跨文化管理复习整理 Chapter 1
1、What is International Management?
The process of developing strategies, designing and operating systems, and working with people around the world to ensure sustained competitive advantage 2、Regional Trading Blocks
? The dominance of the United States is already over.
? What is emerging is a world economy of blocs represented by: NAFTA, EU, and ASEAN.
? Much of today’s world trade takes place within these three regional free-trade blocs: ? Western Europe, Asia, and the Americas
? Much of today’s world trade are grouped around three dominant currencies: euro, yen, and the dollar
Chapter 2
1、 Social responsibility
Includes the expectation that corporations concern themselves with the social and economic effects of their decisions
The two extreme opinions related to social responsibility – Domestic firms
The only responsibility of a business is Business should anticipate and try to make a profit to solve problems in society
2、 General Guidelines for Code of Morality and Ethics in Individual Countries 1) Moral Universalism:Addressing the need for a moral standard that is accepted by all cultures
2) Ethnocentric Approach:Applying the morality used in home country—regardless of the host country’s system of ethics 3) Ethical Relativism:Adopting the local moral code of whatever country in which a firm is operating 备注:
Moral universalism suggests the need for a moral standard that is accepted by all cultures. With the ethnocentric approach, a company applies the morality used in the home country—regardless of the host country’s system of ethics. With ethical relativism, the company adopts the local moral code of whatever country in which it is operating.
Whereas some argue moral universalism is preferable to the other two approaches, it can be insensitive to the needs and values of the host country. Ethical relativism, on the other hand can result in conflicts between home and host country values.
Chapter 3
1、Culture and its Effects on Organizations
Culture:A set of shared values, understandings, assumptions, and goals that are learned from earlier generations, imposed by present members of a society, and passed on to succeeding generations
2、 GLOBE Research Project Dimensions
Tough/ (Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness)
confrontational对抗Assertiveness (决断力):Low: Sweden, New Zealand, Switzerland; High:
的/ competitive Greece, Austria, Germany
VS modest/ tender Performance Orientation:Low: Russia, Argentina, Greece; High: New
Performance Zealand, Honk Kong, Singapore
improvement and excellent 备注:
The GLOBE (Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness) dimensions are based on data gathered by 170 researchers over seven years. The data were collected from 18,000 managers in sixty-two countries. There are nine dimensions that distinguish cultures from one another and have implications for managers: assertiveness, future orientation, performance orientation, humane orientation, gender differentiation, uncertainty avoidance, power distance,
institutional collectivism vs. individualism, and in-group collectivism. Only four are discussed in the text because the other five overlap with Hofstede’s dimensions.
Assertiveness concerns how much people are expected to be tough,
confrontational, and competitive versus modest and tender. Low assertiveness countries have sympathy for the weak and emphasize loyalty and solidarity.
Performance orientation concerns the importance of performance improvement and excellence and refers to whether people are encouraged to strive for continued improvement. Low performance orientation countries place priority on things like tradition, loyalty, family, and background. They associate competition with defeat.
Future Orientation: planning and investing in the future Low: Russia, Argentina, Poland
High: Netherlands, Switzerland, Singapore
Humane Orientation Fair, altruistic, 利他的generous, caring,kind Low: Germany, Spain, France
High: Malaysia, Ireland, Philippines ?
3、Hofstede’s Value Dimensions
Hofstede’s Value DimensionsPower Distance 权力距离HighOrientation Toward Authority LowMAL ARA MEX IND FRA ITA JPN SPA ARG US GER UK DEN ISR AUTUncertainty Avoidance 不确定性规避HighDesire for StabilityLowGRE JPN FRA KOR ARA GER AUL CAN US UK IND DEN SIN3-1Copyright ?2011 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall
Hofstede’s Value DimensionsIndividualism 个体主义-集体主义IndividualismCollectivismAUL US UK CAN FRA GER SPA JPN MEX ITA KOR SINMasculinity 阳刚之气Assertive/MaterialisticRelationalJPN MEX GER UK US ARA FRA KOR POR CHC DEN SWE3-25Copyright ?2011 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall