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计算机网络自顶向下 第七版 第七章答案

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Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, 7th Edition

计算机网络自顶向下 第七版

Solutions to Review Questions and Problems

Chapter 7 Review Questions

1. In infrastructure mode of operation, each wireless host is connected to the larger network via a base station (access point). If not operating in infrastructure mode, a network operates in ad-hoc mode. In ad-hoc mode, wireless hosts have no

infrastructure with which to connect. In the absence of such infrastructure, the hosts themselves must provide for services such as routing, address assignment, DNS-like name translation, and more.

2. a) Single hop, infrastructure-based b) Single hop, infrastructure-less c) Multi-hop, infrastructure-based d) Multi-hop, infrastructure-less

3. Path loss is due to the attenuation of the electromagnetic signal when it travels

through matter. Multipath propagation results in blurring of the received signal at the receiver and occurs when portions of the electromagnetic wave reflect off objects and ground, taking paths of different lengths between a sender and receiver. Interference from other sources occurs when the other source is also transmitting in the same frequency range as the wireless network.

4. a) Increasing the transmission power b) Reducing the transmission rate

5. APs transmit beacon frames. An AP’s beacon frames will be transmitted over one of the 11 channels. The beacon frames permit nearby wireless stations to discover and identify the AP.

6. False

7. APs transmit beacon frames. An AP’s beacon frames will be transmitted over one of the 11 channels. The beacon frames permit nearby wireless stations to discover and identify the AP.

8. False

9. Each wireless station can set an RTS threshold such that the RTS/CTS sequence is used only when the data frame to be transmitted is longer than the threshold. This ensures that RTS/CTS mechanism is used only for large frames.

10. No, there wouldn’t be any advantage. Suppose there are two stations that want to transmit at the same time, and they both use RTS/CTS. If the RTS frame is as long as a DATA frames, the channel would be wasted for as long as it would have been wasted for two colliding DATA frames. Thus, the RTS/CTS exchange is only useful when the RTS/CTS frames are significantly smaller than the DATA frames.

11. Initially the switch has an entry in its forwarding table which associates the wireless station with the earlier AP. When the wireless station associates with the new AP, the new AP creates a frame with the wireless station’s MAC address and broadcasts the frame. The frame is received by the switch. This forces the switch to update its forwarding table, so that frames destined to the wireless station are sent via the new AP.

12. Any ordinary Bluetooth node can be a master node whereas access points in 802.11 networks are special devices (normal wireless devices like laptops cannot be used as access points).

13. False

14. “Opportunistic Scheduling” refers to matching the physical layer protocol to channel conditions between the sender and the receiver, and choosing the receivers to which packets will be sent based on channel condition. This allows the base station to make best use of the wireless medium.

15. UMTS to GSM and CDMA-2000 to IS-95.

16. The data plane role of eNodeB is to forward datagram between UE (over the LTE radio access network) and the P-GW. Its control plane role is to handle registration and mobility signaling traffic on behalf of the UE.

The mobility management entity (MME) performs connection and mobility management on behalf of the UEs resident in the cell it controls. It receives UE subscription information from the HHS.

The Packet Data Network Gateway (P-GW) allocates IP addresses to the UEs and performs QoS enforcement. As a tunnel endpoint it also performs datagram encapsulation/decapsulation when forwarding a datagram to/from a UE.

The Serving Gateway (S-GW) is the data-plane mobility anchor point as all UE traffic will pass through the S-GW. The S-GW also performs charging/billing functions and lawful traffic interception.

17. In 3G architecture, there are separate network components and paths for voice and data, i.e., voice goes through public telephone network, whereas data goes through public Internet. 4G architecture is a unified, all-IP network architecture, i.e., both voice and data are carried in IP datagrams to/from the wireless device to several gateways and then to the rest of the Internet.

The 4G network architecture clearly separates data and control plane, which is different from the 3G architecture.

The 4G architecture has an enhanced radio access network (E-UTRAN) that is different from 3G’s radio access network UTRAN.

18. No. A node can remain connected to the same access point throughout its connection to the Internet (hence, not be mobile). A mobile node is the one that changes its point of attachment into the network over time. Since the user is always accessing the Internet through the same access point, she is not mobile.

19. A permanent address for a mobile node is its IP address when it is at its home network. A care-of-address is the one its gets when it is visiting a foreign network. The COA is assigned by the foreign agent (which can be the edge router in the foreign network or the mobile node itself).

20. False

21. The home network in GSM maintains a database called the home location register (HLR), which contains the permanent cell phone number and subscriber profile information about each of its subscribers. The HLR also contains information about the current locations of these subscribers. The visited network maintains a database known as the visitor location register (VLR) that contains an entry for each mobile user that is currently in the portion of the network served by the VLR. VLR entries thus come and go as mobile users enter and leave the network.

The edge router in home network in mobile IP is similar to the HLR in GSM and the edge router in foreign network is similar to the VLR in GSM.

22. Anchor MSC is the MSC visited by the mobile when a call first begins; anchor MSC thus remains unchanged during the call. Throughout the call’s duration and regardless of the number of inter-MSC transfers performed by the mobile, the call is routed from the home MSC to the anchor MSC, and then from the anchor MSC to the visited MSC where the mobile is currently located.

23. a) Local recovery

b) TCP sender awareness of wireless links

c) Split-connection approaches

Chapter 7 Problems

Problem 1

Output corresponding to bit d1 = [-1,1,-1,1,-1,1,-1,1] Output corresponding to bit d0 = [1,-1,1,-1,1,-1,1,-1]

Problem 2

Sender 2 output = [1,-1,1,1,1,-1,1,1]; [ 1,-1,1,1,1,-1,1,1]

Problem 3

1?1?(?1)?(?1)?1?1?1?1?1?1?(?1)?(?1)?1?1?1?11 d2??1



Problem 4

Sender 1: (1, 1, 1, -1, 1, -1, -1, -1) Sender 2: (1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)

Problem 5

a) The two APs will typically have different SSIDs and MAC addresses. A wireless station arriving to the café will associate with one of the SSIDs (that is, one of the APs). After association, there is a virtual link between the new station and the AP. Label the APs AP1 and AP2. Suppose the new station associates with AP1. When the new station sends a frame, it will be addressed to AP1. Although AP2 will also

receive the frame, it will not process the frame because the frame is not addressed to it. Thus, the two ISPs can work in parallel over the same channel. However, the two ISPs will be sharing the same wireless bandwidth. If wireless stations in different ISPs transmit at the same time, there will be a collision. For 802.11b, the maximum aggregate transmission rate for the two ISPs is 11 Mbps.

b) Now if two wireless stations in different ISPs (and hence different channels) transmit at the same time, there will not be a collision. Thus, the maximum aggregate transmission rate for the two ISPs is 22 Mbps for 802.11b.

Problem 6

Suppose that wireless station H1 has 1000 long frames to transmit. (H1 may be an AP that is forwarding an MP3 to some other wireless station.) Suppose initially H1 is the only

计算机网络自顶向下 第七版 第七章答案


