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开放英语4 期中模拟考试

一、从每题的A、 B、 C、和D中选择一个最佳答案(2×20=40)

, 把答案写在答题纸上。

1.Don’t worry, there is _______water for another week.

A. a number of C. lot D. plenty

2.I didn’t ask him, but he _______ to help with my homework.

B. plenty of

A. offered B. gave

c. deliver D. supply

3.She didn’t even _________ to turn up at the meeting.

A. worry B. expectc. concern

D. bother

4. The leaves are ______ down to the ground when autumn comes

A. putting B. droppingC. following

D. falling

Jones’ address.

5. I _______weather you could let me know Mr.

A. think B suppose


C wonder D bet

6. We can ______ afford to live there because my husband is out of work now

A no longer B no long

C not longer D not long

7. Could you tell me what you saw when the car _______happened?

A event B affairC thing

8.I’m only interested in __

A. getting B puttingC turning

D accident

________ out what the facts are

D finding

9. It will ________ five days for us to get there on foot

A spend C make D go

10. They felt so _______ when he said that to Mary

A confessed B proposed

B take

C astonished D extended


11.She always finishes tomorrow.

A. always

her homework on time. She ________ leaves it for

B. never

C. usually D. sometimes

12.Police are ______ the disappearance of two children.

A. looking out B. looking after

C. looking into D. looking on

13. Determined to ____ as if everything were normal, he responded with a kind of indifference.

A. carry on B. account for

C. bring up D. get through

14. If the whole program _______ beforehand, a great deal of time and

money would have been lost.

A. was not planned B. were not plannedC. would not be planned

D. had not been planned

15. A: Firstly, allow me to introduce myself. My name is John Brown, manager of the company.


B: _____.

A. You must be mistaken. I don B. Hello, Brown! I haven

’t know you at all.

’t seen you for ages.

C. How do you do, Mr. Brown? Very happy to see you.

D. Hi, John! Welcome to China.

16. Son: Mom, may I play my computer game for an hour or two? Mom: )______

A. Your teacher tells me that you should study harder. B.

I’ve said before that the game takes too long.

… You’re absolutely right to ask.

C. Well, ah

D. Sorry, Dad

17. Guest: Oh, it Host: _____

’s using the computer now.

’s ten o’clock.

I’d better go now.

A. OK. Please walk slowly.

B. Why do you want to go now? Don

’t you want to stay?

C. Won’t you stay for another cup of coffee?

D. Yeah, it

’s really late. Why not immediately?


18. – A latest English newspaper, please!

_ Only one copy left. Would you like to have ____, sir?

A. it B. one

C. this D. that

19.– Johnny: Dear Tommy, why don - Tommy: ______.

’t you come on holiday with us?

A. That’s very kind of you.

B. How dare you invite me? I won C. Yeah, thanks anyway. D. Whether

I’d love to.

’t go.

I’ll go or not is not your business, OK?

20. Doctor:______ Patient:

I’ve caught a bad cold and got a sour throat.

A. Do you have anything to declare, sir? B. Good morning. May I help you?

C. How have you been getting along recently?

D. What seems to be the problem?

二.完型填空( 1.5×10=15)



