便条 (Notes)
一、请假条(Written Request for Leave) 这里所讲的请假条包括病假条、事假条以及续假条等。写请假条要注意把请假的原因和请假时间写清楚,而且请假的理由要讲充分。如果有证明原因的证据,如医生的证明等最好随条附上。
1. 请病假 (Asking for Sick Leave)
April 24, 2006 Dear Prof. Smith,
I am very sorry to apprise (=inform) you that I am unable to attend school today owing to a badcold. I enclose doctor’s certificate and ask you for sick leave of three days. Your student, Li Yong
Encl.: doctor’s certificate for sick leave 亲爱的史密斯教授:
非常抱歉,我因患重感冒今天不能到校上课,现附上医生证明并向您请病假三天。 附:医生证明
您的学生:李勇 2006年4月24日
2. 请事假(Asking for Business Leave)
May 15, 2005
Dear Director Zhang,
A telegram has just come to hand saying that my mother is seriously ill and urging me to go homeat once. Because of this I should very much like to have a leave of three days, beginning on May15. I hope that my request will be given due consideration.
Very truly yours, Zhao Liang Encl.: a telegram from my home
我刚刚收到一封我母亲病重、催我立即回家的电报。我想从五月十五日起请事假三天,请批准为盼。 赵亮
2005年5月15日 附:电报一封
3. 续假 (Asking for an Extension of Leave)
July 5, 2005 Dear Prof. Smith,
I am still lying in bed with the bad cold and unable to get up. I enclose a certificate from the doctorwho is attending on me, as he fears it will be another three days before I shall be able to resumemy study. Please give an extension of leave for as many days.
Your student, Li Yong
Encl.: Doctor’s Certificate of Advice 亲爱的史密斯教授,
我患重感冒未好,仍卧床不起。医生认为,还要休息三天才能到校学习。现 附上所开证明,请准许续假为盼。 附:医生证明
您的学生:李勇 2005年7月5日
二、留言条 (Notes Left)
留言条使用范围较广,大多是本人在某一场合下的直接、简短的留言,并且多用于亲朋好友及熟人之间。留言条的书写格式以及用词乃至称呼语气上较请假条来说,还要简单、随便。一般来说,不必写出年、月、可直接用星期几、或者月、日、点钟代之。如用于熟人,仅称呼其名或姓、属上自己的名或姓即可。下面就是几种常见的留言。 1.通知会议延期 (Informing the Meeting Put off )
Friday afternoon Dear Yang,
Just a line to tell you that tomorrow’s meeting has been put off because of the lecture. Please notify the others concerned. Wang Hai
明天的会议因举办讲座而延期召开,特此告知,并请转告有关人员。 王海
Friday evening Dear Wang Hai,
Thanks for your note. How about having the meeting next Monday afternoon? Yang Ming [译文]
感谢你的留言,会议准备在下星期一下午召开,是否合适? 杨明
2.邀友相聚 (Asking a Friend to Call) May 4
Dear Li Fang,
Wang Ping has just arrived from Beijing on business and is staying with us for a couple of days. Itwould be nice if you could come over and see her.
Xiaohong [译文]
王萍刚从北京出差来到这里,准备在我们这里待上几天。如果你能来看看她就太好了。 晓红 5月4日
May 5 Dear Xiaohong,
Very glad to hear Wang Ping is here. I’ll come to your place to see her this evening. Li Fang [译文]
听说王萍来到这里,十分高兴。我今晚去你处看她。 李芳
3.拜访不遇留言 ( Message to One Who is Out)
May 7 Dear Bell,
You’ve happened to be out when I call on you. I’ve something urgent to consult you. I shall beobliged if you find time to favor me with a call as soon as possible. Smith
我来见您,恰逢您外出。现有件急事要和您商量。请尽快找个时间来一下,谢谢您。 史密斯 5月7日
4.邀医生就诊 (Asking a Doctor to Come)
8:30 P.M. Monday Dear Doctor Wang,
When you receive this note, please immediately come to Room 201, Building 2. My father issuffering from a stomachache again. It is so serious that immediate treatment is absolutelynecessary.
Please quick!
Bill [译文]
接到此条后,请速来二号楼201室。 我父亲的胃病又犯了。病情严重,急需治疗,请速来。 比尔
5.代接电话留言 (Message to One Who is Wanted on the Phone)
5:15 P.M. Jan. 7 Dear Mr. Smith,
Mr. Brown just rang up to say that he very much regret he won’t be able to come over thisevening. He’ll see you at the exhibition tomorrow. Zhang [译文]
布朗先生刚才来电话说,他很抱歉今晚不能来了。明天在展览会上见您。 张
2:30 p.m. Tuesday Dear Mr. Jones,
Mr. Chen Hua of the Foreign Language Department has just rang you up saying that he will beexpecting you in his office about 10 tomorrow morning. Please give him a ring if this time does notsuit you.
Brown [译文]
星期二,下午2点30分 6.商谈参观游览 (Discuss the Plan of Going Sightseeing) 10 a.m. May 7 Dear Mr. James,
My director rang up just now to ask whether you would care to visit Beijing Friendship
Hospitaltomorrow morning. If it is all right with you, please let me know sometime this afternoon beforefive-thirty, so that I can notify the department concerned. Li Ming [译文]
我处主任刚才打电话问您是否愿意在明天上午参观北京友谊医院。如愿意,请您在今天下午5点30分以前告诉我一下,以便我通知有关部门安排。 李明
11 a.m. May 10 Dear Mr. Rose,
The weather forecast says there will be a heavy rain tomorrow. Would you rather put off thesightseeing till another day? I shall call you late this evening. Li
天气预报说,明天有大雨。你看能否将游览的日期推迟一下?今晚我给你打电话。 李
5月10日上午11点 7. 送票、券留言 ( Message With Tickets’ Presentation ) 2:00 p.m. 2nd Chen,
Here are the two tickets you just wanted for In The Mood For Love 《花样年华》.The film will beshown at 7:30 this evening. I shall see you around 7:20 at the entrance of the cinema. Lin [译文] 陈:
送上两张你们想要的电影票,《花样年华》今晚7:30上映,晚7:20左右我在电影院入口处等你们。 林
5 p.m. Sept. 1st Dear Mr. Smith,
Here is the admission card for the exhibition tomorrow. The car will come around 8:00 tomorrow.
Zhang [译文]
送上一张明天展览会的入场券。明天上午八点左右有车接您。 张
9月1日下午5点 8.催还图书 (Asking to Return the Books)
Feb. 15 Dear Mr. Smith,