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外研版-英语-四年级下册-4B module9练习题含答案

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1.昨天yes day 2.笑l gh 3.帮助妈妈 Mum 4.停止s 5.周末week d 6.给奶奶打电话 Grandma 7.在星期一 8.玩电脑 the computer

9.做鱼 fish 10..........怎么样? 二、按要求写出下列单词的形式:(15分)

1.am(过去式) 2.are(过去式) 3.rain(过去式) 4.cook(过去式)

5.does(过去式) 6.stop(过去式) 7.was not(缩写) 8.did not(缩写)

9.weren`t(全写形式) 10.went(原形) 三、选择填空:(15分) ( )1.Yesterday Mr Smart cooked . A. noodles for lunch B. noodles of lunch C. noodle for lunch

( )2.We walked walked. A.or B.and C.but ( )3.Did Tom table tennis? A.plays B.play C.played ( )4. weekend (上周末)Tom helped Mum. A.last B.On C.Last ( )5. Amy phoned Grandma. A.In Monday B.At Monday C.On Monday

( )6.We walked the park and talked some friends. A.in ...with B.on ...to C.in....to ( )7.I helped Mum. Sam didn`t help. A.And B.But C.So ( )8.You`re a good girl,Amy! about Tom? A.What B.Where C.When ( )9.He played the computer. A.on B.at C.in

( )10. it a nice day?Yes.It was sunny. A.Did B.Were C.Was 四、选词填空:(10分)

walked watched phone cook rained 1.Did you meat yesterday?No,I didn`t.

2.On Friday Sam TV with his sister Amy. 3.It yesterday.It was cool outside.

4.Last Saturday my grandparents in the park. 5.Did you him yesterday afternoon? 五、句型转换:(30分)

1.Yesterday,in the park, talked ,his friend,to,my grandfather,(连词成句)

2.Amy did the housework last Sunday.(变为一般疑问句的形式) ?

3.Dad watched TV Last night(昨晚) .(变为一般疑问句的形式) ?.

4.Did you help Mum do the housework?(肯定、否定回答) 5.Lingling played table tennis last weekend.(对划线部分提问) 6.Daming and Sam played chess in the park.(对划线部分提问) 7.My father cooked meat for lunch yesterday.(对划线部分提问)


8.Amy phoned Grandma on Monday.(对划线部分提问) 9.It was a nice day on Tuesday.(变为一般疑问句的形式) ?

10.Did you listen to music on Monday?(变为陈述句形式) 六、根据表格提示的内容,至少写出五句话:(15分) Sam Amy Monday play football go swimming Wednesday watch TV read a book Friday cook breakfast phone Mum Saturday play a computer game visit Grandparents

参考答案: 一.1.ter 2.au 3.help 4.top 5.en 6.phone 7.on Monday 8.play on 9.cook 10.What about...? 二.1.was 2.were 3.rained 4.cooked 5.did 6.stopped 7.wasn`t 8.didn`t 9.were not 10.go


四、1.cook 2.watched 3.rained 4.walked 5.phone 五、1.Yesterday my grandfather talked to his friend in the park. 2.Did Amy do the housework last Sunday? 3.Did Dad watched TV Last night? 4.Yes ,I did. No, I didn`t.

5.What did Lingling play last weekend? 6.Where did Daming and Sam play chess ? 7.When did my father cook meat for lunch ? 8.Who phoned Grandma on Monday? 9.Was it a nice day on Tuesday ? 10.We/ I listened to music on Monday. 六、On Monday Sam played football. On Wednesday Sam watched TV. On Friday Sam cooked breakfast.

On Saturday Sam played a computer game. Amy went swimming on Monday. Amy read a book on Wednesday. Amy phoned Mum on Friday.

Amy visited Grandparents on Saturday.

外研版-英语-四年级下册-4B module9练习题含答案


