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Government work report: \people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas.\provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, \projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County,

look round. Price: twenty dollars。” Mr. David was sure that the visitors would

stop coming, but he was wrong. More and more visitors came and Mr. David had

to spend everyday showing them around his house. “I came have to retire, not

to work as a guide(导游) 。” he said angrily. In the and, he sold the house and

moved away。

1. Why did Mr. David buy a small house in a village? ___________________________________________________ 2. When did the tourists go to his house?

___________________________________________________ 3. What did he do then?

___________________________________________________ 4. Did Mr. David like the visitors?

___________________________________________________ 5. What did he say angrily one day?


poverty alleviation, making stable poverty of village and exit in a timely manner, should support poverty alleviation into, from the ... The stability of families, not simply one off, not only to \and \ordinate the configuration resource for poverty alleviation. One hand to work actively towards a superior policy. Central work Conference of poverty-alleviation, Central Government of General transfer payments, various types of special transfer payments involving the people's livelihood, in order to further to poor areas. National Revolutionary development seminars presented \support development and construction of old revolutionary views. Prime Minister Li keqiang on the CPPCC was specifically proposed in the Government work report: \people's livelihood projects to impoverished areas.\

provinces and cities will also be supporting the introduction of appropriate policies. These policies is very large, the ... ... For counties not only opportunities for poverty eradication, it is catching up, promote the development of opportunities in the surrounding area. Departments at all levels must firmly grasp this golden opportunity, let these opportunities become crucial for poverty eradication not only a powerful lever, also became ... ... Powerful breakthrough to overall development, with overtaking. Other integration-related funds. At the meeting, \projects funds giving priority to poor implementation of village-poor tilt, clear integration of the 4 major categories of funds and use of the process. The involved departments, under the unified command of the leading group of poverty alleviation and development in the County,



