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继续 go on 继续 go out 出去,熄灭 go over 仔细检查,复习 go through 浏览,翻阅 look短语 look after 照顾 look ahead 向前看,展望未来 look down upon 看不起,轻视 look for 寻找

look forward to 盼望 look into

向...里面看,调查look out 留神,当心 look through 浏览 look up 查找 put短语

put away 收拾 put down 记下 put off 推迟 put on 穿/戴上,上演 put on weight 长胖 put out 扑灭,熄灭 put up 挂起,举起 take短语 take away 拿走

take it easy 别着急,别紧张 take off 脱下,起飞 take out 取出 take place 发生

take the place of 取代,代替 其他动词短语 had better do

最好做 have a cold 患感冒

have a good time 玩得高兴 have classes 上课

do some cleaning 做扫除

do some shopping 购物 fall asleep 入睡 fall ill 患病,病倒 set free 释放,解放 feel like doing 想要做 其他短语 both...and... ...和...都 either...or... 或者...或者... neither...nor 既不...也不... each other 相互 rather than

而不,非 a few 一些,少量 a little 一点儿,少许 even if 即使,尽管 even though 即使,尽管 once again 再一次 from now on 从今以后 from then on 从那时起 just now 刚才 right now 立即,马上 after class 课后 ever since 从那时起直到现在 the other day 前几天,某日

the day after tomorrow 后天

the day before yesterday 前天


43、answer for (undertake responsibility for,be liable for,take charge for) 对…负责。

44、answer to (=conform to) 适合,符合。 45、be anxious about 为…焦急不安;或anxious for 46、apologize to sb. for sth. 为…向…道歉

47、appeal to sb. for sth. 为某事向某人呼吁。appeal to sb. 对某人有吸引力

48、apply to sb. for sth. 为…向…申请;apply for申请;apply to 适用。 49、apply to 与…有关;适用

50、approve of (=consent to,be in favor of,favor,agree to,consider good,right) 赞成,approve vt. 批准 51、arise from(=be caused by) 由…引起。 52、arrange for sb.sth. to do sth. 安排…做…

53、arrive on 到达;arrive at 到达某地(小地方);得出,作出;arrive in 到达某地(大地方);

54、be ashamed of (=feel shame,guilt or sorrow because of sth. done) 以… 为羞耻

55、assure sb. of sth. (=try to cause to believe or trust in sth.) 向…保证,使…确信。

56、attach(to)(=to fix,fasten;join) 缚,系,结 57、make an attempt at doing sth. (to do sth.) 试图做…

58、attend to (=give one's attention,care and thought)注意,照顾;attend on(upon)(=wait upon,serve,look after) 侍候,照料 59、attitude to toward …对…的态度。看法

60、attribute…to…(=to believe sth. to be the result of…)把……归因于……,认为……是……的结果

61、on the average (=on average, on an average) 平均

62、(be) aware of (=be conscious of ,having knowledge or consciousness)


63、at the back of (=behind) 在…后面

64、in the back of 在…后部(里面);on the back of 在…后部(外面);be on one's back(=be ill in bed) 卧病不起。

65、at one's back(=supporting or favoring sb.) 支持,维护;have sb. at one's back 有…支持,有…作后台

66、turn one's back on sb. (=turn away from sb. in an impolite way) 不理睬(某人),背弃,抛弃

67、behind one's back 背着某人(说坏话) 68、be based on upon 基于

69、on the basis of 根据…,在…基础上 70、beat…at 在…运动项目上打赢

71、begin with 以…开始 to begin with (=first of all) 首先, 第一(经常用于开始语)

72、on behalf of (=as the representative of) 以…名义

73、believe in(=have faith or trust in; consider sth.sb. to be true) 相信,依赖,信仰。

74、benefit (from) 受益,得到好处。 75、for the benefit of 为了…的利益(好处) 76、for the better 好转

77、get the better of (=defeat sb.) 打败, 胜过。

78、by birth 在出生上,论出身,按血统 at birth 在出生时; give birth to 出生

79、blame sb. for sth. 因…责备某人 . blame sth. on sb. 把…推在某人身上

80、in blossom开花(指树木) be in blossom开花(强调状态) come into blossom开花(强调动作)

81、on board 到船上, 在船上, 上火车或飞机 82、boast of (or about) 吹嘘

83、out of breath 喘不过气来

84、in brief(=in as few words as possible)简言之 85、in bulk 成批地,不散装的 86、take the floor 起立发言 87、on business 出差办事

88、be busy with sth.于某事 . be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事 89、last but one 倒数第二

90、but for (=without) 要不是 表示假设 91、buy sth. for…money 用多少钱买

92、be capable of 能够, 有能力 be capable of being +过去分词是能够被…的

93、in any case(=for love or money, at any rate, at any price, at any cost , whatever happens; anyhow)无论如何 94、in case (=for fear that) 万一

95、in case of (=in the event of)如果发生…万一 in the case of 至于…, 就…而言

96、in no case在任何情况下都不(放句首倒装句) 97、be cautious of 谨防

98、center one's attention on(=focus one's attention on) 把某人的注意力集中在…上

99、be certain of (=be sure of) 有把握, 一定 100、for certain of (=for sure )肯定地,有把握地 101、by chance(=accidentally, by accident)偶然 102、for a change换换环境(花样等) 103、charge sb. with …控告某人犯有…

104、in charge of (=responsible for) 负责(某事) in the charge of …由…管

105、take charge of (=to be or become responsible for)负责管理(照顾)



