【期刊名称】《传感器与微系统》 【年(卷),期】2012(031)001
【摘要】MEMS矢量水听器是一种新型的水声传感器,对这种传感器的原理进行了简要介绍.为了验证该MEMS矢量水听器阵列的目标估计性能,进行了矢量阵的深海实验研究,选取了MUSIC算法应用于该MEMS矢量阵.实验结果表明:在复杂海洋环境中,该MEMS矢量阵能够实现对目标的方位估计和水下运动目标的航迹跟踪,从而验证了该MEMS矢量水听器成阵的可行性,为工程化应用奠定了基础.%MEMS vector hydrophone is a new type of underwater acoustic sensors. Its principle is introducedbriefly. The deep-sea experimental research is conducted in order to verify the performance of target estimation ofMEMS vector sensor array by using MUSIC algorithm. The experimental result verifies the effectiveness of MEMSvector sensor array, it shows that the direction estimation and the tracking of underwater moving target can beachieved by using the MEMS vector sensor array. It establishes the theoretical foundation for engineeringapplication. 【总页数】4页(14-16,19)
【关键词】MEMS矢量阵列;MUSIC算法;信号处理 【作者】樊姣荣;王晓瑶;刘文怡;张国军;关凌纲;王盼盼