由芯芷整理!整理於記錯日語考試之後! 2007-12-8
第四章 I.
Multiple Choice
1. Chronologically the Victorian Period refers to 1836~1901
從時間上講, 維多利亞文學時期恰好與維多利亞女王1836至1901年執政期相吻合,這一時間是英國歷史上最光輝燦爛的時期
2. Although wrting from different points of view and with different techniques, writers in the Victorian Period shared one thing in common, that is, they were all concerned about the fate of the common people
3. The author of the work“Dombey and Son” is Charles Dickens 董貝父子是查爾斯。逖更斯的作品 ---小保羅
4. In the following figures, who is Dickens?s first child hem?
Olive Twist 霧都孤兒中非人道的工廠廠房與黑暗的充滿犯罪的下層生活 5. The death-bed scences of little Nell(the old curiosiry shop) and little paul(Dombey and Son) are the vivid description by Charles Dickens
6. Which of the following comments on Charles Dickens is wrong?
A. Dickens is one of the greatest critical realist writers of the Modern
B. His serious intention is to expose and criticize all the
poverty ,injustice,hypocrisy(偽善) and corruptness he sees all around him
C. The later works show the development of Dickens towards a highly
conscious artist of the modern type
狄更斯後期的作品都表現出他正在向一個有著高度自覺意識的現代作家發展,塑造的人物都反映了一咱普遍壓抑的社會心理 D. A Tale of Two Cities is one of his later works 雙城記
7. Do you think, because I am poor,obscure,plain ,and little, I am soul less and heartless?...and If God had gifted me with some beauty, and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you” the above quoted passage is most probably taken from Jane Eyre
難道你認為, 因為我窮,默默無聞,不漂亮, 個子瘦小, 我尌沒有靈魂了嗎?你想錯了!要是上帝賜給我一點美貌和許多財富,我會讓你難以離開我,尌象現
由芯芷整理!整理於記錯日語考試之後! 2007-12-8
8. The Sentences “And now he stared at her so earnestly that I thought the very intensity of his gaze would bring tears into his eyes,but they hurned with anguish, they dod not melt ” are found in
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte 艾米麗。布朗蒂 呼嘯山莊
此刻,他熱切地凝視著她, 他看得那樣專注焦灼,我想他會流淚的,但他的雙眼卻在痛苦中燃燒,並沒有溶出淚水
9. As a love story, Wuthering Heights is one of the most moving:the passion between Heathcliff and Catherine proves the most intense, the most beautiful and at the same time the most horrible
呼嘯山莊, 希斯克利夫、凱瑟琳
10. Which statement about Emily Bronte is Not true?
A. She was famous for her wuthering heights B. She wrotes 193 poems C. She lived a very short life
D. Her masterpiece is noted for its optimistic tone
艾米麗。布朗蒂在她短暫的一生中幾乎沒有離開過家,但她比姐姐更具天賦。 作為文學家,艾米麗首先是一位詩人,她的193首詩作絕大部份描寫的是自然的鬼斧神工的造化,以及自然對人生不可限量的影響
11. The most important characteristic in Ulysses by Alfred Tennyson is
Use of the dramatic monologue
希臘神話中, 尤利西斯,是國王,尤利斯已和妻兒團聚,重新統治了島國,但他已不習慣這種寧靜的生活,於是又率領將士西行探險 本詩以戲劇獨白的形式寫成
12. In the Robert Browning?s works, which established his position as one of the greatest English poets?
The ring and the book
指環與書, 這首詩源於一本舊書中記載的對一位伯爵的審判,這位伯爵被指控殘殺了自已的妻子。這首長詩中的故事是由九個不同的人講述的,九個人九個觀點,這些人通過講述故事爆露了自已的性格特點
詩的標題 指環與書 也頗有深意, 可以解釋成金匠用黃金與其它金屬合成打造戒指,書便是純金, 象征不可更變的真理,單純的黃金隻有與其他金屬結合才能做世戒指
由芯芷整理!整理於記錯日語考試之後! 2007-12-8
13. Self-conceited 自已為事,cruel and tyrannical are most likely the names of the chareacters in
Robert Browing?s My last Duchess
在他講述自已上一位公爵夫人時, 暴露了自大, 殘忍,專橫的品質
14. The poetic form which Browning attached to Maturity and perfecton is Dramatic Monologue 戲劇獨白
15. Robert Browning?s style is rough and disproportionate in appearance
16. Robert Browning?s best-know dramatic monologue is My last Duchess 我前一位公爵夫人, 這是布朗寧最著名的一篇戲劇獨白詩
17. According to D.H.Lawrence, George Eliot was the first novelist that”started putting all the actions inside”
18. Middlemarch is considered to be George Eliot?s greatest novel, owing to all the following reasons EXCEPT
A. It vividly depicts English country life
B. It probed into perpetual philosophical thoughts C. It provides a panoramic全景 view of life
D. It reveals women?s true feelings
彌都瑪持鎮 描述了19世紀中期英國鄉村小鎮的生活全景,是英國文史上最成熟的作品之一
19. “Every day, every hur, brought to him one more little stroke of her nature, and to her one more of his” the sentence is found in
每一天,每一個小時過去,都讓雙方能更多地勾勒出對方的性情 Tess of the D’Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy 托馬斯。哈代 德伯家的苔絲
20. The Author of the writing”the return of the native is “Thomas Hardy”
由芯芷整理!整理於記錯日語考試之後! 2007-12-8
還鄉的主角尤斯塔西亞不知疲倦試圖通過嫁給現代化的城裡人來擺脫野蠻落後的鄉村生活,但最後她還是失望了, 因為她的丈夫也來到農村定居,尤斯塔西亞再次試圖逃離,卻在一場風雨中溺水死亡
21. Which of the following best describes the protagonist of Thomas Hardy?s “The Mayor of Casterbridge”
He is a man of self-sufficience
22. Which of the following discriptions of Thomas Hardy is Wrong?
A. Most of his novels are set in Wessex 他的家鄉曾多次出現在其作品中,成
B. Tess of the D?Urbervilles is one of the most representative of him as both
naturalistic and a critical realist writer
C. Among Hardy?s majoy works, Under the Greenwood Tree is the most
cheeful and idyllic
在哈代所有作品中, 格林伍德的林蔭下是最歡快,最抒情的 D. From The Mayor of Casterbridge on, the tragic sense becomes the
keynote of his novels
23. Not only continued to expose and criticize all sorts of social iniquites , but finally came to question and attack the Victorian conventions and morals
Thomas Hardy
盡管哈代有很深的自然主義向, 但他的作品依舊對失去理性的,扭曲人性的,虛偽不公的維多利亞時代的國家機器,法規制度及道德標準進行了尖銳的批判與公開的挑戰
II. Reading comprehesion
1. Yes, so , sir! I rejoined and yet not so, for you are a married man---or as
good as a married man, and wed to one inferior to you—to one with whom you have no sympathy—whom I don’t believe you truly love, for I have seen and heard you sneer at her , I would scorn such a
由芯芷整理!整理於記錯日語考試之後! 2007-12-8
union,therefore I am better than you---let me go!
是呀, 所以是這樣,先生, 我回答,可是並沒有這樣, 因為你已經結了婚,一個遠不如你的人結婚,一個跟你並不意氣相投的人結了婚,一個我相信你並不真愛的人,因為我看到也聽到你譏笑她, 我不屑這樣的結合, 所以我比你好---讓我走
A. What does I represents? Who is I in text
In text, I refers to Jane Eyre
B. Identify the writer and the title of the novel from which this passage is taken Charlotte’s Jane Eyre
C. What idea do the passage expresses?
Those middle-class working women are struggling for recognition of their basic rights and equality as a human being.
2. T? is not too late to seek a newer world
Push off , and sitting well in order smite The sounding furrows: for my Purpose holds
To sail beyond sunset and the beths Of all the western stars until I die 尋求更新的世界現在還不太遲 推船人海,各尌座位 搖槳破浪, 我決計要 駛過夕陽,駛過西方群島 到死為止
A. Identify the writer and the title of the poem Alfred Tennyson: Ulysses B. What?s the meaning of smite Strike hard
C. Interpret 解釋, 說明 this passage
It is not late to explore a new world, start our sailing and get ready to fight
against the roaring tides,my goal is to pursuit the setting sun beyond the seas till the end of my life
英美文学选读第四章笔记Victorian period