【期刊名称】《实验动物科学》 【年(卷),期】2011(028)002
【摘要】目的 观察解脲支原体(Ureaplasma ureaIyticum,Uu)感染对大鼠睾丸形态学的影响.方法 在大鼠膀胱内接种Uu(105ccU/mL),在大鼠的睾丸组织中培养出Uu,用聚合酶链反应(PCR)检测Uu,并用光镜观察睾丸组织.结果 模型组检测出Uu阳性8只,检测阳性率为66.7%,正常组均未检测出Uu;模型组睾丸重量明显低于正常组(P<0.01),正常组睾丸曲细精管正常,生精细胞排列有序,管腔中常可见到精子,模型组光镜可见曲细精管变性,生精细胞减少,部分区域间质呈渗出、水肿.结论 提示Uu感染可干扰精子发生,是造成男性不育的因素之一.%Objective This study observed the effects of Uu on the morphology of the testis of rats infected.Methods Rats were inoculated the Uu (105ccU/mL)by injecting broth into the urinary bladder following laparectomy. The testes of rats were used to detect Uu. Uu were obtained by PCR. The testes were observed with light microscope. Results 8 positive Uu rats were tested out in model group,the tested rate is 66. 7% ;no one was tested out in normal group, the weight of testis in model group is lower than that in normal group (P <0. 01 ) ;The testis seminiferous tubules in normal group were normal, and germ cells' array was regular, and sperms could be often seen in the tubules. The changed seminiferous tubules, and the reduced
germ cells in some area could be seen under light microscope in model group. Conclusion It has been shown that Uu interfere with spermatogenesis. Uu might be one of the causes of male infertility. 【总页数】3页(74-75,80) 【关键词】解脲支原体;动物模型
【作者单位】空军总医院临床航空医学实验室,北京,100142;空军总医院临床航空医学实验室,北京,100142;空军总医院临床航空医学实验室,北京,100142;空军总医院临床航空医学实验室,北京,100142;空军总医院临床航空医学实验室,北京,100142 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】Q95-33 【文献来源】
https://www.zhangqiaokeyan.com/academic-journal-cn_laboratory-animal-science_thesis/0201249982293.html 【相关文献】
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