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1、一个人的年轻时代是诗的时代。 One's youth is the age of poetry.
The sun shines on me and the wind kisses me. Ah, I was born lucky.
As soon as it was dark and we went to sleep, they jumped around happily. There is a dance almost every night. 4、我的名字必须闪闪发亮,这是我活着的唯一理由。 My name must shine. That's the only reason I'm alive. 5、及时充分运用你的智慧,知识可以储备,智慧无可留待。 Make full use of your wisdom in time, knowledge can be stored, wisdom can not be left behind.
When one is young, one can and should devote oneself to life and live in harmony.
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7、她的眼睛是蔚蓝色的,像最深的湖水。 Her eyes are blue, like the deepest lake.
It's good to climb up a ladder. As long as you have the strength, it means you have to go one step further. 9、每个人的人生都是上帝这手写下的童话。 Everyone's life is a fairy tale written by God.
No heights are beyond human reach. Nevertheless, determination and self-confidence are not the only ways to achieve our goals.
11、我把家建在海上,那冰蓝色的液体注定了我一生的漂泊。 I built my home on the sea, and the ice-blue liquid doomed me to drift all my life.
As long as you've been in a swan's egg, it doesn't matter if you were born in a duck farm. 13、一颗好的心是永远不会骄傲的。 A good heart is never proud.
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14、可是他什么衣服也没有穿呀,一个小孩子最后叫出声来。 But he didn't wear any clothes, and a child finally cried out. 15、清白的良心是一个温柔的枕头。 A pure conscience is a soft pillow.
16、对于我来说,现在每根草就是一株绿树,你的每片白花瓣就是一朵芬芳的花!啊,你使我记起,我丧失了真不知多少东西。 For me, every grass is now a green tree, and every white petal of yours is a fragrant flower! Ah, you remind me that I have lost so many things.
In the far and distant sea, the water is as blue as the most beautiful cornflower, as clear as crystal, very deep, to be honest, too deep to measure its depth with an anchor chain. 18、对任何歌唱者来说,聆听者眼中的泪水是最好的报酬。 Tears in the eyes of the listener are the best reward for any singer.
Fireworks are the most beautiful only when they rush up and spread out.
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When I was an ugly duckling, I never dreamed that there would be so much happiness.
21、如果你是一只天鹅蛋,即使生在养鸭场里也没有关系。 If you're a swan egg, it doesn't matter if you're born in a duck farm.
22、啊,我亲爱的奥古斯丁,一切都完了,完了,完了。 Ah, my dear Augustine, it's all over, it's all over, it's all over. 23、生活本身就是最美妙的童话故事。 Life itself is the most wonderful fairy tale. 24、从此,王子和公主过上了幸福的生活!
From then on, the prince and the princess lived a happy life!
25、只要你是天鹅蛋,就是生在养鸡场里也没什么关系。 As long as you are a swan egg, it doesn't matter if you were born in a chicken farm.
26、旅行对我来说,是恢复青春活力的源泉。 Travel for me is a source of rejuvenation.
27、所有人类的人生,不过是藉神之手撰写的神话故事而已。 All human life is nothing more than a myth written by the hand of God.
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Water flows tirelessly, so hard things are changed into soft things by it.
29、记住,死就是一个伟大的搬家日! Remember, death is a great moving day! 30、没有经历过苦难,就不能理解弱者的痛苦。
Without suffering, we cannot understand the suffering of the weak.
It's not enough just to live, but also to have sunshine, freedom and a little fragrance of flowers.
32、凡是能冲上去,能散发出来的焰火,都是美丽的。 All the fireworks that can rush up and emit are beautiful. 33、死不过是我们心中所受到的一种触电,被解放了的灵魂,骑在电的翅膀上,就可以远走高飞。
Death is just an electric shock in our hearts. The liberated soul can ride on the wings of electricity and fly far away. 34、每朵玫瑰都显出一种怡然自得的神态,就像我们心里充满了幸福的感觉的时候一样。
Every rose has an air of complacency, just like when our hearts are filled with happiness.
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