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Marriott Hotel - International

Mechanical - 15A

In other spaces, provide wall mounted sensors with remote control type thermostats. Coordinate locations of thermostats and sensors with Interior Design.

? Provide temperature control wiring, conduit, connections,

including interlock wiring to complete the temperature control system by interconnecting starters, thermostats, low-temperature protection thermostats and related devices for interface with the Building Management System (BMS).

3. BMS System Description:

? Provide a BMS microcomputer based system that

controls building loads, excluding guestrooms, and designed for expandability by using plug-in modules for future installation by Marriott.

? Provide complete BMS Sequences of Operations and

Points Lists to Marriott A&C Engineering for approval. ? Locate central BMS computer in Engineering.

? Provide local stand-alone field control modules in each

mechanical room.

? In mixed use complexes, provide individual metering for

chilled water, heating hot water, domestic water and electrical with necessary billing software as part of BMS. ? Design and install the system so that an operator can

easily set up trend logs and custom reports and sequentially download them for long term data storage.

4. System Overview: BMS to monitor environmental data and

control the functions of the following equipment, at a minimum:

? Ambient temperature and humidity.

? Chilled water system including chiller enable and

monitoring, pump start/stop and monitoring, cooling tower DDC control, and monitoring of bi-directional chilled water de-coupler loop flow meter.

? Heating hot water system including boiler enable and

monitoring, pump start/stop and monitoring, and monitoring of bi-directional heating hot water de-coupler loop flow meter.

? Public and Back of House air handling units and fan coil

units including stop/start command and status. ? Water-side economizer (if used). ? Guest Corridor air handling units. ? Guestroom toilet exhaust fans.

? Kitchen hood exhaust fans and make-up air units. ? Fans.

? Ventilation systems.

? Domestic water system including incoming pressure, booster pump status, and outgoing pressure. ? Cistern water level (if applicable).

Design Standards - Copyright, Marriott International, Inc.

January 2005

15A - 27

15A - Mechanical Marriott Hotel - International

? Water treatment plant (if applicable). ? Sewage treatment plant (if applicable). ? Sump pumps. ? Sewage ejectors. ? Exterior lighting.

? Emergency generator including status, pump status, voltage transducers and fuel oil tank level switch. ? Other designated functions/systems.

5. Coordination: Consult Marriott A&C Engineering for

project specific requirements and standard points matrix.

15A - 28 January 2005 Design Standards - Copyright, Marriott International, Inc.

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