The Impact of MALL on Task-based Curriculum
【期刊名称】《校园英语(教研版)》 【年(卷),期】2015(000)001
【摘要】The following is a research proposal for finding out“what is the impact of MALL on task-based curriculum development”.Ever since late 1960, the emergence of online learning has brought a wave of new MALL.The study aims to provides model of better assess for students to acquire knowledge through MALL.A cross-sectional survey combining both qualitative and quantitative method would be employed to apply a prospective research on the corresponding impact.Expected results of the transformation of student learning performance after the utilization of MALL would lead to the influence of activity theory. 【总页数】1页(28-28) 【关键词】 【作者】陈文辉
【作者单位】香港中文大学 【正文语种】英文 【中图分类】 【相关文献】
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The Impact of MALL on Task-based Curriculum Development