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一.单项选择 (1×20 =20分) (请把答案的英文大写编号写在答卷上) 1、_______you______to bed at ten yesterday evening? A.Did,go B.Do,go C.Di止went D.Do,went

2.The pupils of our school________ to visit yuntai Garden________this number bus tomorrw.

A.go,by B.going,by C.is going, by D.are going, on 3.A:How do you like the film? B:_________.

A.I think So. B.1 don' t think so C.Yes,IIike it. D.It' s a good film 4.My story is________than yours.

A.much interesting B.interesting C.much more interesting D.interestinger 5._________Children' s Day my mother goes to the Zoo with me· A.In B.At C.Of D.On 6.A:“Thank you very much .” B:_________.

A.All right. B.OK. C.No, thanks . D.That’s all rigtat.

7.He doesn' t go to school today_________ he is ill.



A.and B.or C.because D.but 8.There________ ________ on the plate.

A.is,breads B.are,breads. C.is,some bread D.are,some bread 9.Her TV is broken.There is________ picture.

A.no B.not C.Some D.any 10,Tom________ things.Now he is making a toy plane.

A.1ike make B.1ikes make C.1ike making D.1ikes making

11.Uncle Li, there' s something wrong with my computer.Would you give me a_______?

A.foot B.head C.hand D。face 12.That' s a good place for reading,________?

A.is that B.is it C.isn' t that D.isn' t it 13.My father likes_______books in the evening.He doesn' t often________TV . A.1ooking at, watch B.watches,see C.to read,watches D.reading, watch 14.… Would you like something to eat? … ________ .

A.Yes, I am. B.Yes,1 like it very much. C.Yes,please. D.Yes,I'd like some water 15.…_________ ? … She is a nurse.



A.Where does your mother do? B.What does your mother do?

C.What is your mother doing? D.Who is your mother? 16.Give _________ some tomatoes,please.

A.Li Lei and I B.I and Li Lei C.Li Lei and mc D.me and Li Lei 1 7.Which city will hold the Olympic Games in 2008 ?

A.Paris B.Beijing C.London D.Toky6 18.The capital of the USA is ____________ .

A.New York B.Washington C.Paris D.London 19.People use _________ in England.

A.dollar(s) B.yuan(¥) C.pound(£) D.HK..do11ar(HK $)

20.Koalas (树熊) live in_________ .(本题原稿是一幅世界地图,答案从4个洲之中选择)

A.Asia B.Africa C.Australia D.North Americ 二、完形填空(1×l0 = 10分) (请把答案的英文大写编号写在答卷上)

___21___ children like to watch TV.It' s very ___22___.On Tv ___23___can see and learn a lot and know many things ___24___. their country and the world.___25___they can learn over the radio.But they can learn better and more easily on ___26___ .Why ? Because they can hear and watch at the same time.But they can' t __27____ anything over the radio.



Many children watch TV only on Saturday or Sunday.evening.They are ___28___ busy with their lessons.But a few children watch TV every

___29___.They go to bed very late.They can' t have a good ___30____.How about you, my young friend ?

21.A.Much B.Most C.More D.Any 22.A.interesting B.new C.big D.CUte 23.A.we B.you C.they D.I 24.A.on B.about C.of D.with 25.A.By them B.Of course C.Because D.So 26.A.radio B.film C.newspaper D.w 27.A.hear B.enjoy C.see D.1earn 28.A.never B.always C.sometimes D.once 29.A.morning B.afternoon C.noon D.night 30.A.time B.rest C.day D.1ook 三.阅读理解 (1×10 = 10分) (请把答案的英文大写编号写在答卷上)


My mame is Lily.My father is a teacher.His students love him a lot because he is funny.I

love him too,but I think he can be ‘foolish’sometimes.

Once we moved house and had to go shopping to buy new chairs and lights.In the supermarket.we saw many beautiful lights.I like some of them and made my father buy them.



When we got home.my father began to work out how much money we had spent that day.Suddenly, he stopped.“Something is wrong.”he said,“I have got 300 yuan more than l should.”

“That' s great,” l said,‘'You can buy me that cartoon book then,”Father said nothing . Instead,he counted how much money he had again and again.“The salesgirl must have made a mistake(错误).We should go back to the shop,”he said.“Do we have to go back?”l asked,“Nobody will know she gave us too much change.It would be foolish to go back.”“It would not be foolish,”my father said angrily, “It' s called being honest.”At that moment, I looked into his eyes and knew he was right.

The salesgirl was surprised to see us in the shop again.But when we gave her money, she thanked us a lot.Suddenly my father stopped me and smiled.“Do you still want that cartoon

book?”he asked.I looked at my‘foolish’father and answered loudly,“Father, you' re the greatest!”

31.Why did they go to the shop?

A.To buy chairs and lights. B.To take a walk. C.To buy a cartoon book for Lily. D.Just to look around. 32.Why didn't Lily let her father retum the money to the shop? Because________ . A.nobody knew what had happened (发生) B.the shop was too far away




