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2019届上海市崇明区高三英语二模(含答案) - 图文

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turned outwards. He was a guy who was interested in other people.” Wolfe was interested in how they thought, how they did things and how the things they did affected the world around them.

In 1979, Wolfe published The Right Stuff, an account of the military test pilots who became America’s first astronauts. Four years later, the book was adapted as a feature film. “The Right Stuff was the book for me,” says Grossman. “It reminded me, in case I’d forgotten, that the world is an incredible place.”

In The Right Stuff, Wolfe popularized the phrase “pushing the envelope.” In a New York magazine article, Wolfe described the 1970s as “The ‘Me’ Decade.” Grossman says these phrases became part of the American idiom because they were accurate.

“He was an enormously forceful observer, and he was not afraid of making strong claims about what was happening in reality,” Grossman says. “He did it well and people heard him. And they repeated what he said because he was right.” All those words started a revolution in nonfiction that is still going on.

56. The “New Journalism” is a style of journalism that . A. changes its news writing techniques frequently B. popularizes new American idioms in a literary way

C. combines novelistic techniques with traditional reporting D. reports various news events from a theoretical perspective 57. It can be learned from the passage that The Right Stuff . A. is a film directed by Lev Grossman B. is an influential book by Tom Wolfe C. accounts for popular American phrases D. deals with incredible places in the world 58. According to the passage, Tom Wolfe . A. was good at reporting news from a realistic perspective B. preferred making claims about events to writing books C. was fond of commenting on other people’s thoughts D. liked analyzing social problems from the outside 59. Which of the following is the best title for the passage? A. Tom Wolfe: A Professional Phrase Coiner B. Tom Wolfe: A Forceful Observer and Novelist C. Tom Wolfe: A Theoretical Creator in Literature D. Tom Wolfe: An Innovative Journalist and Writer

(B) Important facts about ELIQUIS? (apixaban) This is a summary of important information that you need to know about ELIQUIS. Keep this document in a safe place, so you can refer to it before and during your treatment. Look out for the following signs as you read: Do not stop taking ELIQUIS without talking to the doctor who prescribed (开处方) it to you. Talk to your healthcare team before any medical procedures. ELIQUIS may need to be stopped before surgery, or a medical or dental procedure. Your doctor will tell you when you should stop taking ELIQUIS and when you may start taking it again. If you have to stop taking ELIQUIS, your doctor may prescribe another medicine to help prevent a blood clot from forming. What is the possible serious side effect of ELIQUIS? ELIQUIS can cause bleeding, which can be serious, and rarely may lead to death. This is because ELIQUIS is a blood thinner medicine that reduces blood clotting. While taking ELIQUIS, you may hurt more easily and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. Call your doctor or get medical help right away if you have any symptoms of bleeding when taking ELIQUIS. Who should not take ELIQUIS? ELIQUIS is not for patients who: ? have artificial heart valves (瓣膜). ? currently have certain types ? of abnormal bleeding. have had a serious allergic (过敏的) reaction to ELIQUIS. What should I discuss with my healthcare team before starting ELIQUIS? Talk to your healthcare team about the following: ? Liver problems ? Any other medical conditions ? If you have ever had bleeding problems Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or planning to become pregnant or breastfeed. You and your doctor should decide whether you will take ELIQUIS or breastfeed. You should not do both. Tell your healthcare team about all of the medicines you are taking. 60. The important facts about ELIQUIS are mainly intended for . A. drugstores B. patients C. pregnant women D. healthcare teams 61. It can be inferred from the facts that a blood clot forms . A. when allergic reaction appears B. when bleeding grows abnormal C. when blood pressure drops D. when blood becomes thicker 62. What can be inferred about ELIQUIS from the facts? A. It can be harmful to babies. B. It can’t be taken with any other medicines. C. It shouldn’t be taken after a surgery. D. It may increase the risk of having dental problems.


The Earth is facing a climate crisis, but it’s also getting greener and leafier. According to new research, the rise is largely due to China and India.

A study by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), based on extensive satellite photographs and published in the journal Nature Sustainability, has revealed that the two countries with the world’s biggest populations are also responsible for the largest increase in greenness.

Since 2000, the planet’s green leaf area has increased by 5 percent, or over 2 million square miles. That’s an area equivalent to the sum total of the Amazon rainforests, NASA says. But researchers stressed that the new greenery does not neutralize deforestation and its negative impacts on ecosystems elsewhere.

A third of the leaf increase is thanks to China and India, due to the implementation of major tree-planting projects alongside a vast increase in agriculture.

Using the data from a NASA sensor, researchers discovered that China is the source of a quarter of the increase in green leaf area, despite possessing only 6.6 percent of the world’s vegetated area (植被区). Forests account for 42 percent of that increase, while croplands make up a further 32 percent. China’s increase in forest area is the result of forest preservation and expansion programs, NASA said, established to fight against the impacts of climate change, air pollution and soil erosion (水土流失). India has contributed a further 6.8 percent rise in green leaf area, with 82 percent from croplands and 4.4 percent from forests.

Rama Nemani, a co-author of the study and a researcher at NASA’s Ames Research Center, said in a statement, “When the greening of the Earth was first observed, we thought it was due to a warmer, wetter climate and fertilization from the added carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, leading to more leaf growth in northern forests, for instance.” “Now, with the data that lets us understand the phenomenon at really small scales, we see that humans are also contributing,” Nemani said. “This will help scientists make better predictions about the behavior of different Earth systems, which will help countries make better decisions about how and when to take action.”

Thomas Pugh, a professor at the University of Birmingham’s School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, said the NASA report expands scientists’ understanding of the causes behind global greening. But he also cautioned that a direct line cannot be drawn between an increase in global greening and a decrease in negative impacts of climate change.

63. The passage mainly tells us that . A. China and India have the world’s largest green leaf areas B. China and India are the lead role players in global greening C. our planet is experiencing a climate crisis despite human efforts D. our planet is getting greener due to the joint efforts of the world 64. What can be learned about China and India?

A. The area of croplands in India is larger than that in China. B. India’s rise in leaf area is largely due to its forestry program. C. They both show a greater increase in forests than in croplands. D. China boasts twenty-five percent of the global rise in leaf area. 65. According to Rama Nemani, their new findings are . A. unexpected but significant B. surprising but valueless C. predictable but disappointing D. uncontrollable but inspiring 66. What can be inferred from the passage?

A. There is an indirect link between global greening and climate change. B. The new greenery does not have any positive effect on the global climate. C. The gain in greenness does not make up for the damage from loss of leaf area. D. The increase in greening reduces the deforestation rate and its impact globally.

Section C

Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need. A.Some negative experiences on social media can and do affect some children. B.However, some experts question claims that too much screen time is harmful. C.He wanted to see if there was a similar effect among young people in the United States. D.So, it is natural that parents should wonder about all the time children spend looking at a screen. E.The researchers found no increase in risky sex or driving behaviors, use of illegal substances or eating disorders. F.The researchers suggested that for those children, technology use might get in the way of taking part in other important activities. Screen Time: How Much Is Too Much?

Many children spend a lot of time watching or playing with electronic media—from televisions to video games, computers and other devices. 67 Perhaps parents now should ease up on their concerns about screen time, at least for older boys and girls.

Until last year, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) suggested that children and teenagers have no more than two hours of screen time a day. It also suggests that parents balance a child’s screen time with other activities.

68 Christopher Ferguson, who teaches psychology at Stetson University in Florida, notes a lack of evidence supporting reports that too many hours spent playing video games or watching TV is truly harmful.

Ferguson seems interested in one idea: the link between video games and violent or risky behavior. When he saw results from a recent British survey on screen time, he wanted to know more. The British study found a small negative effect—about a one percent increase—in aggression and depression among children who had six or more hours of screen time a day. 69 So, Ferguson and his team examined answers from a survey on risky behaviors. The study involved about 6,000 boys and girls in Florida, whose average age was 16.

Data from this survey found that American children are also fairly resistant to the negative effects of electronic

media. Among those who used screens up to six hours a day, the survey found: a 0.5 percent increase in criminal behavior; a 1.7 percent increase in signs of depression; and a 1.2 percent negative effect on school grades. 70 To further argue his point that screen time is not harmful, Ferguson adds that children should become familiar with screen technology. Electronic devices, he says, are a part of our everyday lives.

IV. Summary Writing

Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

71. Fujian Puppetry (木偶剧) in Need of Urgent Safeguarding

As one of the contributions of Chinese performing art to the world’s cultural heritage (遗产), Fujian puppetry has a long history. It has developed a set of characteristic techniques of performance and puppet making, as well as plays and music.

No final conclusions have yet been reached on the origins and evolution of Chinese puppetry. Dating from Shang dynasty, pottery figurines (俑) used as burial objects have been discovered at the Yin Ruins. In a Western Han tomb at Mawangdui in Changsha, Hunan Province, a number of wooden figurines have been unearthed. These were a great improvement on those from previous dynasties in terms of craftsmanship, variety and modeling. Over time, figurines as burial objects evolved into puppets for entertainment on festive occasions.

Chinese puppetry further developed during the Ming and Qing dynasties, with a bunch of schools spreading across the country. Puppet shows from various places had their own characteristics in terms of figure modeling.

In the past few decades, many traditional forms of art have seen a decline in popularity. In particular, Fujian puppetry finds itself in hot water. The number of young people learning puppetry has decreased due to socioeconomic changes to their lifestyles. The long period of training required to master the complicated performing techniques has also been a factor in the fall.

In response, concerned communities, groups and bearers laid down the 2008-2020 Strategy for the Training of Coming Generations of Fujian Puppetry Practitioners. The key objectives are to safeguard the promotion of Fujian Puppetry and to increase its sustainability through professional training to cultivate a new generation of puppetry practitioners; creation of teaching materials; construction of training institutes and exhibition halls; regional and international cooperation; and artistic exchange.

In 2012, the strategy was added to the Register of Good Safeguarding Practices by the UNESCO. With great efforts made by practitioners, local people and education institutions, Fujian Puppetry can expect a brighter future. V. Translation

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 72. 开展研究之前,你必须进行可行性分析。(It)

73. 只有经常与最初的目标对照,你才能确保最终获得成功。(Only)

74. 听书是否会打消孩子自己去读这本书的积极性还没有定论。(discourage)

75. 正当医生们面对缺少稀有血一筹莫展时,一个病人家属主动提出了献血。(idea)

VI. Guided Writing

Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.

76. 假设你是中华中学的高三学生敏,前几天收到远在英国的朋友Sandy的,Sandy知道你即将高中毕业,给你写,询问你高中毕业后的打算,想知道你毕业后准备在国高等学校继续学习呢,还是计划出国深造,或者直接开始工作,甚或还有其他打算。你现给Sandy回复,容包括: ? 你高中毕业后的具体打算; ? 你这样打算的理由。


2019届上海市崇明区高三英语二模(含答案) - 图文


