【期刊名称】《通信技术》 【年(卷),期】2013(000)004
【摘要】 介绍WEB缓存系统工作原理及工作流程,并对一例WEB缓存系统循环转发的故障进行深入分析,其原因是由于用户访问本地IDC服务器的CDN资源,其访问请求被转发给WEB缓存系统,WEB缓存系统将请求转发给本地IDC服务器,导致访问请求在WEB缓存系统与本地IDC服务器之间循环转发,陷入死循环,从而致使WEB缓存系统崩溃。为解决此问题,将IDC服务器发出的HTTP请求直接发往本地互联网出口,不再转发给WEB缓存系统,避免循环转发问题产生。%This paper describes the mechanism and workflow of Web cache system, and gives in-depth analysis of the endless forwarding loop problem that leads to the breakdown of Web cache system. The access request to CDN resources by local IDC server is forwarded to Web cache system, and however, this access request is then forwarded back to the local IDC server by the Web cache system. And this“endless-forwarding request”between the Web cache system and local IDC server eventually results in the breakdown of Web cache system. To solve this problem, it is necessary to change the configuration so that the HTTP requests from IDC server could be sent directly to the local Internet exit port instead of to the Web Cache system. Thus the“endless-forwarding”problem is avoided.