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题目:票据诈骗产生的原因,主要形式及防范 学 号: 学生姓名: 院 部: 专 业: 年 级: 指导教师: 姓名及职称:完成日期:

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关键词:票据诈骗 主要形式 防范措施

Content summary

Bill payment is a form of economic transactions in China, the main feature of the transaction is \the bill is the most important payment tool. With the development of China's social economy, the market economy system has been improved, and the transaction between business and trade has become more and more frequent. Various types of payment forms have begun to appear. Although the network payment is very popular today, the bank notes are still being regarded as people's economy An indispensable part of the transaction. This paper starts from the formation factors of bill fraud, such as: the financial system has not yet improved the relevant legal system of the notes, the poor awareness of the bank bill fraud, the bank account management work is not in place, the bank's technical means behind, and According to the formation factors of the bill fraud, the characteristics of the crime of fraud in China are as follows: namely, the means of crime are diversified and intelligent. The professionalism, grouping, scale and internal and external collusion are serious. Of the lawful and effective bills to stop procedures, fraudulent funds; picked up the notes of the lawless elements of the use of ticket firms and agents of the separation of payment lines, fraudulent funds. The main forms of bill fraud are counterfeit notes, altered bills, complex forms, and international fraud. Finally, put forward the measures to prevent the risk of bill fraud,

such as: to increase cooperation between financial institutions, the establishment of the entire financial system covering the defense system, strengthen bank-enterprise collaboration, insist on crackdown on fraud.

Keywords: bill fraud, the main form, the model measures

目 录

一、票据诈骗的形成因素 ................................... 1

(一)金融业对票据的相关法制体系尚未完善 ............. 1 (二)社会对银行票据诈骗的防范意识较差 ............... 1 (三)银行机构账户管理工作不到位 ..................... 2 (四)银行的相关技术手段落后 ......................... 2 二、当前金融票据诈骗犯罪的特点 ........................... 2

(一)犯罪手段呈多样化、智能化 ....................... 2 (二)作案职业化、团伙化、规模化 ..................... 3 (三)对根据正常商品交易签发出的合法有效票据办理止付手续,骗取资金 ......................................... 3 (四)捡到票据的不法分子利用出票行和代理付款行的分离,骗取资金 ............................................... 3 三、票据诈骗的主要形式 ................................... 4

(一)伪造票据 ....................................... 4 (二)变造票据 ....................................... 4 (三)形式复杂化 ..................................... 5 (四)票据诈骗出现国际化趋势 ......................... 6 四、防范票据诈骗风险的对策 ............................... 6

(一)注意易发票据诈骗案件的业务环节 ................. 6 (二)采用先进的防伪技术和高科技印刷手段 ............. 6 (三)加强业务学习,强化内部管理,健全和落实各项规章制度



