学生可以用中文表述。 2)画故事结尾,贴故事结尾。
T: Can you draw a picture for the ending of the story? Step 4 Summary
1.Task: 课后小组表演故事 2.小组评价。
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