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1. The Way of All Flesh written by _____gives a devastating picture of the bourgeois

family and hypocrisy of the British middle class.

A. Samuel Butler B. George Meredith C. Herbert George Wells D. John Galsworthy 2. _____ is considered “the bard of imperialism”.

A. Joseph Conrad B. Arnold Bennett C. Rudyard Kipling D. Sean O’Casey 3. Arnold Bennett’s masterpiece is _____.

A. Kim B. The Old Wives’ Tale C. Lord Jim D. The History of Polly 4. Henry James is the forerunner of the _____.

A. Imagism B. Chartism C. impressionism D. stream of consciousness 5. Katharine Mansfield is a master of ____ at the turn of the century.

A. short story writer B. dramatic poetry C. realistic novels D. humor 6. After writing _____, Hardy turned to poetry.

A. Under the Greenwood Tree B. The Return of the Native

C. Jude the Obscure D. The Mayor of Casterbridge 7. John Galsworthy won the Nobel Prize for Literature because of _____.

A. The End of the Chapter B. The Forsyte Saga C. A Modern Comedy D. The Island Pharisees

8. The Man of Property is taken from Galsworthy’s trilogy, _____.

A. The End of the Chapter B. The Forsyte Saga C. A Modern Comedy D. The Island Pharisees 9. The Abbey Theatre performed works by _____ dramatists. A. Irish B. British C. American D. Scottish

10. Yeats’s fame rests chiefly on his ______, using a lot of symbols in his poem. A. novels B. poetry C. dramas D. prose

11. ____ was a leader of the modernist movement in English poetry and a great

innovator of verse technique.

A. W. B. Yeats B. T. S. Eliot C. D. H. Lawrence D. G. B. Shaw

12. ____ is a great novel spending James Joyce 7 years of hard working to complete. A. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man B. Ulysses

C. Finnegans Wake D. Dubliners

13. ____ is a collection of short stories which reflect three aspects of life in politics,

culture and religion.

A. A Portrait of the Artrist as a Young Man B. Ulysses

C. Finnegans Wake D. Dubliners 14. Which of the following is Not written by D. H. Lawrence? A. The Waste Land B. The Rainbow

C. Lady Chatterley’s Lover D. Women in Love 15. Which of the following is not written by Yeats?

A. Four Quartets B. A Vision C. The Winding Stair D. The Tower

16. ____ is the climax of Virginia Woolf’s experiments through the novel form of

“stream of consciousness”.


A. Jacob’s Room B. To the Lighthouse C. Orlando D. The Waves

Key to the multiple choices:

1-5 ACBDA 6-10 CBBAB 11-16 BBDAAD

Ⅱ. Fill in the blanks.

1. Herbert George Wells’s literary works fall into three groups: the _____ novels,

____novels and _____novels.

2. Henry James’ method of characterization is “a complete _____ of characters”. 3. Hardy’s poetry is famous for its ____ poetry.

4. Hardy’s novels are well-known for the _____ and _____. 5. _____ made Galsworthy famous as a playwright. 6. Lady Gregory is the founder of the ____Theatre.

7. Sean O’Casey is renowned for his drama of ____ slums in war and revolution. 8. Shaw’s ____ play expose the seamy side of the society.

9. Rupert Brooke is one of the “_____ poets” whose poems is The Soldier. 10. John Masefield is considered “the poet of the _____”.

11. Lawrence, James Joyce, Virginia Woolf were great ____ fiction writers. 12. Robert Tressell was a working-class ____ in the early 20th century.

13. Christopher Caudwell made great contribution to _____ literary criticism by his 2

books, Illusion and Reality and Studies in a Dying Culture.

Key to the blanks:

1. realistic; scientific; discussion 8. unpleasant 2. objectification 9. war 3. Wessex 10. sea 4. characters; environment 11. psychological 5. The Silver Box 12. novelist 6. Abbey 13. Marxist 7. Dublin Ⅲ. Say true or false.

1. George Meredith’s novels are masterpieces of satirical portrayal and

psychological analysis.

2. Joseph Conrad’s novels have groups: jungle novels, sea novels and political


3. Henry James’s fundamental theme was the innocence of the New World and the

corruption of the Old.

4. The story of Tess is filled with a feeling of dismal foreboding and doom.

5. Fateful circumstances and tragic coincidences abound in the book of Jude the


6. Lady Gregory, John Millington Synge and Sean O’Casey were great Irish


7. The house in Shaw’s Heartbreak House embodies bourgeois England.


8. Shaw’s Saint Joan is a historical play devoted to the great daughter of the English

people, Joan of Arc, and her struggle for the liberty of her country.

9. Alfred Edward Housman, a classical scholar of the highest order and professor of

Latin at London University and Cambridge wrote poetry of crystal clarity.

10. James Joyce and Virginia Woolf are the two best-known novelists of the “stream

of consciousness” school.

11. Robert Tressell was a working class novelist whose great work is The Ragged

Trousered Philanthropists.

12. In the 1930s, British Marxist literary criticism was represented by two

revolutionary writers, Ralph Fox and Christopher Caudwell. 13. Ralph Fox’s representative book is The Novel and the People.

Key to True/False statements: 1. T 8. F (French people) 2. T 9. T 3. T 10. T 4. T 11. T 5. F (Tess) 12. T 6. T 13. T 7. T




