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Entangled Fields in Multiple Cavities by Interaction with One Three-Level Atom

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Entangled Fields in Multiple Cavities by Interaction

with One Three-Level Atom

ZHAN Zhi-Ming; LI Jia-Hua; YANG Wen-Xing; LI Wei-Bin

【期刊名称】《《理论物理通讯(英文版)》》 【年(卷),期】2006(045)001

【摘要】We present a scheme to entangle fields in multiple cavities. Our scheme is based on the resonant interaction of a Ξ-type three-level atom with the cavity fields for precalculated interaction time, which enables us to generate a quantum entangled Greenberger-Horn-Zeilinger (GHZ) state of fields in multiple cavities. In principle, the scheme can be also generalized to generate N-party GHZ state. The required experimental techniques are within the scope of what can be obtained in the microwave cavity QED set up. 【总页数】3页(151-153)

【关键词】cavity; GHZ state; Ξ-type atom

【作者】ZHAN Zhi-Ming; LI Jia-Hua; YANG Wen-Xing; LI Wei-Bin

【作者单位】School of Physics & Information Engineering Jianghan University Wuhan 430056 China; Department of Physics Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan 430074 China; Center for Cold Atom Physics the Chinese Academy of Sciences Wuhan 430071 China


【中图分类】O4 【相关文献】

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Entangled Fields in Multiple Cavities by Interaction with One Three-Level Atom


