On Memory Capacity of the Probabilistic Logic
Neuron Network
【期刊名称】《计算机科学技术学报:英文版》 【年(卷),期】1993(008)003
【摘要】In this paper,the memory capacity of Probabilistic Logic Neuron(PLN) network is discussed.We obtain two main results:(1)the method for constructing a PLN network with a given memory capacity;(2)the relationship between the memory capacity and the size of a PLN network.We show that the memory capacity of a PLN network depends on not only the number of input ports of its element but also the number of elements themselves.The results provide a new method for designing a PLN network. 【总页数】5页(252-256)
【关键词】神经网络;概率逻辑神经网络;学习算法 【作者】无 【作者单位】无 【正文语种】英文 【中图分类】TP183 【相关文献】
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On Memory Capacity of the Probabilistic Logic Neuron Network