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选择一项: A. had B. having C. have

正确答案是:have 题干

Travellers, when ____________ the checks, have to sign the checks in the presence of the bank or service clerks. 选择一项: A. buy B. buying C. to buy

正确答案是:buying 题干

Please ____________ an open return flight from Barcelona to Frankfurt. 选择一项: A. paper B. text C. book


二、阅读理解/翻译/完形填空(题型随机)(共50分) 题干


Schengen Visa Application Steps

Identify the country or countries you will be travelling to. It is particularly important to know which countries you are travelling to because it determines where and how you are going to send your application.

● If you are intending to visit just one Schengen country, you will need to apply for the Schengen visa directly with the embassy or consulate of that particular country.

● If you are intending to visit two or more Schengen countries, your application must be sent to the embassy or consulate of the country that shall be your main destination.

● If you are intending to visit several Schengen countries, but do not have a main destination, you should apply for the visa at the embassy or consulate of the first Schengen country on your travel itinerary.

Fill out an application form beforehand to obtain a Schengen visa. You can download and print off the form online.

Prepare all the requirements for your Schengen visa application. Depending on the consulate or embassy, you are required to show the following documents:

● A valid national passport

● Evidence showing the purpose of your trip (e.g. hotel reservations) ● Proof of medical insurance ● A round-trip travel ticket ● Proof of funds

Check the processing time to ensure you get your Schengen visa on time. The processing time varies per embassy, so it is important to take the processing time into account when planning your trip. 反馈 1. 答案:C 2. 答案:A 3. 答案:B 4. 答案:C 5. 答案:A

We used to ____________ cash advances. 选择一项:

A. had B. having C. have




