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Lesson 6

Percy Buttons

The writer has just moved to a house in Bridge Street.A beggar knocked at her door yesterday.He sang songs.The writer gave him a meal and a glass of beer in return for this.The beggar's name is Percy Buttons.He calls at every house once a month.(50 words)

练习答案 Key to written exercises


A Some meat, a desk, some tobacco, a tin of beans, a comb, acity, a/ some cloth, some oil, a bottl e of beer, a day, a word, a student, some sugar, some rain, an orange, a/ some rubber D (sample a nswers)

1 I found an old coin in the garden.

2 I put some sugar in my tea.

3 I cut some wood for a/ the fire .

4 I bought a newspaper yesterday.

5 I made some coffee.

6 I like the curtains in this room.


A 1 out 2 over 3 off 4 at

B 1 knocked him out 2 knock off

3 knocked 20% off the price


1. d根据课文第2-3行In return for this , the beggar stood on his head…, 只有 d. he wanted to ‘pay’ for his meal in this way,才能准确表达他这样做的原因,而其他3个选择都不能说明这个原因。

2. a根据课文第一句I have just moved to a house in Bridge Street, 只有 a. She was new to the neighbourhood与课文意思最接近,其他3个选择都和课文的意思不符合。

3. ca. at house, b. to the house, d. in the home 都不符合习惯用法. 只有 c. at home在家,是习惯用法,所以正确答案是c.

4. d只有选d. a meal to him 这个句子才符合语法,而其他3个选择都有语法错误,按照习惯用法,应该是give sb. sth. 或 give sth. to sb.

5. da. told 后面少间接宾语,句子意思不完整;b. said me 语法不正确;c. told to me中间接宾语应紧跟在动词后面,不需要加to;只有选d. said 才符合语法,它后面可以跟宾语从句,习惯用法为tell sb. sth. 或 tell sth. to sb.

6. a只有选a. They all 才能使句子语法正确,意思完整,其他选择都在语法上讲不通。如each做主语,后边的动词应为单数第三人称,Every 为形容词不能做主语,按照习惯用法all of them才可做主语。

7. d这一问句是针对打电话“间隔的时间”或“频率”提问,因此用 a. How seldom, b. how long, c. How soon提问都不能用Once a month(每月一次)来回答,只有用d. How often 提问才能用Once a month来回答。

8. a只有a. asks for money but doesn't work(只要钱但不工作)才能准确表达beggar(乞丐)这个词的含义,其他3个都不能正确表达这个意思.所以选a.

9. ba meal(一顿饭)是泛指,可以是早餐、午餐或晚餐。因此应该选b. at anytime(在任何时候),而其他3个选择意思都不够准确。

10. a本句需要选出与前一句中的piece(小块,片)意思相接近的词, b. bar 长块, c. block 大块,d.

packet小包,这3个都不能准确表达piece 的含义.只有 a. bit 小片,少许,同piece 意思最接近,所以选a.

11. d本句需要选出与前一句中的短语call at (访问某家或某地)的意思相同的词。

a. shouts at(呼喊);

b. calls(召唤,打电话);

c. cries out(对……大喊)这三个选择意思都不恰当,只有

d. visits(访问,拜访)和calls at 是同义词。

12. a本句只有选a. street 才符合英语习惯用法,b. way 不符合题目意思. c. road, d .route不符合习惯用法,在意思上不通.

Lesson 7



