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辽宁工程技术大学 英语2 期末考试试题及参考答案

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辽宁工程技术大学20 级 专升本(土木工程专业)


题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 总分 得分

得分 阅卷人

I. Vocabulary and Structure (30)

1. We are fully prepared ____ more hard work.

A. on 2. It is about three ____ walk from my home to my office. B. in C. for D. \\

A. minutes 3. What other things were invented in ancient China ____ the compass? B. minute’s C. minutes’ D. minutes’s

A. beside 4. I was ____ to find his article on such an ____ topic so _____. B. besides C. except D. except for A. surprised, excited, bored C. surprised, exciting, boring 5. It was in 2001 ______ my elder brother went to college. B. surprising, exciting, boring D. surprising, excited, bored A. when 6. The noise _____ me from sleep just now.

B. that C. in which D. which A. arouses 7. The film is much better than the ______ we saw last Sunday. B. aroused C. arise D. raise

A. ones 8. Please _____ my house for me while B. one C. that D. what A. take care of I’m away.

9. Although they are brothers, they are entirely ______ each other.

B. turn over C. get together D. look for A. get along well with B. different from C. satisfied with D. ashamed of 10.You should be out playing ______ working indoors. A. instead 11. Six months ______ and still we had no news from them. B. instead of C. but D. nothing but A. passed 12. Hardly _____ the classroom when the class began. B. past C. pass D. passing A. he had entered B. he entered C. had he entered D. he was entered

13. Something has _____ my pen.

A. went wrong to C. gone wrong to 14. Do you think the tall hat _____ the little man? B. went wrong with D. gone wrong with A. does some good for B. did any good for C. does some good to D. did any good to 15. It is ______ that we will have to be very careful.

A. a so big work B. a so big job C. such a big work D. such a big job

16. It was ____ late to save the drowning boy as he had gone down for the third time. A. so 17. ______ his old age, he still went to his office on foot every day. B. too C. such D. much 18. The student listened _____ to the speaker.

A. Because of B. Though C. Despite of D. In spite of A. silently B. attentively C. nervously 19. This post card is sent by ______ .

D. afraid A. a friend of father B. a friend of my fatherC. my father friend ’20. Blind trust in the western culture may _____ the young to look to the west about everything. D. my father friend’s

s A. cause 21. Since you don't believe the news, _____ no need explaining any further. B. make C. keep D. have

A. it's 22. There are over 2,000 students in our school, _____ are boys. B. its C. there's D. there be

A. two-three of that C. second-three of which 23. A simple meal can help communicate _____ each other as well. D. who of two-thirds

B. two-thirds of whom A. to 24. Tom's going to join us. Put his name, then, ____ the list of the guests. B. from C. with D. toward

A. to 25. A notice is put on the board _____ there'll be no school on Friday this week. B. with C. in D. on

A. say that 26. _____ late made his teacher angry.

B. to be said C. saying that D. said that A. Tom's being 27. _____ told you _____ was lying.

B. Tom's to be C. Tom being D. Tom to be A. Whoever; that 28. A: Do you know Linda won the first prize for her singing? B. Whoever; which C. Who; it D. Whom; he B: Yes. A. So did she _____.

29. He is more than a kind teacher to the young students. B. So she did C. She was so D. She so did A. really 30.A: She wasn't in the house when I called her last night, I think. B. nothing but C. not only D. rather

A. Nor she was B. So she was C. No, she wasn't D. So do I

B:_____. 得分 阅卷人 II. Fill in the blanks With the Following words in the Proper Forms.(10) destine pleasant shame major round the corner imitate satisfy regular differ some other 31.32. 33. The adults drank their tea in a strange manner, and the children _____ them. The team’34. There is a great _________ between American and Japanese cars. With the Spring Festival ___________, the stores are crowed with people. s poor performance ___________ the coach.

35. It is a bit _________ to promote a man so soon.

36. The office said ___________ soldiers would come to take our places.

37. The ________ of people realized the importance of limiting population growth. 38. You should be ___________ of yourself.

39. The foolish scheme is ________ to fail from the very beginning. 40. It gives me great __________ to meet the old friend. 得分 阅卷人 III. Cloze (20)

person is poor he doesn Cars are an important 41 of life in the United States. 42 most people feel that they are poor. And 43 if a ’t feel really poor 44 he has a car.

and Americans like to move 47 in it. The car provides the most comfortable and 48 form of transportation. 49 There are three main reasons the car became so 45 in the United States. 46 of all the country is a huge one a car people can go to any place without spending a lot of money.

form of public 52. Long-distance trains have never been 53 common in the United States as they are in other The second reason cars are popular is the fact 50 the United States never developed 51 and inexpensive parts of the world. Nowadays there is a good system of air-service 54 by planes. But it is 55 expensive to be used frequently.

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The third reason is the most important one, though. The American spirit of independence is 56 rally made cars popular. Americans don’t like to wait 57 a bus, or a train or even a plane. They don’t like to have to 58 an exact schedule. A car gives them the freedom to schedule 59 time. And this is the freedom that Americans want 60 to have. 41. A. role B. part C. effect D. basis 42. A. Without a car B. Not with a car C. Without no car D. With not a car

43. A. ever B. still C. even D. quite. 44. A. although B. when C. whether D. but 45. A. qualified B. increasing C. developing D. popular 46. A. First B. Firstly C. At first D. The first 47. A. around B. on C. along D. forth 48. A. cheap B. most cheap C. cheapest D. cheaper 49. A. Through B. Since C. With D. As 50. A. which B. that C. where D. what 51. A. an interested B. an affected C. an efficient D. a satisfied

52. A. movement B. carriage C. shipping D. transportation 53. A. quite B. very C. too D. as

54. A. providing B. to provide C. provided D. provides 55. A. very B. so C. too D. as

56. A. that B. what C. how D. which 57. A. for B. on C. beside D. about 58. A. follow B. further C. chase D. run 59. A. their own B. theirs own C. their D. theirs 60. A. best B. most C. worst D. least

IV. Reading Comprehension (30) 得分 阅卷人

Passage 1

In the old days, divers (潜水员) used to go down into the sea looking for ships that had sunk, because they hoped to find gold and jewels. Now divers still search fro valuable things in sunken ships, but they also try to bring to the surface the ships themselves, or parts of them. The value of different kinds of metals has increased greatly over the last twenty or thirty years and even though a ship has been under the sea for many years, it may be wroth a great deal.

One famous sunken ship is the “Lusitania”, which sank off the southern coast of Ireland in 1915 with a loss of nearly 1,500 lives. It has four huge propellers (螺旋桨) made of an expensive metal. Today each of those propellers is worth $300,000 or more. The ship, lying on the sea-bed, has been bought by a man called John Light. He paid about $1,200,000 for the whole ship. He hopes to bring up those propellers and sell them. He also hopes to sell other parts of the ship, when he has brought them to the surface, for about $600,000. 61. Divers today try to bring to the surface______.

A. gold and jewels B. parts of ships C. whole ships D. all of the above 62. Divers try to bring up metals because _______. A. they have been in the sea for a long time B. gold and jewels are not valuable things

C. some kinds of metals are worth a lot of money today D. it is easy to bring up metals

63. The word “surface” in the passage means the _____. A. market B. air C. top of a liquid D. sea

64. John Light hopes that he may be able to sell all the parts of the Lusitania for about _______. A. $ 12,000 B. $300,000 C. $1,200,000 D.$1,800,000 65. John Light bought the “Lusitania” ______.

A. before 1915 B. before it sank

C. after it sank D. after he had brought up the propellers Passage 2

WASHINGTON, Sept. 23 -- The House of Representatives, which prides itself on being\House\

The representatives newly elected in 1984 were almost four times as wealthy as the first term lawmakers elected only six years before, according to a new study on the members' financial reports.

Behind this remarkable swing, the study says, there are two main factors: a court decision that outlawed limits on what candidates could give to their own campaigns, and the enormous growth in the cost of pursuing a seat in Congress. As a result, it is increasingly difficult for candidates of modest means, particularly women to amount successful challenges to entrenched office holders.

One solution, the authors contend, is a system of public financing for campaigns, but Congress seems in no mood to change the political rules any time soon.

\public policy institute based in New York. \Lords denies the diversity of our democracy. It establishes a de facto property qualification for office that increasingly says: The people with low and middle income need not apply.\

The Democracy Project produced the study in cooperation with the United States Public Interests Research Group, a similar institute situated in Washington. But their research was not entirely theoretical. In 1980 Mr. Green was the unsuccessful Democratic candidate for Congress in New York' s 15th District, in Manhattan. The winner was Bill Green, one of the wealthiest members of Congress. 66. What can we know from the passage?

A. The House of Representatives is poor men' s club.

B. The House of Representatives was made up of people with low and middle income. C. The House of Representatives was rich men' s club.

D. The House of Representatives is made up of people with low and middle income. 67. What does \

A. The House of Representatives prides itself on being \B. The new study based on the members' financial reports.

C. A court decision that outlawed limits on what candidates could give to their own campaigns. D. The representatives elected now are much wealthier than those elected a few years ago. 68. Which of the following is wrong according to the study? A. Any honest man can become a representative of the House.

B. Women are more difficult than men to be an entrenched office holder. C. Limits on what a candidate could give to his campaign are outlawed. D. One must spend much money getting a seat in the Congress. 69. What is the United States Public Interests Research Group like? A. The House of Representatives.

B. A public policy institute based in New York. C. A public policy institute based in Washington. D. The House of Lords.

70. What does the writer think of the study?

A. Doubtful. B. Believable. C. Opposed. D. Normal. 71. 这篇新闻报道是完全根据实际情况写成的。

72. 我们永远不会忘记在农村度过的那个暑假。

73. 不幸的是,这次演出是我们所看到的最乏味的演出之一。

74. 在中学,我们学习英语、数学、语文和其他一些课程。

75. 在这个教室里并非每个学生都是来自中国。

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I. 1-5 CCBCB 6-10 BBABB 11-15ACDCD 16-20 BDBA A 21-25 CBCDC 26-30ABCAB II. 31. imitated 32.dissatisfied 33. round the corner 34. difference 35. irregular 36. some other 37. majority 38.ashamed 39. destined 40. pleasure III. 41-45 BACBD 46-50 AACCB 51-55 CDDCC 56-60 BAAAB IV. 61-65 DCDDD 66-70 BDACB

81. This news report was written on the basis of real fact. 82. We will never forger the summer we spent in the countryside.

83. Unfortunately, this performance was the one of the most boring one which we have ever seen.

84. In the middle school, we study English, Math, Chinese and some other subjects.

85. Not everyone in this classroom come from China.

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辽宁工程技术大学 英语2 期末考试试题及参考答案


