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T: Very good.

Step 2: Listen and point.

T: listen to the tape and point to the book. Step 3: Sing it.

T: Now, Let’s learn a song. Good morning to you! Good morning to you! Good morning, dear teacher! Good morning to you.


Step 1: preparation

1. Hello XXX

2. Good morning,XXX Good afternoon,XXX Good evening,XXX

Step 2: Let’s learn the letter “Aa”

1、T : Ok,now please go back and sit down.

Now,look here,(出示字母Aa) Aa, It’s letter Aa, Aa,Aa,Aa. T: (出示图片) Ape ,ape ,ape ace,ace,ace.

alien,alien,alien. (Say it after me.)

T(point to the alien) what’s this? Who can tell me? Who can tell me? Yes, alien, alien, alien. T:(将字母放在远处)

What’s that? It’s letter Aa. What’s that? It’s letter Aa.

T: Who can come here and say:”What’s this? It’s letter Aa”(让几个学生说一说) . 2、T: (出示小滑梯) This is a slide A is slide. Slide on the A. A is the slide. Slide on the “Aa”. (教师领说,学生自说,指名说) 3、White the letter Aa

(1) Look at me how to write it. (2) Write it by yourself.


Step 1: preparation

Say the sentences about the letter Aa. Step 2: Do the exercises. 1、 Match it .

2、 Draw it. 3、Colour it Step 3: Home work.

Make a big and small card with the letter Aa and bring them to me class next time).




Unit 2 Who is the first?

Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands.

1、使学生能听懂、会说、会读单词。 hands、 books 、pencils 、cat、 bee 、ball、 sail、 beef . 2、使学生听懂 stand up、 sit down、 come here、 go back的指示,并做出动作。 3、使学生理解英语中的up ,down的意思。 4、使学生能读出第5部分所给的句子。 II. Teaching keys : What’ this? Stand up! Sit down! Come here! Go back!

III. Teaching difficulty:

Hands、 books 、pencils 、cat 、bee、 ball、 snail 、beef . IV. Teaching aids:

教学实物(猫、蜜蜂、球、蜗牛等),教学图片(牛肉)和挂图。 V. Teaching procedure:

The 1st Period

Step 1: Preparation


2、Listen to an English song Step 2: Preparation

T : (教师边做手势边说)Boys and girls , Listen to me and do it . Now, stand up, sit down. Stand up! Sit down! Stand up! Stand down!

T : (教师跑到教师后面)Now , boys and girls , Come here ! Come here! Come here! (学生来了后)Go back ! Go back! Go back!

T: Now, who can come here and say “ Stand up? Sit down! Come here! Go back!” Step 3: Practice

T : (教师边做手势边说) Ok , now . Look at me, hand up! Hand down! Books up! Books down! Pens up! Pens down! Pencils up ! Pencil down! Feet up! Feet down!

T: Now, boys and girls say it and do it. First, let’s do it slowly. Then faster and faster. Step 4: A game

T: At last, Let’s play a game. Ok?


Big B is a cat. The 2nd Period Small b is a snail. Step 1: Preparation The cat and the snail. 1、sing an English song . They are the letter Bb. 2、read words . Step 2: Draw the Colour.

T: Boys and girls, please draw your favourite colour on your books. (学生涂颜色) T: What colour do you like? (出示小黑板)


What colour do you like?

Blue / Red …… The 3rd Period Step 1: preparation

T : (出示字母卡片Aa)What’s this ? S: It’s the letter Aa. Step 2: presentation

1、T : (出示字母卡片 Bb)What’s this ?

It’s the letter Bb.

2、Say the letter three times .

3、T : Let’s say the sentences about the letter Bb. (出示小黑板) (教师领说——学生自说——指名说)

4、Read the words about the letter Bb . Step 3: Write the letter Bb.

1、Look at me how to write it . 2、Write it by yourself .

The 4th Period

Step 1: preparation

1、Reviewthenewwords .

2、SaythesentencesabouttheletterBb . Step 2: Dotheexercises. 1、 Read the words .

2、 Match it .

3、 Listen , tick (×)or cross (√). Step 3: Home work.

Think about an object, which looks like the letter Bb, and draw it down and bring it to our

class next time.



Unit3 Catch and Run

Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands:

5. 使学生能听懂一些游戏指令 Catch 、Run等;

6. 带领学生复习What’s that ? What’s this? It’s letter Bb.的句型; 7. 学习新的说法This is Cc.学会相互之间发一些简单的指令; 8. 使学生能读出第7部分所给的句子。 Ⅱ.Teaching keys:

1. 词汇:catch、run、boys、girls、draw、moon、cab、cap、cat 2. 句型:Catch a ball! Run to the door! Cc is the moon.

We are on the moon. Ⅲ.Teaching difficulty:

能听懂并学会相互之间发一些简单的指令 Ⅳ.Teaching aids:

几种球,如皮球、乒乓球、羽毛球等。用硬纸板做一个大月亮、一个小月亮,带两个布娃娃(一男一女),字母C的大小写及单词读音图片(cab、cap、cat) Ⅴ.Teaching procedure:

The 1st Period

Step 1. Preparation 1. Greetings. 2. Free talk

3. Listen to an English song. Step 2. Presentation 1. Pass the ball

T: Now, let’s play a game. Everybody, stand up. I throw a ball to you. I say,“catch”. You

catch the ball and throw to your friend. You also say, “catch”. Then you sit down, understand?Let’s do it. (可以分别用不同的球活动) 2. Run

T: Boys and girls, let’s play another game, ok? S: Ok!

T: Listen, boys stand here (手势指左走道) in one line. Girls stand here(手势指右走道)in one


S: (Stand in two line.)

T: (教师走到学生队伍中的一半),now, boys from here, go to the blackboard . Girls from here,

go to the blackboard. Here is a ball. (递给第一个男孩一个球 ).Here is a ball (递给第一个女孩一个球).

T: Listen, you run to the other side, give the ball to the boy and stand at the back of the

line. You do the same.

T: Let’s see which group is faster. Now, get ready. Run! 3. Say it

T: (出示小黑板) Now, listen to the tape.

Catch! Run! Catch! Run! Catch and Run!

T: Who can do it? T: Who can say it?

The 2nd Period

Step 1. Preparation

1. Sing an English song

2. Pass the ball and say the “catch” Step 2. Draw it

T:What can you draw with these?

(引导学生多动脑筋,自组图形,并涂上喜欢的颜色) Step 3. Chant it

T:Boys and girls ,after drawing let’s say a chant, ok? T: (出示小黑板)Listen to the tape. Catch a ball. Run to the door. Catch a pen. Run to been. Catch a pencil. Run to the middle. Catch run, catch run, catch and run.

T: Let’s do and say it. T: Who can say it?



