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1.(2010·皖南八校)Sarah had her purse stolen the day before yesterday when she was knocking about in a park, ________?

A. wasn't she B. hasn't she C. hadn't she D. didn't she

答案与解析:D 主句是Sarah had her purse stolen the day before yesterday,表示的是发生在过去的事,故反意疑问部分应用didn't she?

2.(2010·皖南八校联考)Little ________ about H1N1 so far, so there is no doubt that many people are afraid when talking about the disease.

A. did scientists know

B. scientists have known

C. have scientists known D. had scientists known

答案与解析:C 根据关键词so far,可以确定用现在完成时,故排除A、D两项;little表示否定,放句首要倒装,故答案为C项。

3.(2010·合肥质检)So well ________ in 2009 that the world has agreed that it was the year of China.

A. did China perform

B. China has performed

C. was China performed D. China is performing

答案与解析:A so...that句型中,将so+副词置于句首时,句子要用部分倒装,因此排除B、D两项。根据句意可知,应该用主动语态,即中国表现得好,因此选A项。

4.(2010·合肥质检)Luckily ________ to be no one under the tree when it broke down. A. it happened B. there happened C. there used

D. it had

答案与解析:B There happened to be“碰巧……”。句意:幸运的是,当树倒下的时候碰巧树底下没有人。

5.(2010·江南十校)________ has been a heated discussion over which country bakes the world's best pizza: Italy, where pizza began or the US, where it was globalized.

A. It C. That

B. There D. This

答案与解析:B There be句型中的be可以根据具体的要求有多种变化形式。本句用了现在完成时,表示“一直有这种激烈的讨论”,所以选B项。

6.(2010·江南十校)________ the end of the performance did the audience get the chance to take photos with the respectable actor.

A. At C. Up to

B. By D. Not until

答案与解析:D 从句子中did the audience get the chance可知,此处是倒装语序,选项中只有D项Not until放在句首时句子才进行部分倒装,其他选项都没有该用法,由此选D项。

7.(2010·长春调研)It is required that the students ________ mobile phones in their school, so seldom ________ them using one.

A. should not use; you will see B. not use; will you see C. mustn't use; will you see D. not use; you will see

答案与解析:B 英语中表示命令、建议或要求的动词或名词后面的从句中通常使用should do形式的虚拟语气,should可以省略。seldom是否定副词,位于句首时,句子要采用部分倒装语序。

8.(2010·长春调研)________ she is not so cheerful ________ she used to be? A. How is it that; as B. Why is it that; what C. Is it why; that D. How it is that; as

答案与解析:A 强调句的特殊疑问句式是:特殊疑问词+is/was it that+其他部分?选项B中的what不能和前面的so构成同级比较,因此A项正确。

9.(2010·东北三校联考)It was only after he came back ________ he decided to write to Kite to find out if she would come here on holiday.

A.that B. how C. which D. what

答案与解析:A 根据句首的It was和句意可判断题干为强调句式,被强调部分是时间状语only after he came back,因此空白处填that。

10.(2010·东北三校联考)Only when ________ in the afternoon ________ able to leave. A. the match was over; they were B. was the match over; were they C. was the match over; they were

D. the match was over; were they

答案与解析:D 句意:只有当下午的比赛结束后他们才能够离开。only修饰when引导的时间状语从句位于句首时,主句需要用倒装结构,从句不倒装。

11.(2010·海南五校联考)—How can we reduce CO2 in our home?

—It's easy. ________ off your TV or computers when you're not using them, and you'll greatly reduce it.

A. Turn B. To turn C. Turning D. Turned

答案与解析:A 本题考查的是“祈使句+and+陈述句”结构。句意:当你不看电视、不用电脑的时候,把它们都关掉,这样就能大大降低家里二氧化碳的含量。

12.(2010·银川一中)________ a mobile phone can you ring ________ you want to talk with anywhere.

A. Using; whoever B. Only on; whomever C. By; whomever D. With; whoever

答案与解析:B 根据句中的语序可知本题属于倒装语序,选项中只有only修饰状语放在句首时,主句用部分倒装,且空格处引导宾语从句,引导词作with的宾语,故用whomever。

13.(2010·银川一中)Is it in this hospital ________ my father had worked at ________ I was born?

A. where; that B. that; where C. which; that D. which; where

答案与解析:C 从句意可以判断第一空应该填入关系代词that或which,引导定语从句修饰先行词hospital;后一个空格应该填入that与句首的Is it构成强调句型。

14.(2010·宁夏部分重点质检)________, his idea was accepted by all the people at the meeting.

A. Strange as might it sound B. As it might sound strange C. As strange it might sound D. Strange as it might sound

答案与解析:D as引导让步状语从句时倒装的基本结构为:形容词/副词/名词(单数可数名词前一般不带冠词)+as+主语+谓语。句意:尽管这个观点听起来很奇怪,但他的观点还是被与会的所有人接受了。

15.(2010·福建质检)—________ made Daisy wild with joy? —Her success in the A-level exam this year. A. How was it that B. When was it that C. Why was it that D. What was it that

答案与解析:D 特殊疑问句的强调句结构为:特殊疑问词+be+it+that,根据句意,此处表示“什么东西让Daisy欣喜若狂?”,强调what,故选D项。

16.(2010·福建四地六校联考)—You forgot your purse when you went out. —Good heavens, ________. A. so did I B. so I did C. I did so D. I so did

答案与解析:B so did I表示“我也这样做了(两句话的主语不一致时使用)”; so I did表示“我的确这样做了(两句话的主语是同一个人,表强调)”;I did so表示“我就这样做了(两句话主语是同一个人,不表示强调)”。I so did是错误的表达方式。由语境可知,B项正确,即“我的确忘了带钱包”。

17.(2010·福建四地六校联考)Under no circumstances, I was warned, ________ to give the password to someone else.

A. could I B. I could C. I was

D. was I

答案与解析:D 带有否定词的短语under no circumstances位于句首时,句子应该采用部分倒装的形式;因为本句的谓语动词是不定式,因此选D项。

18.(2010·厦门质检)It is the test system, rather than the teachers, ________ is to blame for the students' heavy burden nowadays.

A. who C. that

B. this D. whom

答案与解析:C 本句强调的是主语the test system而不是the teachers,因此不能用who,只能用that。

19.(2010·龙岩质检)—Who are you waiting for? —________ the man wounded in the left leg. A. The doctor will operate on B. The nurse to be looked after C. The doctor to operate on

D. The nurse will look after

答案与解析:C 第一个人提问who,答语应该是对who的回答,所以不能用句子,排除A和D项;B项表示“那个要被照顾的护士”不符合语境和常识。句意表示: 在等那个要对左腿受伤的男子做手术的医生。所以C项符合语境。

20.(2010·苏锡常镇调查)—How much do you know about the 3D film technology? —A little. Not until ________ the hot movie Avatar ________ some about it. A. did I see; did I begin to learn B. I saw; I began to learn C. I saw; did I begin to learn D. did I see; I began to learn

答案与解析:C 句意:直到看了热门电影《阿凡达》我才对它有所了解。当not until放在句首时,主句要部分倒装,而until后的从句不倒装,故选C项。

21.(2010·苏北四市联考)Only when ______ hard ______ make your dream come true. A. do you work; you can B. you work; you can C. do you work; can you D. you work; can you

答案与解析:D 副词only与状语从句一起位于句首时,主句部分使用部分倒装的形式,从句部分不用倒装。

22.(2010·盐城市调研)Only if ________ the examinations ________ get the gift promised by your father.

A. you have passed; you will B. have you passed; will you C. you have passed; will you D. have you passed; you will

答案与解析:C only修饰状语从句放在句首时,主句要部分倒装。

23.(2010·南通联考)So suddenly ________ that the animals in the zoo looked very frightened during the total solar eclipse (日全食).

A. did the sky turn dark B. the sky did turn dark C. turned the sky dark D. was the sky turned dark



