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【注意】在这种结构中,不能用表示时间的副词来修饰,若说成:I am aboutto leave next week. 则是错误的,应去掉修饰词 next week。 6.take off是常用的短语动词,意为“下车;脱掉(衣服等);起飞”。例如:

① We are going to take off at the next stop. 我们下站下车。 ② He took off his cap and sat down. 他脱掉帽子,坐了下来。 ③ The plane took off at 7 a. m. 飞机早晨七点起飞。

7.for miles and miles 是由介词加名词构成的个词短语,在句中作状语用。再如:

①for days and days“一连好几天” ②for weeks and weeks“一连好几周” ③for months and months“一连好几个月” ④for years and years“一连好几年”

8.nothing except =nothing but =only 意为“除……之外没有”,“仅有……”。 例如:

①Under the soil there is nothing but sand. 土壤下只有沙子。 ②I had nothing in the world but a million-pound note. 除了一张一百万英镑的钞票外,我是一无所有。 9.happen to的两种用法

1)happen to sb. /sth. 一般用来强调某事发生的偶然性,如要表示事先安排或有准备的事件,则用 take place。happen 和 take place都不能用于被动。如:

① What has happened to him?

(=What\\'s wrong/the matter with him?) 他怎么了? ② What\\'s happening to the forest? 这一片森林正发生着什么情况?

③ The accident happened to him at three this afternoon. 今天下午三时他出了事。

④If anything happens to the machine, do let me know. 如果机器出了什么毛病,务请通知我。

⑤Great changes have taken place in our country in the past/last fifteen years.


⑥ The sports meeting took place(=was held)in our school last week. \\\\\\\\\\

上周我校举行了一次运动会。(不用 happen) 2)happen to do 表不“碰巧……”,如: ①I happened to be out when he called. =It happened that I was out when he called. 他来访时我碰巧出去了。

②I happened to have read the article when he asked me about it. =It happened that I had read…


▲简单句改为复合句时须注意不定式动词转换成谓语动词的时态变化。 ▲在It happened that…句型中,It为引导词,不能用人称代词。请注意其否定句中的否定词位置的转移,如“我碰巧身上没带钱”可有以下几种表达法:

③I happened not to have any money with me. =I didn\\'t happen to have any money with me. =I happened to have no money with me. = It happened that I had no money with me.

= It happened that I didn\\'t have any money with me. 10.be made from,be made of 和 be made into

1)be made of和be made from 都是“用……制成”的意思,介词of和


be made of 表示制成成品后,仍可看出原材料是什么,保留原材料的质地形状,制作过程仅发生了物理变化。be made from 表示制成的东西完全失去了原材料的外形或特征,或原材料在制作过程中发生了化学变化,在成品中已无法辨认。试比较:

① The desks and chairs are made of wood. 这些课桌椅是木材制成的。 ②The ink bottles are made of glass. 墨水瓶是玻璃制成的。 ③ Salt is made from sea water. 盐是用海水制成的。

④ This kind of wine is made from wheat. 这种酒是用小麦制成的。 ⑤ Books are made of paper and paper is made from wood. 书是纸制成的,而纸是用木材制成的。

2)be made into意思是“被制成……”,是被动形式,也可用主动 make…into…“把……制成……”。例如:

① Glass can be made into many kinds of things. 玻璃可制成许多种东西。

=We can make glass into many kinds of things. 我们可以把玻璃制成各种东西。

②Wood can be made into paper. 木材可制成纸。 =paper can be made from wood. 纸可以用木材制造。 =We can make wood into paper. 我们可以把木材制成纸。 3)be made in意思是“在……制作的”,in表示制造的地方。

①This kind of car is made in Shanghai. 这种汽车是在上海制造的。 ②Watches made in Shanghai last long. 上海造的表经久耐用。 4)还有一个词组 be made up of,意思是“由……组成”。例如: ①The team is made up of three doctors and six nurses. 这个队是由三名医生和六名护士组成的。 常用句型结构

1.How about…? (=What about…?)意思是“……怎么样?”,为口语中的常用句型。

常用来询问消息,征求同意,提出请示,了解看法;其后可接名词,代词,动词- ing形式等。如:

① How(What) about the volleyball match? 排球赛的情况怎么样? ②What about a cup of tea? 喝杯茶怎么样? ③ How(What) about a game of chess?下盘棋怎么样? ④ How (What) about helping me off with the damp clothes? 帮我把湿衣服脱掉怎么样?

⑤How (What) about his lecture? 他的演讲怎么样? 2.It is/was +adj.+inf.可作为一个句型来学习。例如: ①It is lucky to meet you here. 有幸在这儿见到你。 ②It is not easy to get him to change his mind. 要他改变主意是不容易的。

③It is important for us to learn English well. 我们学好英语很重要。

④It is difficult for the little boy to carry the heavy box. 对那个小男孩来说,搬起那个重箱子是困难的。 3.感叹句

用来感叹名词,用 what,其句型为:What(a)+名词+主语+谓语!\\\\\\ 感叹形容词、副词用how,其句型为:How +形容词/副词+主语+谓语!例如:

① What fine weather it is. 多好的天气啊!(名词不可数) ② What clever students they are! 他们是多么聪明的学生啊! ③ How clean and tidy the room is! 多么干净整洁的房间啊! ④ How dangerous the tiger is! 这老虎太危险啦! ⑤ How heavily it rained! 雨下得真大啊! 4.take与时间短语连用时常用以下两种句型结构

1)“It takes/took(+人)+时间+动词不定式”。例如: ① It took them a whole day to finish the job. 完成那项工作花了他们一整天时间。

② It takes a lot of time to put this article into the computer. 把这篇文章录入电脑要花很多时间。 2)“某活动+take(+人)+时间”。例如: ①The journey took us at least five days. 那次旅行花了我们至少5天时间。

②Doing such a work must take much time. 做这项工作一定要花很多时间。

③The wound took a long time to heal. 这伤口过了很久才痊愈。



1)sound作名词,意为“声音”,有可数和不可数两种用法。如: ①Strange sounds came from the next room.(作可数名词) 奇怪的声音来自隔壁房间。

②Sound travels at 340 metres per second on air.(作不可数名词)。 声音以每秒340米的速度在空气中传播。

【注意】sound,voice和 noise三个词都表示声音,但用法不同,其区别如下:

①sound指任何能听到的声音。如: the sound of voices说话声 the sound of music音乐声

the sound of breaking glass 打碎玻璃的声音 ②voice指人的说话声或唱歌声。如: She has sweet voice. 她的声音甜美。


Stop making so much noise!不要弄出这么大的声响!

2)sound作连系动词,意为“听起来”,“听上去(给人以某种印象)”,常接形容词作表语,不接副词。还可接名词,介词短语或从句。如: ①Your cough sounds better. 你的咳嗽听起来好些了。 ②That sounds like a good idea!那听起来是个好主意。

③It sounds as if(as though) the government doesn\\'t know what to do.



①The bell sounded for dinner at eight o\\'clock.晚餐铃声八点钟响。 ②A bell is sounded at eight o\\'clock.八点钟时敲响铃子。 ③Sound your horn to warn the other driver.按喇叭警告另一位驾驶员。 4)sound作形容词,表示“健康的”、“完好的”、“正确的”、“彻底的”等含义。 如:

children of sound mind and body 身心健康的孩子们。 a sound sleep 酣睡

另外sound可作副词,用于习语,如: be sound asleep(酣睡着) 2.比较like和as

1)like为介词,意为“如,像”,偶尔作连词用,代替as. 如: ①She sings like a bird.她唱起歌来像小鸟一样。 ②Do you have to feed plants like you feed chickens? 你是否必须给植物喂东西吃,就像喂小鸡那样呢? 2)as常作介词,意为“充当”、“作为”。如:

①As your teacher,I think it my duty to help you.作为老师,我认为


3)like常用的短语有: sound/feel/seem/look/be like;like this,like that等。

as常用的短语有:have/think of/look on/treat/regard/consider/work,etc…as等。 4)试比较下面两句:

①He works like a worker. (He really is not a worker. ) 他像工人一样干活。

②He works as a work.(He himself is a worker.) 他作为一名工人而工作。 3.感官动词+复合宾语


let,make,have 后接复合宾语时,其中的宾语补足语通常有三种形式: 1)用不带to的不定式作宾语补足语,表示宾语所代表的人或物所发出的动作。如:

①Then I watched all the glass that were on the table fall off onto the floor.


②Did you notice a girl in red enter the building? 你看见一个穿红衣服的女孩进入这座大楼了吗?

③She lets her children stay up very late. 她让孩子很晚睡觉。 【注意】这些动词中,除了let和have一般不用于被动语态,其他动词均可用于被动语态。用于被动语态时,不定式前必须带to。如: ①She is often heard to sing songs.人们经常听到她唱歌。

②Though he often made his little sister cry,today he was made to cry by his lit tle sister. 虽然他时常惹他妹妹哭,但今天却被他妹妹弄哭了。

上例中,though 引导的从句是主动结构,动词原形cry在句中作宾语补足

语,后而的主句是被动结构,to cry在句中作宾语补足语。 2)用现在分词作宾语补足语,表示宾语正在进行的动作。如:\\\\ ①Why do you stand and watch them fighting?你为什么站着看他们打架? ②She felt her heart beating faster.她觉得心跳加快了。

【注意】动词不定式作宾补和现在分词作宾补都表示主动关系,即宾语 与补足语间构成逻辑上的主谓关系,但两者含义不同。

用不定式指一个动作或一件事的全过程,有时指经常发生的动作; 而现在分词则指一个正在进行的动作,是部分,而不是全过程。试比较: ①When did you last saw the boy playing in the garden? 你最后一次看到那男孩在花园里玩是什么时间?

②They knew her very well.They had seen her grow up from childhood. 他们对她非常熟悉,他们是看着她从小长大的。


①He raised his voice to make himself heard. 他提高声音,使别人能听见他的话。

②There was a person who saw the man killed. 有一个人目击了那个男子被杀。



1)it用于指代前面提到过的名词,而且就是那个名词,即同类同物。it可以替代单数可数名词和不可数名词。如: ①Do you want the magazine? Yes,I want it. 你想要这本杂志吗?是的,我要。

②He looked for his watch everywhere yesterday,but he couldn\\'t find it anywhere.昨天他到处寻找自己的手表,但他在哪儿都找不到。 ③I don\\'t want to drink the tea.It is too hot.我不想喝这茶,它太



①I have lost my pen,I\\'m going to buy one.我的钢笔丢了,我要去买一支。

②I have a new coat and several old ones.我有一件新大衣和几件旧的。 one前可用this,that修饰,但ones前不能用these或those修饰,除非one前有形容词修饰。如:③I prefer this one to that one.我喜欢这个,而不喜欢那个。

④These yellow ones are so small.I want those green ones. 这些黄的太小,我要那些绿的。 one和ones前面不能用物主代词。如:

⑤This is my apple and that\\'s yours.(不说your one) 这是我的苹果,那是你的。

one和ones前面有修饰词时,可以加冠词,有时the ones和those可 互换使用,但要求后面有修饰语。如:

⑥I don\\'t like this pen.Show me a better one. 我不喜欢这支钢笔,再给我好一点的钢笔看一看。

3)that作为代词用来代替上文中出现的名词,它表示与前面同类的东西。 that既可代替可数名词,又可代替不可数名词,常要求有后置定语,一般不指人。如:

①The price of wheat is higher than that of rice.小麦的价格比大米高。

②The population of China is larger than that of Japan.中国的人口比日本多。

that one用来替代同类事物中特指的另一个,可与 that替换。如:

③This story is not so interesting as the one/that we heard last night. 这个故事不如我们昨晚听到的那一个有趣。

另外, that可代替上文全句的内容,it和one则不能。如: ④He will ask me to lend him some money and I can\\'t do that. 他要问我借点钱,可我不能借。

⑤We see him when he comes to town,but that isn\\'t often. 他进城时我们能见到他,但这种情况不常有。

4)those可用来替代可数名词的复数,表示特指。有时the ones和those可互换使用,常要求有后置定语。如:

① The students in our class work harder than those in their class. 我们班的同学比他们班的同学学习更刻苦。 5.fall和drop的用法区别

1)drop可作及物动词,而fall不能。表示无意或故意“掉下来”某一物体,或故意“跌倒”时,用drop,不用fall。例如: ①The Class 2 runner dropped his stick on ground. 二班的运动员不小心把接力棒掉在了地上。

②He dropped his shoes on the floor.他把鞋子扔在地上。

③She was tired and dropped herself into the chair.她非常累,重重地往椅子上一坐。(不说…fell into the chair.)


①The glass dropped(或 fell)out of her hand. 杯子从她手里掉了下来。 ②He dropped(或 fell)to the ground. 他摔倒在地上。 6.over与below的基本用法


①I saw an arched stone bridge over the river.我看到河上有一座石拱桥。

②The bridge over the river is closed for repairs.



