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I Less on Type : n Contents Review less on 1、 words: camera, mirror, jacket, toy car, doll, watch. go bike-riding, 2、 sentences: happy new year! What dose Kim want for a new year prese nt? She wan ts a doll. What has she got the n? She's got a mirror. What do you like to do on New Year I like to go bike-ridi ng. 川 Difficult points: 本课的生词句型比较多,对学生来说比较难掌握,建议加强操练环节. 1. 已有教具使用和目的: a.录音机,给学生进行正音。 2. 自备道具和使用目的: a. 教学卡片:如娃娃、玩具汽车、照相机、手表、竹子、夹克、书包、灯 笼; b. 彩色水彩笔,硬纸卡。 c. 奖励用的小贴画:物质刺激,提高学生的积极性。 教学步骤: Warm up ' Day? go swimming, go skating, watch TV, play computer, play hide-a nd-seek, play football. IV Teach ing tools 教师开始来上课的时候对大豕很兴奋得说 Happy New Year! I will sing a song for you : Happy NewYear! Happy New Year! Happy NewYear to you all. We are singing, we are dancing, Happy New Year to you all. 教师唱歌结束后,告诉学生: Year' Day? ” 学生来回答教师的问题。 在这个环节,因为句型都没有学习过,所以建议教师多运用自己夸张的肢体语 言和表演让学生明白句子的意思。 Vocabulary : Camera, mirror, jacket, toy car, doll, watch. 1. presentation :教学卡片 教师依次出示教学卡片 camera, mirror, jacket, toy car, doll, watch.. 并且输入句型:1 want a 2. practice : trick game : when 1 show you camera and say camera you please follow me, but if I make a mistake, you please keep sile nee. 3. out put activity: 教师运用1 want a …的方式来对学生进行单词的输出。 … new year is coming, what do you want for New 教师在黑板上画一个小女生和一个小男生,并且用一个大大的气泡来表示他们 正在幻想,让学生分成男生和女生两个小组,把他们想要得到新年礼物和自己 的名子用央文与在纸片上,用句型 1 want a …来表达后贴在男生和女生相对 应的气泡里。 i欢迎下载


Oral En glish: What does Kim want for



I want …

She wants … He wants

a new year prese nt? She wan ts a doll.

What has she got the n? She's got a mirror.


what does Lin da/ Tom want for a new year prese nt 并且引导学生回答: She / He wants a



还给学生,并且拿一张mirror的卡片给一个表现得很好的学生, got a 并且说:she ' mirror.

接下来教师挑选表现得比较好的学生来上台挑选礼物(教学卡片) what ,并且提问: has she got then?

让学生回答:She's / He ' got a …

2. Practice: ask

— an swer


What does Kim want for a new year prese nt? What has she got the n?

3. out put 教师带领学生做课本第一部分得连线,并来回答问题

What does Kim want for a new year prese nt? What has she got the n?

Vocabulary: 1. Presentation : TPR/ flash card

的动作让学生来猜测是做什么 go bike-ridi ng. go 教师做出go bike-riding

swim ming, go skati ng, 冋时教师出示教学卡片来展示 go bike- ridi ng. watch TV, computer, hide-a nd-seek. football.

play 教师以同样的方式米展示 go swimming, go skating, watch TV, play computer, play play hide-a nd-seek, play football. play 2. Practice:

a. I say you do when 1 say go bike-riding ” you do like this , when 1 say


go swimmi ng

you do like this.

b. High and low voice: If I speak in high voice, you speak in low voice, but if I speak in

low voice, you speak in high voice.

(这这个环节,教师要注意自己的表演来激发学生与教师对抗, 生


使用大声来操练) 3. Out put: 教师让学生用1 like to


Senten ces: What do you 教师在让学生用以上句型进行过单词的输出以后。用

:1 say I like to go


精品文档 like to do on NewYear' Day? I like to … 歌谣/歌曲: bike-riding , you say 教师并且带读以上句型。 'What do you like to do on new year ' day ? ” 1. in put教师给学生放磁带,让学生感受 2. practice a. I sing you do. b. Repeat c. Sing and do it together. 3. out put game: London bridges falling down 歌曲歌谣。 课堂宝 Home work 教师带领学生一起来做课堂宝的第 1、 每天听磁带半个小时 2、 每天读书半个小时 3、 天天练第十六课 4、 描红31-32页 16单兀。 5、 为父母制作一张新年贺卡,并写上英文的祝贺语或者祝福语 3欢迎下载



