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易错点2没有利用首句提示的作用去推测文章的相关信息 Children find meanings in their old family tales.

The 41 took on a new meaning recently when Mr. Guyer downsized to a 42 house from a more expensive and comfortable one.

41. A. tale B. agreement C. arrangement D. report 【解析】短文的首句Children find meanings in their old family tales.是全文的主题,据此可知本文主要讲孩子们认为家庭先辈的故事有教育意义。根据句首的提示,第41题应选择A项。语境为当Guyer先生不久前把他的家从一个豪华舒适的房子搬到一个小房子的时候,这个故事就具有了一种新的含义”。 【答案】A 【易错点睛】完形填空题的第一句都是一个完整的句子,并且每篇文章都有一个主题。如果学生能在考试中把握高考完形填空题的这一特点,就能够对文章有一个初步的了解,树立全局意识,并且对于梳理上下文的脉络、抓住文章的主旨也大有裨益。


Besides, his sore throat kept 45 him, and he developed a cough to force me and my family out, but 46 .


46. A. escaped B. succeeded C. regretted D. failed


When We were eating at that cafe in Bondi and a person who had 38 his hamburger didn?t have enough money to pay for it,without any 39(hesitation),you went over and put the

40(extm) $2 into his hand.

38.A.ordered B.booked C.offered D.bought 【解析】根据常识判断在餐馆里应该是“点菜”,故选A。 【答案】A




Thousands of brush lines went into the original great works, but one artist has


reproduced some of the world?s most famous paintings with just one line. Designer Chan Hwee Chong creates spiral(螺旋形的)illustrations inspired by some of the most 36 works in history. The Singaporean artist?s attitude towards work is so 37 that if he makes a single mistake he starts all over again, He has recreated Leonardo da Vinci?s Mona Lisa, Van Gogh?s Self-Portraits and Johannes Vermeer?s Girl with a Pearl Earring in his own unique 38 .

The Singaporean is an art director at German 49 studio Kolle Robbe in Hamburg. In his spare time he works 50 installation art and graphic design.” At work, I deal 51 with art direction and ideas. Outside of work I like playing with spaces — 52 different ways of catching my eyes in an immersed fashion.”

Mr. Hwee Chong, who lives in Hamburg with his wife Carolyn, said the three pieces took several months to complete due to the fact that every mistake meant a complete restart. “I don?t really have an 53 to how long each drawing took, but the whole project took us many months. 54 , my favorite is Mona Lisa as it was the piece we staged doing first. All three pieces were hard work but I worked with a team which really 55 . We solved problems we had together and it was great fun.”


45.A.shortened B.broken C.controlled D.Divided 46.A.end B.top C.head D.beginning 47.A.yet B.but C.and D.then 48.A.like B.off C.after D.against

49.A.film B.music C.design D.photography 50.A.out B.on C.with D.of

51.A.mainly B.only C.closely D.nervously 52.A.making B.exploring C.feeling D.forcing 53.A.honor B.attention C.entrance D.answer

54.A.Probably B.Personally C.Recently D.Previously 55.A.impressed B.owned C.approved D.helped 【解题导语】 本文向大家介绍了一种绘画风格。 答案:36.A 根据上下文可知,此处表示“历史上最流行的作品”,故用 popular。 37.B 根据该空后的 “if he makes a single mistake he starts all over again” 可知,应用 precise“认真的,一丝不苟的”。

45.C 前面提到的绘画风格是 “precise and control”,由此可知这里应选 controlled。

46.D 根据第一段中的 “starts all over again” 可知,应选 beginning。 47.B not only..but also...表示“不但……而且……”,有时 also 可以省略。 48.A 根据43空所在句子的句意可知,此处表示“像蜘蛛织网一样”,故选A。[来源:学科网ZXXK]

49.C 根据50空后的 “design” 可知,应选C项。[来源:Zxxk.Com] 50.B work on 表示“从事,努力做”,符合语境。


51.A 根据上下文可知,这里应用 mainly,表示“主要地,总体上”。



Recently divorced and unemployed, I was on my way downtown to do the rounds of the employment offices. I had no umbrella, for my old one had 36 , and I could not 37 another one.

Yes, she said 47 , that was her umbrella,which her parents, now dead, had

given her as a birthday present. But, she 48 , it had been stolen 49 her doorstep a month before.

She was so excited that I 50 I was looking for a job and went directly to her house. She took the umbrella, and her eyes were filled with 51 . She wanted to give me a 52 , but—though twenty dollars was all I had in the world—her happiness at regaining this 53 possession was beyond words and I believed




