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Unit 1 How tall are you检测卷

时间: 40分钟 满分: 100分

题号 一 得分 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 十一 十二 总分 听力部分 (30分)


1. 2.



4. 5.



( )1. How tall is the tree?

A. It's 1.4 metres. B. It's 3 metres. C. It's 1.3 metres.

( )2. What size are Danny's shoes?

A. Size 7.

( )3. How heavy is Lucy?

A. She is 36 kilograms. B. She is 67 kilograms. C. She is 47 kilograms.

( )4. Who is the tallest?

A. Tom.

( )5. Who is the oldest?

A. Sam.

B. Peter.

C. Steven.

B. Jack.

C. Lily.

B. Size 6.

C. Size 8.

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( )1.A. It's about 3 metres. B. I'm 1.62 metres. C. He is 1.75 metres. ( )2.A. I'm fine. ( )3.A. They are size 38. ( )4.A. He is taller.

B. I'm nine.

C. I'm 39 kilograms.

B. He is 52 kilograms. C. She is twelve. B. I'm shorter.

C. We are tall. C. She is thinner.

( )5.A. He becomes taller. B. I'm stronger. 四、听录音,在相应表格里写出正确的数据。(10分)

Name Tony Dick Susan How old? 1.____________ How tall? 2.____________ How heavy? 49 kilograms 4.____________ 5.____________ ten years 3.____________ twelve years 1.63 metres 笔试部分 (70分)


1. Tom is ten. I'm eight. I'm y than him.

2. My dress is short. Lily's dress is l than my dress.

3. There are many books in his bag. It's h than mine.

4. He often plays sports. He is much s than me.

5. We will get t and older when we grow up. 六、单项选择。(10分)

( )1.We watch the sun ________ down.

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A. goes B. went C. go

( )2.He is taller than ________ us.

A. two

B. both of

C. all

( )3.My father is ________ than me.

A. older

B. young

C. old

( )4.There is a big dinosaur ________.

A. are there

B. is there

C. over there

( )5.There are some robots in the ________ of the museum.

A. hall

B. shadow

C. countryside

( )6.What ________ are your trousers?

A. big

B. size

C. long

( )7.There were many ________ on the earth many years ago.

A. dog

B. cow

C. dinosaurs

( )8.The sun gets ________ now.

A. red and red

( )9.I'm 1.7 metres ________.

A. short

B. old

C. tall

B. lower and lower

C. up and up

( )10.They ________ big and strong.

A. all are

B. is all

C. are all


( )1. A. It is shorter than the giraffes. B. The tree is taller than the giraffes. C. The giraffes are taller than the tree.

( )2. A. Look at them. They are so tall and big! B. They are so small. C. They are long and small.

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( )3. A. The plant grows taller and taller. B. The plant grows lower and lower.

C. They grow lower because they are growing older.

( )4. A. Look, the rabbit is the tallest.

B. Look, the monkey is taller than the elephant. C. Look, the giraffe is the tallest.

( )5. A. They are wearing the same size shoes. B. The child's shoes are smaller than his parents'. C. The father's shoes are shorter and smaller than the mother's shoes.


( )1.How old is your father?

A. I am eleven years old. B. She is forty years old. C. He is thirty-seven years old.

( )2.How tall is that building?

A. It is about 95 metres. C. She is 1.63 metres.

( )3.I wear size L clothes.

A. What size are your shoes? C. What size are your clothes?

( )4.Tom is stronger than me.

A. Who is heavier than you? C. What is taller?

( )5.Who is smarter, Susan or Jane?

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B. I am 1.72 metres.

B. What size are your feet?

B. Who is stronger than you?

A. Yes, Susan is. C. No, Jane isn't.

B. Susan is smarter than Jane.


A: 1. ________

B: Yes, please. I need a new pair of shoes. Where are the shoes? A: Let me show you. Here they are.2.________ B: My shoes are size 38. A: 3.________

B: These are blue and those are black. I like these. 4. ________ A: They are 98 yuan. B: 5.________ A: Here you are. B: Thanks.

A. How much are they? B. I'll take them. C. May I help you? D. What size are your shoes? E. Do you want these shoes or those shoes? 十、阅读短文,完成任务。(10分)

Hello! My name is Peter. I'm a boy. I'm twelve years old. I'm tall but I'm not strong. I want to play sports every day. Then I will become stronger. My grandfather is 68 years old. He is shorter than me. He is heavier than me. He does exercise every morning. He is stronger than me. My father is 40 years old. He is taller than my grandfather and me. He is stronger than me, too. My mother is 39 years old. She is shorter than me. She is thinner than me. She is beautiful.

(一)根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。(5分) ( )1.Peter is tall and strong.

( )2.His grandfather is the oldest in the family. ( )3.His father is the tallest in the family.

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