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He's She's 1. Tom is a boy._________thin. 2. Kate is a girl._________short. Ⅵ.Read and choose.选择正确答案

( )1.Look at the boy.He is ______friend.

A. my B.I C.you

( )2.—Is she Alice? —_________.She is Kate.

A. Yes,she is. B.No,she isn't. C.Yes,I am.

( )3.—__________?—Kitty.

A. Who is your friend,Kitty B. Who is your friend,Kate C. Are you kitty

( )4.She can sing,_______she can't swim. A.and B.but C./

( )5.—Who is _____? —______is Kate. A.she;She B.she;Her C.her;She Ⅶ.Look,read and write.看图,照样子写句子

Hello,I'm Kitty. I'm a girl. I'm seven. I'm thin. I'm small.

I can dance. I like bananas. I'm your friend.


Peter _____________________ _____________________________


____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ______________________________________ ____________________________________ ______________________________________

Ⅷ.Read and choose.读一读,选词填空

1.She ____ (is;am) a student. 2._____(I;My) name is Jim. 3.I _____(am;is) tall and thin. 4.Kate can (sing;sings),but she ______(can;can't)swim. 5.This is ___(I;my)book;that is _________(your;you)book.

Ⅸ.Read and choose.根据情景,选择恰当的句子

( )1.你想要知道那个男孩是不是Tom的朋友,你问Tom: A.Is the boy your friend? B.Who is your friend? ( ) 2.你要告诉老师你的母亲又高又瘦,你可以这么说: A.She is fat and tall. B.My mother is tall and thin. ( )3.芳芳看上去很胖,可她自己总说自己瘦,她说: A.I am thin. B.I am fat.

( )4.你知道在雨中的那两个男孩都是八岁,你会告诉你的朋友: A.The two girls in the rain are eight.

B. The two boys in the rain are eight.

Ⅹ. Read and judge,阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。

I'm Eddie. I'm a boy. I'm thin and tall.My brother,Tom,is two .He's fat.He's short.He can walk(走路).He can draw.Jane is my sister.She is eight.She is tall.She is thin.She has got a dog,Sam.Sam is fat and small.It's lovely.


( )1.Eddie is a boy. ( )2.Eddie has two brothers.

( )3.Eddie and Jane are tall and thin. ( )4.Tom has got a dog.

Unit 2 My family

Ⅰ.Read the words.朗读下列单词

1.grandfather 2.father 3.grandmother 4.mother 5.sister 6.brother 7.me 8.picture 9.family 10.eat 11.play 12.football 13.cake 14.thin 15.short Ⅱ. Read the sentences.朗读下列句子。

1.Who is he? 2. She's my sister. 3.Please come in.

4.Nice to meet you. 5.We are good friends. 6.They can paly it well. Ⅲ.Complete the words.根据中文提示,补全单词。

2. c k (蛋糕) 2.fa il (家庭) 3.y r(年) 6. bo (书) 5. ri nd(朋友) 6.si t r(姐姐/妹) 7.sh r (矮的) 8. ath r(爸爸) 9.na (名字) Ⅳ. Read and choose.选择正确答案填空 ( )1.

—Hi, how are you ? — .

A.Yes,thank you. B. Fine,thank you. C.Here you are.. ( )2. —Is your sister? — Yes. A. he B.she C. it

( )3. — is he? —He is my grandfather.

A.Who B.How C. What

( )4.—Nice to meet you. — .


A.Fine, thank you B. Nice to meet you too C. Thank you ( )5.—Is he your brother? —No,______________. A.he isn't B.she isn't C.he is Ⅴ.Look and choose.看一看,选一选 ( )1. ( )2. ( )3. ( )4. ( )5.

A.grandfather B.brother C.sister D.grandmother E.family

Ⅵ.Look,read and complete. 看图填空,完成对话 1. Who is he? He's my ______. 2. Is she your sister? _____,she is.

Ⅶ.Read and choose.选出每组单词中不同类的选项 ( )1. A. mother B.family C.father D.brother ( )2. A. he B.she C.my D.I ( )3. A. nice B.good C.come D.well ( )4. A. are B.do C.am D.is ( )5. A. who B.how C.what D.is Ⅷ.Make sentences.连词成句

1. my,Kate,is,friend(.)____________________________


2. is, who, she (?)_______________________________________ 3. my, he, is, brother(.)___________________________________ 4. I, eating, cakes, like(.)___________________________________ Ⅸ.Read and choose.选词填空

too,he,she,mother,you,play,like,father 1. This is my ____ .She is a teacher. 2. Nice to meet you _____.

3. I have a brother .______ is a student. 4. Kate can ____ football well. 5. I ______ reading books.

Ⅹ. Read and judge,阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。 Look at picture. It is my family. The old man is my grandfather.He is happy. My grandmother is fat.She is happy,too. But the boy is not happy, because his balloon is not new. The boy is me. ( )1.My grandfather is old. ( )2.My grandmother is thin. ( )3.I'm happy,too. ( )4.My balloon is new.

( )5.There are four people in the picture.




