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Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary


II.Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案)(共 20 分)

26.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation?

A)light B) enough C) flight D) though

27.Christine does not usually have A)a B) an

supper unless she is very hungry

D) /

the death of Kobe and his daughter.


D) to

C) the

28.Basketball fans were very sad to hear A)by

29.Shiiley's flat is A) at

B) of

the twentieth floor, so she goes up and down in the lift. B) in

C) on

D) to

30.The professor is careful. He always asks A) he

B) him

some questions before making a decision C) his

D) himself

31.The twin sisters were very tired on their way home, but A) either

32.Look, here is some A) book

B) neither

C) none

of them would stop for a rest D) both

on the best universities for you to study abroad. B) tip

C) suggestion

D) information

33.If s common knowledge that human brains can't work as A) quick

B) quicker

C) quickly

as computers. D) more quickly

34.Nowadays people have found it A) hard 35.Tina and Tom A) are chatting 36.-Do you know

to read a printed book than they did 20 years ago. C) hardly

D) the hardest

B) harder

with each other happily on the internet this time yesterday. B) will chat

C) were chatting

D) have chatted

Lily can lose so much weight in such a short time? -Of course, by having sports regularly and being on a strict diet A) why

B) when C) what D) how

37.The hotel wasn't good enough indeed, but I A) stayed 38.No decision A) is made

B) would stay

in many worse ones before. C) had stay

D) were staying

about the family trip in August until Andy's father comes back.

B) will make

C) is making D) will be made

39.During the winter holidays, the boy practiced A) to play

B) playing

the guitar for three hours a day.

D) played

C) play

40.The dark smoke from the factories near the river made the local people A) feel

B) felt

C) feeling

sick. D) to feel

41.- May I park my car here for a while? -No, you

. Don't you see the sign 'NO PARKING\

B) shouldn't

C) mustn't

D) couldn't

A) needn't

42.Many students won't give up their hobbies A) because

B) although

they are busy with their studies. C) so

? D) hasn't he D) if

43.Peter is a model student. He's never been late for school, A) is he

B) has he

C) isn't he

44.-I don't think I can pass the final exam. - . You can make it if you believe yourself and try your best.

B) Don’t worry D) Thanks

A)It doesn’t matter C) Congratulations 45. -

? - I'm sorry to hear that

A) Sorry for keeping you waiting.

B) I’d like to invite you to my birthday party.

C) Tom won the first prize in the speech contest.

D) I lost my new bike last weekend.

.IComplete the following passage with the words in the box. Each one can only be used once

(将下列单词或词组填入空格.每空格限填一词,每词或词组只能填一次)(共 8 分)

A.minds B. equals C. novel D. designed E. eyes

How much time do you spend online? For most people, the answer is 32 hours a week. That 46 over 1, 600 hours every year! When you are online, how much time do you spend looking at one thing? Most people surf the Internet at a very high speed. In fact, many websites are 47 to let users scan them very quickly, and then move on. Some people worry about how this is influencing our 48 . After all, if you can't look at a website for more than 30 seconds, how can you read a 49 ? A.busy

B. result C. challenge D. boring E. peaceful

Now, a new website has a 50 users. It asks you to sit back, and do nothing! This website is very simple. It asks you to look at the screen for two minutes. You can touch neither the

mouse nor the keyboard. Does it sound easy? It might be harder than you think. One newspaper reported that more than 20 percent of people failed on their first try. This website is supposed to help us slow down. It reminds us that we don't need to live such 51 lives. The screen has a picture of a huge, 52 ocean. You can hear waves. It feels like being on a beach. You probably have an extra two minutes. Go to www. donothingfbr2 minutes.com and test yourself. The 53 might surprise you. VI .Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单 词

的适当形式完成下列句子)(共 8 分)

54. When disaster strikes, everyone tries to avoid it. Only

are moving towards it. (hero)

55. Jerry, it’s the time that you have missed the school bus this week, (four)

English? (we)

56.As Miss Huang has been ill recently, who is going to teach 57.WHO is one of the most important international 58.The shop assistant greeted the customers the world, (organize) with a smile at the entrance, (polite)

us to live a healthy life, (able) in the sky. (appear)


59.Eating vegetables and exercising regularly can 60.The string of the kite broke suddenly and the kite 61. Studying online with our teachers during the winter holiday will be a(n) in our life, (forget)

V. Rewrite the following sentences as required (根据所给要求,改写下列句子。62-67 题 每

空格限填一词. 68 题注意句首大写)(共 14 分)

62. You'd better take an umbrella with you when you go out.(改为否定句)

You'd better an umbrella with you when you go out. 63. Eric has been teaching himself French since 3 years ago.(对划线部分提问)

has Eric been teaching himself French?

64. The headmaster awarded Emily the first prize in the English speech contest.


Emily the first prize in the English speech contest by the headmaster.

65.Did Bob catch the plane last weekend? Could you tell me? (改为含宾语从句的主从复合句)

Could you tell me

Bob the plane last weekend? 66. The students in Class 5 are very excited to go on a picnic in Century Park.(改为感叹句)

the students in Class 5 are to go on a picnic in Century Park! 67. It is reported that this kind of disease can do harm to people and animals.(保持原句意思)



