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A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.

( ) 33. Whose left leg was hurt?

A. Mrs. Green’s.

B. Their daughter’s. C. Mr. Green’s.

D. Their dog’s.

( ) 34. What was the weather like that day?

A. It was sunny.

B. It was snowy.

C. It was cloudy.

D. It was rainy.

( ) 35. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The car hit a wall.

B. The accident happened on Zhongshan Road in Beijing. C. The driver drank too much.

D. The policemen arrived half an hour later and sent the victims to the hospital.


F1 is a very fast car race. It is one of the most popular sports in the world. The drivers go at over 300 kilometers an hour every race. But F1 cars didn’t always go so fast.

In 1895, the first F1 race began in France. During that race, it took the drivers 48 hours to finish 580 kilometers. In 1901, the best drivers had an average(平均) speed of 100 kilometers an hour. Modern grand prix(奖品) F1 racing began in 1950 in Britain. “Grand prix” is French. It means “large prize”. Today, 12 teams and 24 drivers race to get points. There are races at different tracks(路线) all over the world from March to October every year. There are also F2 and F3 racing. But the cars are slower and less high-tech.

During a F1 race, drivers have to make several stops to change tyres(轮胎) and put more petrol in their cars. A team of people do these tasks together to make the stops short. Some people lift the car up, others change the tyres. While this person works on the tyres, another person puts petrol in the car and a different person cleans the driver’s helmet. One more person talks to the driver about how to win. It’s amazing that all those people finish it in just a few seconds!

During 100-meter races, people count the players’ speed by 1/100th(0. 01) of a second, for example 10.81 seconds. In the world of car racing, however, the race has to be timed to 1/1000th (0. 001) of a second. That is 50 times faster than the time for a

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F1 cars look very colorful. First, cars of different teams have different colors. Then there are a lot of advertisements on the cars.

( ) 36. The drivers in F1 races can reach the speed of ____ an hour.

A. 100 kilometers C. 580 kilometers

B. over 300 kilometers D. 1000 kilometers

( ) 37. Modern grand prix F1 racing first began ____.

A. in France

B. in Britain

C. in 1895

D. in 1901

( ) 38. Today F1 race is held ____.

A. at different tracks all the year round B. every month all over the world

C. from March to October every year D. in France and Britain every year

( ) 39. When the driver makes stops in a race, a team of people will ____.

A. help him make the stops short B. lift the car up and change the tyres

C. put petrol in the car and clean the car D. clean the driver’s helmet

( ) 40. In the world of car racing, the race has to be timed to ____.

A. second

B. 10. 81 second D. 1/1000th of a second (C)

The worst tourist in the world may be Mr. Smith in San Francisco.

Once he flew to his hometown in Italy from America to visit his family. The plane made a one-hour stop to get something at the airport in New York. But Mr. Smith mistook New York for Rome, so he got off the plane.

When nobody was there to meet him, Mr. Smith thought perhaps they were held up by heavy traffic. While looking for his address, Mr. Smith found that the old “Rome” had changed a lot. Many old buildings were replaced by high modern ones. He also found that many people spoke English instead of Italian.

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C. 1/100th of a second

Mr. Smith knew very little English, so he asked a policeman for help. Luckily, the policeman was also born in Italy and answered him in the same language.

After six-hour traveling around on a bus, the driver had to take him to a police station. Mr. Smith didn’t believe he was still in New York when he was told so. In order to catch a plane back to San Francisco, a policeman drove very fast with siren(警笛) on to sent Mr. Smith to the airport. “Look”, said Smith to himself, “I know I’m in Italy. That’s how the policeman drives.” 根据短文内容,回答问题。

41. Why Mr. Smith mistook New York for Rome?

__________________________________________________________ 42. What did Mr. Smith find while looking for his address?

__________________________________________________________ 43. Where was the policeman born?

__________________________________________________________ 44. Did Mr. Smith believe he was still in New York?

__________________________________________________________ 45. Where was the policeman taking Mr. Smith to?


第三部分 写作(35分)

Ⅰ. 词汇部分。(10分)


46. I have a _________ (舒适的) teaching job at a middle school. 47. I want to book a s_________ room with two single beds.

48. Hello, Wei Hua! Did you receive a p_________? I wrote something on it and I sent it to you yesterday.

49. In A_________, most people have light skin, but in Africa, lots of people have dark skin.

50. I _________(注意到) Mr. Wang walking towards our classroom when I went home.

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51. There are many _________ (advantage) of riding bicycles.

52. My dear daughter, I have some exciting news _________ (tell) you. 53. Yesterday we had fun _________ (camp) in the forest. 54. Riding a bike can save more time than _________ (walk).

55. He was so _________ (careful) that he made many mistakes in the exam. Ⅱ. 句型转换。(5分)

56. Did you decide on going on a field trip?(改为同义句) Did you decide _________ _________ a field trip?

57. We enjoyed ourselves in the zoo of Beijing. (改为同义句) We _________ _________ in the zoo of Beijing.

58. I think he is a teacher, _________ _________?(完成反意疑问句) 59. I smoke less than I used to.(改为同义句)

I don’t smoke _________ _________ _________ I used to.

60. We spent one and a half hours finishing this notice. (改为同义句) We spent one _________ and a _________ finishing this notice. Ⅲ. 书面表达。(A题5分,B题15分,共20分)

(A)假设你参加了学校组织的志愿者活动,请根据下面表格所提供的内容写一篇40—50词的短文。要求语法正确,语句连贯。 Group One Two Three Time Tuesday Thursday Saturday Activities help homeless people, give out food at a food bank help kids with their schoolwork work outside, help clean up the city park _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (B)五一假期即将来临,小兴给远方的弟弟小旺发了封电子邮件。假如你是小旺,请根据邮件内容予以回复。回信的开头和结尾已经给出(不计入总词数)。 要求:

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1. 词数60—80。

2. 条理清晰,语句连贯,字迹工整。 3. 以下内容仅供参考,也可自行安排计划。 地点:南京、北京、海南…… 活动:游览、拍照、划船……

名胜:玄武湖、天安门、长城、天涯海角…… 食物:北京烤鸭、水果…… 交通工具:汽车、火车、飞机…… From: Xiaoxing@yahoo. com To: Xiaowang@sina. com Dear Xiaowang, How are you these days? The holiday is coming. It’s really a nice holiday, isn’t it? I still remember that you once invited me to travel with you. Maybe we’ll have enough time soon. I’d like to visit some places of great interest and eat delicious food. It must be exciting to travel with you. Ha! Ha! You are a good traveler and could you tell me when and where to go, how to get there and what to do there? Please e-mail me soon. Good luck to you! Yours, Xiaoxing

From: Xiaowang@sina. com To: Xiaoxing@yahoo. com Dear Xiaoxing, Glad to hear from you.____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Best wishes! 10 / 16



