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I. Choice:

( ) 1. The People’s Republic of China ________ on October 1,1949.

A. found B. was founded C. is founded D. was found

( ) 2. English ________ in Canada.

A. speaks B. are spoken C. is speaking D. is spoken

( ) 3. The key _____ on the table when I leave.

A. was left B. will be left C. is left D. has been left

( ) 4. —I’d like to buy that coat. —Sorry, _________.

A. it sold B. it’s selling C. it’s been sold D. it had been sold

( ) 5. The sports meeting ________ be held until next week.

A. didn’t B. won’t C. isn’t D. doesn’t

II. Fill in the blanks with proper form of

the given verb.

1. More than 100 trees ________________ (plant) in our school last spring. 2. “How many Christmas cards ________________ (make), Terry?” “Twenty.”

3. Waste paper ________________ (should throw) in the litter bins.

4. Plates and dishes _______________ (not wash) after supper yesterday.

5. The song ________________ (not like) by most of us.

6. ____________ the box _____________ (may open) now, sir?

7. What __________ this kind of flower ___________ (call)?

III. Change active voice into passive voice: 1. They sell oranges in the shop.


2. People don’t produce oil in America.


3. How many TV sets did you sell last week? ______________________________________.

4. Helen’s parents sent her to school when she was nine.


5. We can’t make the same mistake twice.



I. Choice

( ) 1. This English song ________ by the girls after class. A. often sings B. often sang C. is often sang D. is often sung ( ) 2. Our room must _______ clean. A. keep B. be kept C. to be kept D. to keep ( ) 3. _______ the watch been repaired yet? I badly need it. A. Does B. Has C. Is D. Are ( ) 4. ________ these desks be needed? A. Will B. Are C. Has D. Do ( ) 5. Why _______ to talk about it yesterday?

A. didn’t a meeting hold B. wasn’t a meeting held C. wasn’t held a meeting D. a meeting wasn’t held ( )6. I _______ in summer. A. born B. was born C. have been born D. am born

II. Fill in the blanks with proper form of the given verb.

1. The highrise over there ______________ (build) in 1940. 2. The windows of the room _______________ (clean) every day.

3. “___________ the money for the tickets ____________ (collect)?” “No, not yet.” 4. Tomorrow’s meals _____________ (not cook) by Father.

5. Thest shops ______________ (sell) not only VCD players but also DVD players. 6. Another dormitory building ______________ (build) next year. 7. Your bicycle ______________ (must not put) here. 8. The hero’s name ______________ (remember) for ever.

III. Change active voice into passive voice:

1. People make ice-wine in Canada.

______________________________________. 2. Do people speak English in many countries? ______________________________________. 3. We shouldn’t put off the meeting until next Friday. ______________________________________. 4. They have repaired many chairs today. ______________________________________.


I. Fill in the blanks with proper form of the given verb.

1. Both English and French ______________ (speak) in Canada. 2. Mr. Green ______________ (open) two new school. 3. Your email ______________ (send) already. 4. It _______________ (can do) this way.

5. Tom ________(not have) breakfast yesterday morning.

6. Planes, cars and trains __________ (use) by business people for travelling.

II. Change active voice into passive voice:

1. We can finish the work in two days.

The work ______ ______ ______ in two days. 2. They produce silk in Suzhou.

Silk ________ ________ in Suzhou.

3. The children will sing an English song.

4. An English song ________ ________ _______ by the children. 5. People use metal for making machines.

Metal ________ ________ for making machines. 6. He made me do that for him.

I ________ ________ ________ that for him. 7. The girl always watches her mother cooking in the evening. ______________________________________.

8. The music teacher made the students sing the song one by one in the class. ______________________________________. 9. The restaurant sells food and drinks to children at noon. ______________________________________. 10. Does Kate sometimes break glasses?

_______________________________________ 11. Granny told us a story last night.

_______________________________________ 12. When did she cook supper yesterday? _______________________________________



