| . V(KMbular)and Slmclurc
Dirvdions: Bcnvuth each nt the following sentences, there arc rour choices marked A. B. C ant D. ChfKtse the one thul bt^l completes the sentcnciL Mark your answer(?n the ANSWER SHEE1\\ (20 points)
1. 丁he result of the experiment was quite _______ from what I expected.
A. different C Marne
away D. similar
2. He grnduated from the university 10 years ago and still kept in __________________ with Severn classmates,
A< toiwh
B? track
每 search D. line
3. Shr m?de up her ___________ to Ntart her own company>
A. brain C. idea L Shr could not
A. do B. rnuke C. arrive D. decide
5. On you fell me which place you ______________ ?
A. think over Be have out of mind C, have in the mind IX have in mind
6. Sfw opened the door ___________ the fresh air to come in.
A. of C. into
B. for D. let
weighv contruL
B. mind D. thought
a decision about what to wear in lhe party.
1. Vigorous exercise helps prevent illness ?nd z rm punant
A. of C. with
ti. 9 D- for
玖 is punted
D. being painted
K thr nicchnnmm ol th?t cquiprncnl.
8. _H?ve you moved into the new *Noi ycu The room ____________________ .\A. has been painted
C. paints 9. A Mibjcrl
A. whirh l hr re rcintiniH** to br intennr (irhntr
Ik which contihuo tu be intenhr drbdtr C nn which t! < <)ntinnr?< to hr inirnne drlmtr Il whftt cununueH to br ihtrfme (ICIMIIC
!()? Ar anr times _ n ronuntir VIWHHI of thr hoinrlrM* WMn
A. there i? C. there were
[| 4 SIluulkifiMl Dlnlnuue*
DlrectlotiM: Chmxie A. H ?r C to complete eneh conv?rvntiont using the nentcncvt bclowt Mark your un^rr IL - Iki you ?tlonu with your hrathrr1* B? there arc IX there wa? A. Ns we hnvrhft been there before. K I I)VK your pnrdon? Yem Arc pulling niy lw ? Yz. mojit of the timc< 12. Iki you mind niy upming ihr window? It f? MI hut ludny, A. Yew. you c?itn dcu H. Yr— H CIDCMO 11 nuHirrt (\\ No. mH nl nil. 13. — Mny I help you find Mjmrthingt or nrr you |iE looking? A. 1 nrn trying io find xoructhing for my dmight\H. Nat dinner is nearly ready. C. I hnt righL TH hove th/H blue ont\\ 1 >L May I ?ivc you n hand? A. How nmny hnnch d“ you hwvc? Thnnk you. You nrr ?(> kind. C. I don11 need n lift n<)WM(lny5. 15. Iluvr you vimtrd Hong Kong? A. Sorry# I'm plAnnmK io RO to New York. H. No? bui I*vc heard n 15 nn exciting city. C. Yes. ii a lohK wAy to my hometown. 16. Have you been to Sydney? A. No. I(h B. No< but 1 hope to go there sometime next year> C. No, I wouldnft go with thenu 1 7. — Let me help you get the books back. A. Ycse I can RH them mywlL Ik Pm nil set. Bui thnnks imyway. C. Reftlly? Could you tell mt why? 18. Why dnn*! we go gel coffer somewhere? A. Thata Rood idg B. 11 vr lost a !ol of weight. C. Wr used to go there very often. 1 rL — Could you tell me where the tissues arc. please? A. It S under a big tree in front of the art building. B. All the woy m the back, against the walL C. PH go to the store and get ytomc more. 20. — W Fndny< A. Could you po^ibly change it lo、onw olhrr dny。 B. h took me weeks to get that appointment. C. When are you going 1Q meet rhot tutor of youmf Q| . Pc5t Direction%: For each numbered blank in the following passRget there are four choices marked A. B9 C and D? Chiniw the best one und murk your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (2D points) Any miMakt made in the printing of A 2£ on one inrxpcnsivr |Mj5iftge siamp ha5 made the stamp 22 A miilion on(J a half times Its oriKinjil value. I ht mi时内灯 was made more than u hundred years H^O in the British colony nF M?uriiiu5. n smnll 23 in thr Indinn (Jceriiu 24^ 18-17 an order (or xUnipH was wm tn n London pnntrr Mfluniius was 2。 the fourth country in the world to issue stamps