【期刊名称】《中华神经外科杂志》 【年(卷),期】2001(017)001 【摘要】Objective
To study the relationship between loss of
heterozygosity(LOH) and microsatellite instability(MI) on chromosome 1, 10, 14 and 22 in meningiomas and the tumor progression, flow cytometry (FCM) analysis and tumor recurrence. Methods The DNA of the tumor tissues and venous blood of 39 patients with meningiomas were extracted. LOH and MI on chromosome 1p, 10q, 14q and 22q were detected by the method of PCR amplification, the relationships between LOH and MI and the pathological subtypes, histological grading, DI, DNA polidy and tumor recurrence were analysed. Results The LOH(+) rate of D1S188, D10S187, D14S43 and D22S1 in the anaplastic meningiomas were higher than that in the benign tumors significantly (P<0.05~0.005); LOH(+) rate of D14S43 were higher than that in the atypical ones(P=0.015). DI in the above four loci LOH(+) group were more than that in the corresponding loci LOH(-) group respectively. The rate of hyperdiploidy in D1S188 LOH(+), D14S187 LOH(+) and D22S1 LOH(+) groups were higher than those LOH(-) correponding groups. Among the in 6 cases recurrent tumors group, 5 were LOH(+).
The rate of D1S188 LOH(+) in the recurrent tumor group were more than that in the primary tumor group (P<0.05). Between any two groups, no significant difference of MI were found.Conclusions LOH on D1S188, D10S187,D14S43 and D22S1 in meningiomas had the close relationships with the oncogenesis and the tumor progression.%目的 研究脑膜瘤第1、10、14和22对染色体的LOH和MI及其相关因素。方法 对39例脑膜瘤用PCR方法检测D1S188、D10S187、D14S43和D22S1 4个位点的LOH和MI,探讨其与病理学表现、FCM及肿瘤复发等关系。结果 间变型脑膜瘤4个位点的LOH比率显著高于良性型;间变型D14S43 LOH也显著高于非典型型。4个位点LOH(+)组DI均分别显著高于LOH(-)组,D1S188、D14S43和D22S1LOH(+)组的超二倍体率均显著高于LOH(-)组。6例复发性脑膜瘤组,LOH(+)者5例,显著高于初发性组。各组的MI未见显著性差异。结论 脑膜瘤的D1S188、D10S187、D14S43和D22S1 LOH与肿瘤的发生和恶性生物学行为密切有关。 【总页数】4页(25-28)
【关键词】脑膜瘤;杂合性丢失;微卫星不稳定性;流式细胞术;增殖 【作者】滕良珠;丁峰;罗静;郭辰虹
【作者单位】山东省立医院神经外科;山东省立医院神经外科;山东省立医院神经外科;山东医科大学遗传学教研室 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】R73 【文献来源】
https://www.zhangqiaokeyan.com/academic-journal-cn_chinese-journal-neurosurgery_thesis/0201237884714.html 【相关文献】
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