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Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the saying “The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today”. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

Part Ⅳ Translation (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.

《三国演义》(The Romance of the Three Kingdoms)是中国一部著名的历史小说,写于十四世纪。这部文学作品以三国时期的历史为背景,描写了从公元二世纪下半叶到公元三世纪下半叶的魏、蜀、吴三国之间的战争。小说中刻画了近千个人物和无数的历史事件。这些人物和事件虽然大都基于真实的历史,但都不同程度地浪漫化和戏剧化了。《三国演义》是一部公认的文学杰作。自面世以来,这部小说不断吸引着一代又一代的读者,并且对中国文化产生着广泛而持久的影响。


Part I Writing


The Best Preparation for Tomorrow Is Doing Your Best Today

There is a popular saying that “The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.” However, many people fail to attach due importance to today. Instead of seizing the day, they put their trust in tomorrow in the hope that “tomorrow is another day”. In fact, without working hard at the present, a better tomorrow will never arrive.

There are numerable examples supporting that “The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.” For example, it is always those who do their best today that embrace a more brilliant and splendid tomorrow. The reason is that they grasp more opportunities as chance favors the prepared mind. In sharp contrast, people who often put off what they should do today until tomorrow are inclined to feel deeply regretful for idling away their time later. Just as an often-cited Chinese poem goes, “Laziness in youth spells regret in old age.”

In view of the importance of doing our best today, we should take some measures to motivate us to strive hard today to prepare well for tomorrow. For one thing, we need to set a goal for tomorrow and put it into action today. For another, it is advisable to make what we get done daily in alignment with our schedule. Finally, we should try our best to reduce procrastination.






Part IV Translation


1. 《三国演义》(The Romance of the Three Kingdoms)是中国一部著名的历史小说,写于十四世纪。

[重点词汇]著名的famous/well-known;历史小说historical novel

[句子解析]本句主要信息是“《三国演义》是中国一部著名的历史小说”,“写于十四世纪”是补充信息,可以作为插入成分,插在主语“《三国演义》”和谓语“是中国一部著名的历史小说”之间,前后用逗号隔开。或者也可以将“写于十四世纪”处理为“历史小说”的后置定语。“中国”译为Chinese时放在historical novel之前,作前置定语,若译为in China则放在historical novel之后作后置定语。

[句子精译] The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, written in the fourteenth century, is a famous historical novel in China.

2. 这部文学作品以三国时期的历史为背景,描写了从公元二世纪下半叶到公元三世纪下半叶的魏、蜀、吴三国之间的战争。

[重点词汇] 文学作品literary work/work of literature;三国时期the Three Kingdoms period;以……为背景against a background of/against the backdrop of/be set in;魏、蜀、吴三国the three states of Wei, Shu and Wu

[句子解析] 本句主干是“这部文学作品描写了战争”,其他都是修饰成分,可先译出主干,再往上添加修饰语。“以三国时期的历史为背景”可译作介词短语against a background of/against the backdrop of the Three Kingdoms period,或者过去分词短语set in the Three Kingdoms period,放在句首作状语。“从公元二世纪下半叶到公元三世纪下半叶的”以及“魏、蜀、吴三国之间的”是“战争”wars的两个修饰语,对应的英文表达分别是from…to…与among…,按照英文表达习惯,放在中心词wars之后,然后根据与中心词的亲疏关系,将among…紧挨着wars放置,放在from…to…之前。

[句子精译] Against the backdrop of the Three Kingdoms period, this literary work describes the wars among the three states of Wei, Shu and Wu from the second half of the second century AD to the second half of the third century AD.

3. 小说中刻画了近千个人物和无数的历史事件。

[重点词汇]刻画depict/portray;人物character;无数的countless/ innumerable;历史事件historical events


[句子精译] The novel depicts nearly a thousand characters and countless historical events. 4. 这些人物和事件虽然大都基于真实的历史,但都不同程度地浪漫化和戏剧化了。 [重点词汇]基于be based on;不同程度地to a greater or lesser degree/ to varying degrees;浪漫化romanticize;戏剧化dramatize

[句子解析]关于“虽然……但……”的译法,可选择用although/though引导让步状语从句,从而将句子译成复合句,或者选择用but连接两个分句,将句子译成并列句。“真实的历史”即“史实”,译作historical facts。“浪漫化”和“戏剧化”均含有被动含义,故译作被动结构。

[句子精译] Although most of these characters and events are based on historical facts, they are romanticized and dramatized to varying degrees.

5. 《三国演义》是一部公认的文学杰作。

[重点词汇]公认be recognized/ (universally) acknowledged as;杰作masterpiece

[句子解析]“公认”一般译作be recognized as或be (universally) acknowledged as,动词意味较强,因此选作句子谓语,也就是把句子重新解读为“《三国演义》被公认为是一部文学杰作”再译。

[句子精译] The Romance of the Three Kingdoms is recognized as a literary masterpiece. 6. 自面世以来,这部小说不断吸引着一代又一代的读者,并且对中国文化产生着广泛而持久的影响。

[重点词汇]面世come out/make one’s appearance;吸引attract/enthrall;一代又一代generations of/generation after generation of/from generation to generation;对……产生着广泛而持久的影响have/exert a broad and lasting impact/influence on

[句子解析] “自……以来”是整个句子的时间状语,它与“不断吸引着”、“产生着”提示译文要用现在完成进行时。“一代又一代的读者”可译作generations of readers,或generation after generation of readers,或readers from generation to generation。

[句子精译] This novel has been attracting generations of readers and exerting a broad and lasting impact on Chinese culture since it came out.


The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, written in the fourteenth century, is a famous historical novel in China. Against the backdrop of the Three Kingdoms period, this literary work describes the wars among the three states of Wei, Shu and Wu from the second half of the second century AD to the second half of the third century AD. The novel depicts nearly a thousand characters and countless historical events. Although most of these characters and events are based on historical facts, they are romanticized and dramatized to varying degrees. The Romance of the Three Kingdoms is recognized as a literary masterpiece. This novel has been attracting generations of readers and exerting a broad and lasting impact on Chinese culture since it came out.



