学校 姓名 班级___________ 座位号 ……装…………订…………线…………内…………不…………要…………答…………题……
一、 用心算一算(16分)
This article includes some parts, incluing text, pictures, and d
1.口算。(12分)This article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and d
9+7= 0+0= 4+8= 3+4+6= 15-5= 9-0= 10+7= 8-8+9= 3+10= 19-9= 0+15= 10-6+9= 2.填一填。(4分)
This article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and d
( )+5=11 2+( )=12This article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and d
6+7=9+( ) ( )-3=7-4 二、
This article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and d
( ) ( ) ( ) 2.18和20中间的数是( )。
This article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and d
3.16个位上是( ),表示( )个( );十位上是( ),表示( )个(4.1个十和8个一组成的数是( )。This article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and d
This article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and d
6 + 3 ○ 8 10-6 ○4 7 +8 ○ 14 6.
(1)一共有( )盆花。
一年级数学试卷 第 1 页 共 5 页
(2)从左往右数,第6盆开了( )朵花;
(3)从左往右数,第( )盆和( )盆一共开了5朵花; (4)从左往右数,开6朵花的是第( )盆。 (5)从右往左数,第3盆开了( )朵。 (6)圈出右边三盆花。
7. 请你算一算。
还剩 ( )个
This article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and dThis article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and dThis article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and d
10个 ( )个 5个 ( )个 9个 5个 原有 卖出 15个 7个 三、比一比。(6分)
This article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and d1.在最长的线下面画“√”,在最短的线下面画“○”
This article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and
This article includes some parts, including text, pictures, and d
□○□=□ □○□=□
一年级数学试卷 第 2 页 共 5 页
□○□○□=□ □○□○□=□
火车站,上车3人,公园站上车4人,下车2人,现在车上有( )人。
一年级数学试卷 第 3 页 共 5 页