【期刊名称】《江西教育学院学报》 【年(卷),期】2011(032)004
【摘要】By telling a story of an alien species segregated and discriminated on earth, District Nine the sci-fi movie is actually aiming at the racial identity dilemma of our own in human society. In the movie, Negroes, having resisted racial segregation for centuries, are supporting the segregation against aliens. On the other hand, a white man, by accident since the procedure of mutation into alien species, is persecuted by his own Caucasian compatriots. It seems to be implied in the movie that the exclusion of different kind might be an instinct of people, oriented from a malformed transfer of the group identity in human nature. This has already resulted in conflicts, disagreements and miseries, and nonetheless may only be smoothed by understanding and interaction between races and other social groups, and eventually cultivate the notion of racial equality among human beings.%科幻电影《第九区》通过外星人在地球上受到种族隔离的故事反映了人类社会的种族身份认同困境。~方面长期反抗种族隔离的黑人群体却支持对外星人隔离.另一方面因机缘巧合而变异成外星人的自人男主角遭到地球人的迫害。电影启示我们,人类排斥异类的心理是群体身份认同的畸形演化,带来了地球上许多冲突、矛盾与痛苦,要消除这种心理,只能加强群体间的相互接触和了解,才能使种