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【精品】四年级下册英语Module6测试卷 外研社(一起)(含答案)

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Module6 模块测试卷

一、判断所给词的画线部分发音是否相同,相同的打“√”,不同的打“×”。 ( ) 1. A. great ( ) 2. A. picture ( ) 3. A. cut ( ) 4. A. park ( ) 5. A. see 二、选择填空。

( ) 1. Let’s make ________ English newspaper!

A. a

B. an

C. the

B. idea B. stick B. fun B. art B. meet ( ) 2. The newspaper is ________ our school.

A. to

B. about

C. for

( ) 3. Daming can draw well. He ________ Art.

A. is worried about

B. is angry with

C. is good at

( ) 4. Use the scissors (剪子) to ________ the paper.

A. draw

B. write

C. cut

( ) 5. Every morning, dad usually reads ________, like Dalian Evening News (《大

连晚报》). A. books

( ) 6. —Will you draw the picture?

—________ A. Yes, I am.

( ) 7. —________ will you do, Sam?

—I’ll cut the paper. A. Who

B. What

C. When

B. Yes, I do.

C. Yes, I will.

B. newspapers

C. letters

( ) 8. Wow! Our newspaper is ________.

A. fantastic

B. rainy

C. naughty

( ) 9. Help me ________ the picture on the wall.

A. buy

( ) 10. —Let’s make a model ship!

B. cut

C. stick

—________ A. Let’s make!

B. That’s a good idea!

C. Yes, I will.

三、根据句子提示用所给的词的恰当形式填空。 1. Let’s __________ (make; made) a newspaper! I __________ (make; made) a paper plane yesterday.

2. Maliang __________ (is drawing; drew) a lot of pictures for the people. He was a good boy.

Sam __________ (is drawing; drew) pictures for the newspaper now. 3. Yesterday morning, I __________ (will write; wrote) three letters.

Wait a minute! (等一等) I __________ (will write; wrote) the report for you. 4. Look, this machine __________ (cut; cuts) the potatoes. Can you __________ (cut; cuts) the paper for me? 5. Let’s __________ (fly; flew) kites in the park! The swan didn’t stop. It __________ (fly; flew) away.


The children will make a newspaper. It (1) __________ (be) about their school. Daming is good at Art, so he (2) __________ (draw) some pictures. Amy is good at English. What will she do? Yes, she (3) __________ (write) reports. What will Sam do? He (4) __________ (cut) the paper. The children (5) __________ (work) together. The newspaper is going to be fantastic.


will dance party have fun food friends Children’s Day is coming. Tom and Jerry will have a party. They hope their (1) __________ will come to the party. What will they do at the __________? They will sing songs. They (3) __________. They will eat a lot of nice (4) __________ and they will play games. Everyone will (5) __________. 六、补全对话。

A. I will. B. I’m good at Chinese. C. I’ll go swimming. D. Will you draw the pictures? Ms Smart: It’s Saturday tomorrow. What will you do? Daming: (1) ________

Ms Smart: What about you, Lingling? Lingling: I’ll go to see my grandparents. Ms Smart: Good! Say hello to your grandparents. Lingling: (2) ________

Ms Smart: What will you do, Sam? Sam: I will make a Chinese newspaper. Ms Smart: (3) ________

Sam: Yes, I will. And I will stick some pictures on it. Ms Smart: Amy, will you help Sam?

Amy: Yes, I will. (4) ________ I will write the reports. 七、阅读理解。

Next Sunday is Amy’s birthday. Amy’s parents will have a birthday party for her. Dad will make birthday invitation cards. Mum will make a birthday cake. Amy’s friends will come to the party. They will sing songs. They will dance. And they will play games. Amy is good at Music. She will sing songs and play the piano. What will Sam do? He will help Dad make birthday invitation. All the people will have fun! ( ) (1) It’s Amy’s birthday ________.

A. next Friday

B. next Saturday

C. next Sunday

( ) (2) Amy’s parents will ________.

A. buy new clothes

B. have a party

C. go travelling

( ) (3) ________ will come to the party.

A. Amy’s friends

B. Amy’s teachers

C. Amy’s aunts

( ) (4) Amy will ________.

A. play the pipa

B. play the violin

C. play the piano

( ) (5) Sam will ________.

A. play football

B. help mum

C. help dad


1. is, newspaper, fantastic, our, (.)

【精品】四年级下册英语Module6测试卷 外研社(一起)(含答案)


