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第一卷 (满分 40 分)

一、选择最佳答案 (1x40=40)

1. China has got a good _____ for fighting against the flu with its careful and smooth organization.

A. reputation B. influence

C. impression D. knowledge

2. If you feel like buying a bike for your child, we have a large _____ of models for you to choose from.

A. volume B. variety C. set D. scope

3. The sudden change of weather ____ our holiday plan. A. damaged B. destroyed

C. defeated

D. spoiled

4. Teachers have to constantly update their knowledge in order to maintain their

professional ___ .

A. consequence B. independence C. competence 5. We ______ Edison ' s success to his intelligence and hard work.

D. intelligence

A. subject B. attribute C. contribute D. refer

6. The incomes of skilled workers went up. ____ , unskilled workers saw their earnings fall.

A. Moreover B. Therefore C. Meanwhile D. Otherwise

7. Failure is closely connected with laziness and a ___ of confidence. A. limit B. lack C. need 8. Anyway, I can ' t cheat him

D. demand

— it ' s against all my ____ .

A. emotions B. opinions C. regulations D. principles

9. Supported by sufficient evidence, his argument seems to have a great deal of ______________ A. vividness B. validity C. terminology D. propagation

10. The loss has not yet been _______ accurately, but it is believed to be well beyond

a hundred million dollars.

A. calculated B. considered C. completed D. controlled

11. The questionnaire takes ____ ten to fifteen minutes to complete and can be

used along with the assessment.

A. mainly B. punctually C. approximately D. precisely

12. The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without ____

his notes.

A. bringing up B. referring to C. looking for D. 13. What he said sounds _______ , but it is impractical. A. reasonable B. interesting C. understandable D. enjoyable

14. Some parents are just too protective. They want to ___ their kids from every

trying on

kind of danger, real or imagined.

A. spot B. dismiss C. shelter D. distinguish

15. As there is less and less coal and oil, scientists are exploring new ways of

making use of ______ energy, such as sunlight, wind and water for power and fuel. A. primary B. alternative C. instant

D. unique

16. John is very __ ; if he promises to do something, he will do it.

A. independent B. confident

C. reliable

D. flexible

17. The good thing about children is that they __________ very easily to new environments.

A. adapt B. appeal C. attach

D. apply

18. Frank put the medicine in a top drawer to make sure it would not be __ to the


A. accessible B. 19. In this factory, relative C. acceptable suggestions often have to D. sensitive

wait for months before they

are fully

A. admitted

B. acknowledged

C. absorbed




20. The new secretary

has written

a remarkably ____ report

only in a few

pages but

with all the details.

A. concise B. clear C. precise D.


21 The firemen managed to _____ the fire in time.

A. put out B. put off up

22. The school committee naturally hopes that the new course project

with the school and parents.

A. pleased B. favorable C. popular D. content

23. When I took her temperature, it was three degrees above _______ .

A. average B. ordinary C. regular D. normal

24. As your teacher advised, you ought to spend your time on something _____

will be ____

C. put aside

D. put

research ing.

A. precious

B. worth C. worthy

D. valuable

______ , I don ' t quite trust

25. He holds an importa nt positi on in the compa ny; him.

A. thus n evertheless

B. furthermore

C. otherwise D.

26. Don ' t look down upon this little creature. In a few weeks, it will butterfly. A. turn up

B. turn into C. turn off D. turn in

China as a rising

27. An in creas ing nu mber of foreig n coun tries have bee n

power in the recent years. A. look ing at

B. look ing on

C. looki ng for

his lost time.

C. make up for

D. look ing at

28. He is burning the mid ni ght oil to

A. keep up with B. catch up with 29. Many gover nments thus

D. make use of

domestic bank

D. resort to

financing expe nditure through

B. fall to

C. bring up

borrowing and printing money, both of which are inflationary. A. call on

at the dance. In this way, he got to know quite a

30. Tim kept cha nging lot of girls.

A. send …o ut B. see…over C. see…off D. see …to

34. All stude nts were excited at the

A. thought A. friends

B. opinion

of a weeke nd sports competiti on.

C. view

D. time


35. The old man is used to sleeping without a

31. Do you kn ow the

A. source

in order to keep his back

B. relatio C. compa D. partners ns nies of the say ing I just quoted

B. resource

C. course

D. cause 32. The faces of four


famous American presidents on

Mount Rushmore can be see n from

of 60 miles. A. len gth

B. dista nee

C. way

D. spare

33. We will go to the airport to

him tomorrow.


A. net B. pillow C. slippers D. quilt

36. Teaching is a task requiring a great deal of _______ ; you should never lose your temper.

A. patience B. strictness

C. intelligence

D. generosity

37. As a result of the radio _______ for help for the earthquake victims, over

a million pounds have been raised. A. advertisement B. appeal

C. transmission D. program

38. The patient and warm-hearted teacher never criticized, but used praise to

_________ the best of her students. A. bring up 39. The university is __

B. bring about

C. bring out

D. bring in

_______ Number One in the field of engineering.

A. ranged B. lined C. listed D. ranked 40. A love marriage does not necessarily

______ much sharing of interests and _____________________________________


A. take over

B. result from C. hold on D. keep to

第二卷 ( 满分 60 分)




1. Despite its b _________ , people should also be aware of the problems the Internet brings about.

2. If I amto buy an electronic product , what should be taken into c _______________________ first is its practicality.

3. The 30th Olympic Gamesin London was a great success, leaving a deep i ________________ on the world.

4. Located in the centre of the city, the shopping center makes daily shopping easy and c for its customers.

5. In college, he first m ______ in medicine but finally graduated with a degree in arts.

6. As the saying goes, “ P ___________ makes perfect ” and it is especia lly so in language learning.

7. To have a good c ________ of English, following the recording.

it is beneficial to read articles aloud

8. 9.

Festivals are held to c ___________ the important moment in a year.

Only by sticking to a balanced d ______________ , together with regular exercise, can we live a better life.

10. It is no use a _________ with him. He won 't change his mind.

(二) 根据情景和括号内的中文,写出相应的短语,使句子的意思完整 (1x15=15 )

1. He is not the person I __________ ( 提及 ) just now.

2. Just when he had reached the most important point, the line ________________________ ( 切


3. Whether he could get the support from his parents _______________ ( 有影响 ) to the plan. 4. Whenyou _____________ (对…上瘾)drinking, it ' s quite hard for you to give them up.

5. However busy I am, I try to ________ ( exercises.

6. He has been living in the town for ten years so he _________ (熟悉) everyone there.

7. People carried yellow flowers to the monument ________ (为了纪念) those dead in the war.

8. After _______ (定居下来) , they started to grow corn and wheat. 9. It would be difficult to find a man to ________ (代替) the secretary. 10. It ' s an easy job. It won ' t ______________ (占用) much of your time. 11. He studies harder than before ________ (希望) entering a key university. 12. He ________ (养成……的习惯) drinking a glass of wine before bedtime.

13. It never _____________ ( 想到、发生 ) methat I had wronged him until that moment. 14. I set down the message in my notebook ________ (以防万一) I forgot it. 15. English became the official language for business

fact that the population was largely Chinese.

_________ (虽然;尽管) the

腾出) a few minutes each day to do some

三、用所给词的正确形式完成句子 (1x15=15)

1. The building will be replaced, most ________ (probable) by a modern sports


2. The road-works caused much _________ (co m pla i n ) among local residents. 3. The weather is very _________ (change) at this time of year. 4. She ________ (true) believes that none of this is her fault. 5. Effective


6. China' s rapid __________ (develop) and sustained economic growth have caught

the attention of people around the world.

7. The dema nd for n atural resources is beco ming an ______ (in crease) serious

problem for the future of mankind.

measures should be instantly

taken to protect the ______________ (danger)



