His return from abroad will have great impact on the political circle. 2、每个人都应关心自己国家的未来。
Everyone should be concerned about the future of his own country. 3、香港回归在世界各地引起了很大 震动。
The returning of Hong Kong has caused a great stir all over the world. 4、我认为那个被偷的录音机是我的。 I identify that stolen recorder as mine. 5、他是该校最有权威的代表之一。
He is one of the most authoritative representatives in that school. 6、他已决心攻读硕士研究生。
He has been determined to pursue a master‘s degree. UNIT ELEVEN P273
Animal research has contributed greatly to man‘s medical development. 2、动物研究是否与人体健康有关,人们持不同态度。
People hold different attitudes as to that weather animal research is relevant to physical health. 3、用于实验的动物数量在过去二十年中已大大减少了。
The number of animals used in experiments has been greatly reduced over the past 20 years. 4、研究的新成果表明,少数实验可以放弃使用动物。 New research finding show that a few experiment.
Although medical technology is more and more advanced, it is still far from totally stopping using animals in experiments. P275
The artist reproduced every detail of your feature in this portrait. 2、我们应该力争达到更高的生产率。 We should aim for higher productivity. 3、他提供了对这一问题极为重要的论据。
He provide arguments central to this problem. 4、我认为他的话不切我们的话题。
I think his words irrelevant to our topic.
The security of the city is undergoing changes since more and more people are coming into it. UNIT TWELVEN P305
Resent research findings show that day dreaming is a part of daily life. 2、白日做梦不仅有利于心态平衡,而且能提高人们的自控力。
Day dreaming is not only beneficial to emotional equilibrium, but also enhance mans‘ self-control. 3、历史上许多科学家与发明家曾充分利用白日梦。
Many scientists and inventors in history once made full use of day dreaming. 4、有的作曲家在作曲时几乎像进入了很深的白日梦状态。
When composing, some composers seem to go into a state of day dreaming deeply. 5、在梦境中不要将自己描绘成失败者而应该是成功者。
Don‘t describe yourself as a loser but a winner in your daydreaming. P307
There are at best too people attending the meeting.
It took him two years to write the book called “Reflecting on the pasts”。 3、我们应该正视生活中的困难,而不是逃避它们。
We should meet with the difficulties directly in life instead of flee from them. 4、老师的赞赏增强了他的信心。
The teacher‘s praise enhanced his confidence. 5、当锻炼想象力时,他应摆脱常规的思维模式。
When exercising imagination, you should be free from the ordinary mode of thinking. 6、你在安装设备之前要把说明书先看一遍。
You should go over the instructions before installing the equipment. UNIT THIRTEEN P336
He wouldn‘t be happy if he is compelled to do what he doesn’t enjoy doing. 2、一件工作被算成是劳作还是工作取决于个人的喜好。
It is depended on personal taste whether a job is classified as worker. 3、广义上说,任何人做的工作都对社会有益。
In the broad sense, the work of all people is beneficial to the society. 4、劳作与工作之间的区别与体力劳动与脑力劳动的区别并不一致。
The difference between labor and work does not coincide with that between manual and mental job. 5、技术与劳动分工在许多领域结束了对熟练工的需求。
Technology and division of labor ended the need for skilled workers in many of fields. P338
He undertakes this job reluctantly. 2、一个人的外貌和他的品质常常不一致。
One‘s appearance does not often coincide with his characters. 3、这个男孩喜欢集邮。
The boy goes in for stamp collecting. 4、雨迫使我们停赛。
The rain compelled us to stop competing. 5、信息对他有很大价值。
Information is of great value to him. 6、他通过努力工作赢得了许多人的尊敬。
He has earned the respect of others by hard working. 7、这家公司在北京又设立了一个分部。
The company established a division more in Beijing. 8、所有的错误都应从这篇文章里清除。
All the mistakes should be eliminated from the article. UNIT FORTEEN P369
1、她的劝说以失败而告终。 Her persuasion ended in failure. 2、我们每人都应为他人做点事。
We should all do something for others, and give something back. 3、这个年轻人的故事值得我们深思。
The story of this young man deserves our reflecting. 4、女教师超人的勇气与同情心鼓舞许多学生为他人做好事。
The woman teacher‘s courage and compassion encouraged a lot of students to do nice things for other. 5、一位具有非凡勇气的女教师与要杀她的凶手辩论。
A woman teaches with extraordinary courage reasoned with the killed who wanted to murder her. P371
Explorers open up a piece of land in the east of America. 2、此人声称他的建议被忽视了。
The man alleged that his suggestion had been neglected. 3、我怀疑他没能有效地控制时间。
I suspect that he has failed to control his time effectively. 4、他们的努力不起作用。 Their effort is to no avail. 5、你能对这一结论发表意见吗?
Could you comment on this conduction? 6、他相信某些植物特种正受到灭绝的威胁。
He is convinced that some plant species are being threatened by extinction. UNIT FIFTEEN P400
The computer has led humans into a mew era. 2、电脑能帮助解决生命研究中的许多问题。
The computer is able to help solve many problem involved in life research. 3、亚里士多德说过,诗人长于描绘共性而专家只长于某一特性。
Aristotle said that poets are good at describing the universal but specialists the particular. 4、现在有一种倾向,将计算机里的数据错当成智慧。
Now there is a tendency to mistake the data in the computer for wisdom. 5、计算机在工业领域的应用使生产效率发生了惊人的变化。
The use of computers in industrial field, causes production efficiency to change surprisingly. P402
The ultimate responsibility lies in the president. 2、技术员掌握了珍贵的数据资料。
The technician has possessed valuable data. 3、他曾梦想用爱战胜敌对。
The once dreamed of conquering his enemies with love. 4、两个又胞胎如此相似,以至于很难区分他们。
The twins are so much alike that it‘s hard to distinguish between them. 5、他们必须仔细考虑电视中暴力行为对儿童的影响。
They have to reflect on the effect of TV violent acts on children. 6、一切非法建筑物都必须拆除。
All the unlawful buildings must be pulled down. 7、好书的产生是努力工作的结果。
The coming about of a good book is the result of hard work. 8、当你的朋友吵架时,你应该帮助他们和解。
When your friends are quarreling, you should help them (to) come to terms.