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(单选题)1: She was ( ) the grandchildren again. A: looking for

B: looking forward to C: looking around 正确答案:

(单选题)2: He ( ) a lot of money since he ( ) his own restaurant business. A: made, has started B: has made, started C: have made, started 正确答案:

(单选题)3: I didn’t buy the book because I didn’t have ( ) money on me. A: no B: any C: some 正确答案:

(单选题)4: He is a good friend of ( ). A: our B: our's C: ours 正确答案:

(单选题)5: Nowadays many species of animals are no longer ____. A: in common B: exist C: living

D: in existence 正确答案:

(单选题)6: Both sides ____ these terms. A: agreed on B: agreed with C: agreed to D: agreed 正确答案:

(单选题)7: Send me an email ( ) you arrive in Beijing. A: while B: when C: if


(单选题)8: Can you help me to clear ( ) my desk? A: away B: out C: up


(单选题)9: We ( ) a chess competition tonight. A: have had B: have

C: are having 正确答案:

(单选题)10: As ____ as I am ____, I don’t care what you do. A: long…concerned B: long…concerning C: far…concerned D: far…concerning 正确答案:

(单选题)11: The child is ( ) his father. A: called as B: named as C: named after 正确答案:

(单选题)12: The boy’s hair stuck ____ straight with fright. A: to B: up C: up to D: on


(单选题)13: The day after tomorrow ( ) my birthday. A: shall be B: will be

C: is going to be 正确答案:

(单选题)14: If my brother calls, ( ) him to meet me at six. A: speak B: tell C: let 正确答案:

(单选题)15: Mary spent the whole afternoon looking ( ) the shops. A: for B: round C: up


(单选题)16: ( ) of these books are yours? A: What B: Which C: How 正确答案:

(单选题)17: He ( ) to the hospital after the accident. A: took

B: was taking C: was taken 正确答案:

(单选题)18: A: Whose book is this? B: It's ( ). A: me B: mine C: my


(单选题)19: If it ( ) tomorrow, we ( ) to the Summer Palace. A: rains, will go B: won't rain, go

C: doesn't rain, will go 正确答案:

(单选题)20: Have you ( ) seen a tiger? A: over B: just C: ever 正确答案:

(单选题)21: In a few minutes, Mrs. Smith suddenly ____. A: overcame B: regained C: came to D: recovered 正确答案:

(单选题)22: The overwhelming flood has polluted the water sources of the city and it is now ____ drinkable water. A: in need B: in short C: short of D: needed 正确答案:

(单选题)23: In fact she doesn't like him ( ). A: at all B: any more C: no more 正确答案:

(单选题)24: Is it difficult to learn to ( ) Tai Chi? A: do B: play C: go


(单选题)25: When he woke up, he heard the ( ) of knocking at the door. A: voice B: noise C: sound 正确答案:

(单选题)26: I'll go and see you ( ) I'm in England. A: while B: until C: before 正确答案:

(单选题)27: ( ) is ready now for the party. A: Everything B: something C: Anything 正确答案:

(单选题)28: You don’t come and see me like you ( ). A: did

B: are used to C: used to 正确答案:

(单选题)29: It is a ____ time to wait for the result of the exam. A: trying B: tried C: difficult D: worrying 正确答案:

(单选题)30: Did you enjoy ( ) when you stayed in Beijing? A: you

B: yourself C: your 正确答案:

(单选题)31: She ( ) to town last week. A: goes B: went C: has gone 正确答案:

(单选题)32: Just wait for a moment! I'll get the car ( ). A: starting B: start C: started 正确答案:

(单选题)33: Peggy is ( ) her granddaughter at six pm. A: picking out B: picking up C: taking 正确答案:

(单选题)34: While I ( ) the bus, it started to rain. A: was waiting for B: waited for C: am waiting for 正确答案:

(单选题)35: He is going to apply ( ) a job in the bank. A: in B: at C: for 正确答案:

(单选题)36: I’m going to buy Mary a birthday gift. Do you have ( ) in mind?

A: special something B: special anything C: anything special 正确答案:

(单选题)37: We have ____ with the company for 10 tons of steel. A: contracted B: contacted C: constructed D: convinced 正确答案:

(单选题)38: Do you know whether he is on holiday or ( )? A: in business B: on business C: to work 正确答案:

(单选题)39: He stopped ( ) TV when the dinner was ready. A: watching B: to watch C: watch 正确答案:

(单选题)40: This jacket is not ( ) for me. I need a bigger size. A: not enough B: smaller C: big enough 正确答案:

(单选题)41: Don't worry. Everything will ( ) well in the end. A: work out B: work very C: do out 正确答案:

(单选题)42: This cake is ( ) nice. I'd like to have more of it. A: too B: really C: most 正确答案:

(单选题)43: The investigation group, which ____ 2 men and 3 women, started this morning.

A: composed of B: composes

C: is composed of D: are composed of 正确答案:

(单选题)44: It was so cold outside that my toes became ____. A: numb B: warm C: painful D: stiff 正确答案:

(单选题)45: Mary didn’t turn ( ) until the train left. A: out B: in C: up


(单选题)46: I have no idea who stole his wallet. It ( ) anyone. A: could have been B: should have been C: must have been 正确答案:

(单选题)47: If you're going to come, please let me know ( ). A: before B: in ahead C: in advance 正确答案:

(单选题)48: – Have you visited Xi'an? – Yes, I ( ) there many times. A: go

B: have been C: went to 正确答案:

(单选题)49: The police arrived quickly, ( ) it was too late. A: but B: and C: so


(单选题)50: His grandfather is very healthy. He ( ) drinks ( ) smokes. A: both, and B: neither, nor C: neither, or 正确答案:

(单选题)1: She was ( ) the grandchildren again. A: looking for

B: looking forward to C: looking around 正确答案:

(单选题)2: He ( ) a lot of money since he ( ) his own restaurant business. A: made, has started B: has made, started C: have made, started 正确答案:

(单选题)3: I didn’t buy the book because I didn’t have ( ) money on me. A: no B: any C: some 正确答案:

(单选题)4: He is a good friend of ( ). A: our B: our's C: ours 正确答案:

(单选题)5: Nowadays many species of animals are no longer ____. A: in common B: exist C: living

D: in existence 正确答案:

(单选题)6: Both sides ____ these terms. A: agreed on B: agreed with C: agreed to D: agreed 正确答案:

(单选题)7: Send me an email ( ) you arrive in Beijing.

A: while B: when C: if


(单选题)8: Can you help me to clear ( ) my desk? A: away B: out C: up


(单选题)9: We ( ) a chess competition tonight. A: have had B: have

C: are having 正确答案:

(单选题)10: As ____ as I am ____, I don’t care what you do. A: long…concerned B: long…concerning C: far…concerned D: far…concerning 正确答案:

(单选题)11: The child is ( ) his father. A: called as B: named as C: named after 正确答案:

(单选题)12: The boy’s hair stuck ____ straight with fright. A: to B: up C: up to D: on


(单选题)13: The day after tomorrow ( ) my birthday. A: shall be B: will be

C: is going to be 正确答案:

(单选题)14: If my brother calls, ( ) him to meet me at six.

A: speak B: tell C: let 正确答案:

(单选题)15: Mary spent the whole afternoon looking ( ) the shops. A: for B: round C: up


(单选题)16: ( ) of these books are yours? A: What B: Which C: How 正确答案:

(单选题)17: He ( ) to the hospital after the accident. A: took

B: was taking C: was taken 正确答案:

(单选题)18: A: Whose book is this? B: It's ( ). A: me B: mine C: my


(单选题)19: If it ( ) tomorrow, we ( ) to the Summer Palace. A: rains, will go B: won't rain, go

C: doesn't rain, will go 正确答案:

(单选题)20: Have you ( ) seen a tiger? A: over B: just C: ever 正确答案:

(单选题)21: In a few minutes, Mrs. Smith suddenly ____. A: overcame

B: regained C: came to D: recovered 正确答案:

(单选题)22: The overwhelming flood has polluted the water sources of the city and it is now ____ drinkable water. A: in need B: in short C: short of D: needed 正确答案:

(单选题)23: In fact she doesn't like him ( ). A: at all B: any more C: no more 正确答案:

(单选题)24: Is it difficult to learn to ( ) Tai Chi? A: do B: play C: go


(单选题)25: When he woke up, he heard the ( ) of knocking at the door. A: voice B: noise C: sound 正确答案:

(单选题)26: I'll go and see you ( ) I'm in England. A: while B: until C: before 正确答案:

(单选题)27: ( ) is ready now for the party. A: Everything B: something C: Anything 正确答案:

(单选题)28: You don’t come and see me like you ( ).

A: did

B: are used to C: used to 正确答案:

(单选题)29: It is a ____ time to wait for the result of the exam. A: trying B: tried C: difficult D: worrying 正确答案:

(单选题)30: Did you enjoy ( ) when you stayed in Beijing? A: you

B: yourself C: your 正确答案:

(单选题)31: She ( ) to town last week. A: goes B: went C: has gone 正确答案:

(单选题)32: Just wait for a moment! I'll get the car ( ). A: starting B: start C: started 正确答案:

(单选题)33: Peggy is ( ) her granddaughter at six pm. A: picking out B: picking up C: taking 正确答案:

(单选题)34: While I ( ) the bus, it started to rain. A: was waiting for B: waited for C: am waiting for 正确答案:

(单选题)35: He is going to apply ( ) a job in the bank. A: in

B: at C: for 正确答案:

(单选题)36: I’m going to buy Mary a birthday gift. Do you have ( ) in mind? A: special something B: special anything C: anything special 正确答案:

(单选题)37: We have ____ with the company for 10 tons of steel. A: contracted B: contacted C: constructed D: convinced 正确答案:

(单选题)38: Do you know whether he is on holiday or ( )? A: in business B: on business C: to work 正确答案:

(单选题)39: He stopped ( ) TV when the dinner was ready. A: watching B: to watch C: watch 正确答案:

(单选题)40: This jacket is not ( ) for me. I need a bigger size. A: not enough B: smaller C: big enough 正确答案:

(单选题)41: Don't worry. Everything will ( ) well in the end. A: work out B: work very C: do out 正确答案:

(单选题)42: This cake is ( ) nice. I'd like to have more of it. A: too B: really

C: most 正确答案:

(单选题)43: The investigation group, which ____ 2 men and 3 women, started this morning.

A: composed of B: composes

C: is composed of D: are composed of 正确答案:

(单选题)44: It was so cold outside that my toes became ____. A: numb B: warm C: painful D: stiff 正确答案:

(单选题)45: Mary didn’t turn ( ) until the train left. A: out B: in C: up


(单选题)46: I have no idea who stole his wallet. It ( ) anyone. A: could have been B: should have been C: must have been 正确答案:

(单选题)47: If you're going to come, please let me know ( ). A: before B: in ahead C: in advance 正确答案:

(单选题)48: – Have you visited Xi'an? – Yes, I ( ) there many times. A: go

B: have been C: went to 正确答案:

(单选题)49: The police arrived quickly, ( ) it was too late.

A: but B: and C: so


(单选题)50: His grandfather is very healthy. He ( ) drinks ( ) smokes. A: both, and B: neither, nor C: neither, or 正确答案:



